Roxanne Holly Padley | Curriculum
Curriculum Docente
Roxanne Holly Padley is originally from the UK and has dual British-Italian citizenship. She is currently tenure track assistant professor (RTT) in English linguistics and translation at the Pegaso University and was previously research fellow at the University of Bergamo. She holds a PhD in English linguistics specialising in healthcare communication, interpreting, translation and language for specific purposes. She has taught extensively in the fields of English for Medical purposes as well as English for Professional and Technical purposes at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is adjunct professor of Scientific English at the Department of Medicine (University of Salerno) and visiting professor in linguistics at the Department of Letters, Philosophy and Communication (University of Bergamo). She is also lecturer in English for Academic Purposes and visiting professor at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include English for specific purposes (scientific-medical English), healthcare communication and corpus-based discourse analysis. She has published and presented widely on an international level on topics related to healthcare communication and English language teaching with new technologies.