Research Awards

Rossella LATORRACA Research Awards

AIA/Carocci PhD Dissertation Prize
The AIA/Carocci Dissertation Prize is an annual award guaranteeing publication for a doctoral thesis in English studies. The publisher Carocci has kindly agreed to publish the winning thesis. Candidates should have been enrolled as an AIA member for at least 2 years prior to being awarded their PhD and continue to have been enrolled until the year of the award. The award will be announced at the biannual AIA conference or at the AIA assemblea in May. The winning dissertation will only be published once the author has made the necessary amendments to his/her work, as requested by the selection committee.
Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (AIA) - Italia
Tesi di dottorato ben strutturata e condotta con competenza critico-metodologica molto buona: la tesi pone una sfida originale per il forte approccio pluridisciplinare e interdisciplinare. A fronte del complesso compito scelto il lavoro pare ben condotto e coerente al suo interno.
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM