Premi per la ricerca

Serena LEMBO Premi per la ricerca

SIDAPA (Società Italiana di Dermatologia Allergologica Professionale e Ambientale) - Italia
Miglior poster presentato al congresso annuale 17-19 novembre 2016
ESPD annual meeting prize for best communication
Best oral communication (500 euro award) during the free communication session of the ESPD-EADV annual meeting
European Society of Photodermatology
best oral presentation
Japanese Society of Investigative Dermatology Collegiality Award
Collegiality AwardsIf you are aged 40 or under and are currently an ESDR member, we have a number of collegiality awards available to assist your travel to this meeting. The only other condition is that you visit a department in Japan before or after the JSID meeting.Send us your short CV and invitation letter from a department in Japan confirming your visit. We will get back to you as soon as possible* Deadline for applications Friday 3 November 2016
Japanese Society of Investigative Dermatology - Giappone
Selezione tra ricercatori con età inferiore ai 40 anni, per esame del curriculum e possibilità di visitare un Dipartimento giapponese dimostrata con lettera di accettazione.
SIDAPA (Società Italiana di Dermatologia Allergologica Professionale e Ambientale) - Italia
Migliore comunicazione orale presentata al congresso annuale 5-7 novembre 2015
European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV),"Annual meeting 2012" best communication, young investigators session.
Registration to the annual meeting 2013 of the "European Society of Dermatological Research"
EADV - Italia
La comunicazione orale dal titolo "Interleukin-1 family members are enhanced by different pro-inflammatory conditions and suppressed by vitamin D and retinoic acid" presentata nella sessione SY05: EADV Junior session, è stata valutata dalla commissione come miglior presentazione per contenuto e forma.
ESPD annual meeting prize for best communication
Best oral communication (500 euro award) during the free communication session of the ESPD-EADV annual meeting
European Society of Photodermatology
best oral presentation
Stefano Gatti
Borsa di studio
Società Italiana di Dermatologia e Malattie Sessualmente Trasmissibili - Italia
Per il miglior Curriculum tra i giovani specialisti iscritti alla Società Italiana di Dermatologia e Malattie Sessualmente Trasmissibili
John Stratigos Memorial Fellowship EADV 2007
Dear Dr. Lembo, On behalf of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, I am pleased to inform that you have been selected as one of the recipients of the John Stratigos Memorial Fellowship for 2007.Your award will consist of free regsitration to attend the EADV congress in Vienna, May 16-20, 2007 and the balance of 1000Euro minus the appropriate fee of a one-year membership according to your status.A scholarship ceremony will take place in Vienna and has been scheduled for Friday 18 May 2007 between 16:15 and 17:45 where all scholarship winners will be presented with an award by the EADV officers. The venue is yet to be confirmed and will be announce at a later stage.Congratulations on your success and we look forward to meeting you in Vienna.Yours sincerelyProf. A. KatsambasChairman - EADV Awards Committee
EADV - Svizzera
Il mio abstract per una comunicazione orale è stato selezionato
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM