Roberto ERRO | Curriculum
Curriculum Docente
22/07/2024-presente PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO NEUROLOGIA Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria “Scuola Medica Salernitana” Università di Salerno, Baronissi (SA), Italia
22/12/2017-21/07/2024 RICERCATORE TEMPO DETERMINATO TIPO A/B NEUROLOGIA Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria “Scuola Medica Salernitana” Università di Salerno, Baronissi (SA), Italia
01/02/2015-01/02/2018 HONORARY RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Sobell Department for Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders University College London, Londra, Regno Unito
01/09/2012-01/09/2015 HONORARY CLINICAL ASSISTANT National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery Queen Square, Londra, Regno Unito
22/05/2017 European PhD in Neuroscienze Università di Verona, Verona, Italia
04/04/2016-10/06/2016 Advanced Course - Cochrane systematic reviews, meta-analysis and EBM guidelines Università di Verona, Verona, Italia
Associate Editor - Movement Disorder Journal (2017- ongoing)
Member of the editorial board - Tremor and other hyperkinetic movement disorders (2022-ongoing)
Member of the editorial board - Parkinsonism and Related Disorder (2018-ongoing)
Member of the editorial board - Parkinson’s Disease (2017-ongoing)
Member of the editorial board - Movement Disorder Journal (2015-2017)
Co-Chair Education Committee International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Society - European Section (2023-ongoing)
Member of the executive committee of the Accademia LIMPE-DISMOV (Novembre 2020-2023)
Member of the Education Committee of the International Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Society and Chair of the New Learning Formats sub-committee (2017-2018)
PI of The ITAlian tremor Network [TITAN] (2020- ongoing)
Italian Dystonia Registry (2017-ongoing)
Italian Functional Movement Disorders Registry (2017- ongoing)
International MDS Task Force on PD subtypes (2017- ongoing)