Premi per la ricerca

GIUSEPPE NICOLÒ Premi per la ricerca

Highly cited paper
Paper premiato come uno dei top cited papers in Meditari Accountancy Research negli ultimi tre anni.
Premiazione dei seguenti paper: 1) “Intellectual capital disclosure and academic rankings in European universities: Do they go hand in hand?,” 2) “Drivers of integrated reporting by state-owned enterprises in Europe: a longitudinal analysis,3) “Investigating risk disclosures in Italian integrated reports,”come top cited papers in Meditari Accountancy Research negli ultimi tre anni.
Special Mention
“Best Junior Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Intangibles and IC” Awards
“Best Junior Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Intangibles and IC”
Best paper Award
Best paper award 4th International Conference on Organization and management (ICOM) 2019, Abu Dhabi University
4th International Conference on Organization and management (ICOM) 2019, Abu Dhabi University
Best paper award per il tema "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Ethics, Governance, and Sustainability, 4th International Conference on Organization and Management (ICOM) 2019.Paper premiato: IR & SDGS: Concomitant or Unrelated? A worldwide Assessment on IR Best Practices"
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM