Marco LOMBARDI | Publications
Marco LOMBARDI Publications
2017 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
A context aware approach for promoting tourism events: The case of artist's lights in Salerno. In: ICEIS 2017 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems SciTePress Vol.2, Pag.752-759 ISBN:9789897582486 | |
19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2017 Portugal 2017 | |
Colace, Francesco; Lemma, SAVERIO ROMANO; Lombardi, Marco; Pascale, Francesco | |
Versione online | |
Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000697612300081 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85022322057 | |
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2017 | |
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A Tailor made System for providing Personalized Services. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School Vol.2017, Pag.495-500 ISBN:1891706411 | |
29th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2017 Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, usa 2017 | |
Casillo, Mario; Colace, Francesco; Pascale, Francesco; Lemma, Saverio; Lombardi, Marco | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.18293/SEKE2017-151 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85029505506 | |
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2017 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
BotWheels: A petri net based Chatbot for recommending tires. In: DATA 2017 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications SciTePress Pag.350-358 ISBN:9789897582554 | |
6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, DATA 2017 esp 2017 | |
Colace, Francesco; De Santo, Massimo; Pascale, Francesco; Lemma, Saverio; Lombardi, Marco | |
Versione online | |
Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85029436754 | |
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2017 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Context awareness for e-Tourism: An adaptive mobile application. In: Proceedings - DMSVLSS 2017: 23rd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Visual Languages and Sentient Systems Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School Pag.67-74 | |
23rd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Visual Languages and Sentient Systems, DMSVLSS 2017 Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, usa 2017 | |
Colace, F.; Lemma, S.; Lombardi, M. | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.18293/DMSVLSS2017-010 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85029585081 | |
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140100Context-aware computing for improving the touristic experience: A pervasive app for the Amalfi coast
2017 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Context-aware computing for improving the touristic experience: A pervasive app for the Amalfi coast. In: 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Measurement and Networking, M and N 2017 - Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Pag.1-6 ISBN:9781509056798 | |
4th IEEE International Workshop on Measurement and Networking San Giovanni University Complex, ita 2017 | |
Casillo, Mario; Colace, F.; Pascale, F.; Lemma, S.; Lombardi, M. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1109/IWMN.2017.8078373 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000426970300018 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85035791328 | |
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2017 | |
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An adaptive app for tourist contents contextualization. In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Association for Computing Machinery Pag.1-10 ISBN:9781450347747 | |
2nd International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, ICC 2017 gbr 2017 | |
Colace, F.; De Santo, M.; Lemma, S.; Lombardi, M. | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1145/3018896.3025128 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000694010100067 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85044657315 | |
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2017 | |
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A Context-Aware Mobile Solution for Assisting Tourists in a Smart Environment. In: 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2017 AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) Vol.2, Pag.495-504 ISBN:978-0-9981331-0-2 | |
50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2017 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA January 4-7, 2017 | |
Casillo, Mario; Colace, Francesco; DE SANTO, Massimo; Lemma, SAVERIO ROMANO; Lombardi, Marco | |
Versione online | |
Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000625875700060 Codice identificativo SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85108239585 | |
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