
PAOLA DI PIETRO Publications

Abstract in rivista
Bisphenol A promotes cell proliferation and hypertrophy in peripheral mononuclear cells and hippocampal glial cells by differentially modulating ERα expression
JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. Vol. 236. Pag.150-151
D'Auria, R; Di Pietro, P; Viggiano, A; Dello Russo, R; Ciaglia, E; Meccariello, R; Vecchione, C; Nori, Sl; Santoro, A
Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000524885900283
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Abstract in rivista
Sortilin evokes endothelial dysfunction and arterial hypertension through the dysregulation of sphingolipid metabolism and oxidative stress
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. Vol. 41. Pag.2704-2704
Di Pietro, P; Oliveti, M; Sommella, E; Damato, A; Puca, A; Ciaglia, E; Levkau, B; Carnevale, R; Iacoviello, L; Di Castelnuovo, A; Carrizzo, A; Vecchione, C
Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:000606106302709
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