
Curriculum Docente

Curriculum Vitae - prof. Ettore Napoli

Contact details.


phone: +39089964207

address: Università degli Studi di Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy

Room: FSTEC-05P02012

Born 14th Oct. 1971, Italy.

Nationality: Italian

Citation and research indexes (Updated November 2024)

Source: Google scholar

h-index: 37 h-index from 2019: 28

Citations: 5331 Citations from 2019: 2806

I10-index: 116 i10-index from 2019: 71

Source: Scopus

Documents: 155

2729 Citations by 1897 documents

h- index : 27

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6200-3990

Scopus ID: 7006765051

Key qualifications

Two degrees and one PhD degree.

1999: Ph.D. electronic Engineering Degree. Thesis "Modeling and design of power PiN rectifier".

2009: Physics degree, Magna cum Laude. University of Napoli Federico II Italy.

1995: Electronic Engineering degree, Magna cum Laude in the minimum time of five solar years. University of Napoli Federico II.

Professional experience

ongoing Permanent position of Full Professor. University of Salerno, Italy.

2020 - August 2021 Permanent position of Full Professor. University of Napoli Federico II Italy.

2005-2019 Permanent position of Associate Professor. University of Napoli Federico II Italy.

2004 (June-Dec) and 2005 (Jul-Oct): Senior Research Associate at the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge, UK.

2000: Researcher position at the Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Napoli Federico II, Italy.

1999: Wins a national contest for an annual research grant in solid state semiconductor devices research.

Scientific activities

  1. Real time processing of images and video sequences.
  2. CMOS VLSI arithmetic circuits. Approximate computing. Low power and High speed digital circuits.
  3. Direct digital frequency synthesis
  4. Real time VLSI data processor for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signals.
  5. Modelling, simulation and design of lateral SOI power devices.
  6. Simulation, modeling, and design of fast and low loss PiN and IGBT devices.
  7. Modelling and simulation of power superjunction devices.
  8. Modeling and design of lateral IGBT.

On these topics Ettore Napoli has published 184 papers on International Journals (78) and International Conferences (106).


Member of the Board of Professor for the PhD degree in Information Engineering (Ingegneria dell’Informazione). Cycle XXXVIII (2022-2025), Cycle XXXIX (2023-2026), Cycle XL (2024-2027).

Erasmus coordinator for the Dept. of Electrical and Information Technology Engineering (counts 150 professors), University of Napoli Federico II. Year 2012-2020.

Coordinator for Erasmus projects held with Fulda University (D). University of Salerno.

Member of the Board of Professors for the PhD degree in ICT for health. Year 2019 – 2024. University of Napoli Federico II.

Member of the Board of Professors for the PhD degree in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications at the University of Napoli Federico II. Cycles XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII.

Member of the board of professor for the DIETI Department. University of Napoli Federico II. March 2019 to January 2020.

Coordinator for Erasmus projects held with Univ. Cambridge (UK), Univ. Prague, Polit. Bucharest, CNM Barcelona (ES), Univ. Cork (IE), ITU Istanbul, Univ. Uludag (TR), ON Semiconductor (BE), Univ. Roviri I Virgili (ES), ETSETB Barcelona (ES). University of Napoli Federico II.

Research grants

Starting from 1995 prof. Ettore Napoli directed, participated, and proposed numerous research projects. Research grants came from regional, national, and European funding. Below are only listed projects directed by prof. Ettore Napoli:

Scientific responsibility for the University of Salerno for the project ‘New multimodal CArdioREspiratory MOnitoring DEvice to improve chronic patient management’ (CARE-MODE)
code: PNRR-POC-2022-12376833. CUP: D43C22005080006.
Total funding: 900k€. Funding for the DIEM department at the University of Salerno, managed by prof. Ettore Napoli: 293k€. Year 2022.

Local coordinator for the research project “ADOPTS – FPGA based Building block for multi-payload real time and simultaneous data management”. Project funded by ASI – Agenzia Spaziale italiana (Italian Space Agency). Total funding: 973k€. Funding for the University of Napoli, Electronic Department, managed by prof. Ettore Napoli:142k€. Year 2020.

Local coordinator for the PON project entitled "Nanofotonica per nuovi approcci diagnostici e terapEutici in Oncologia e Neurologia -NeON", Project code ARS01_00769. Total funding: 8.995M€. Funding for the University of Napoli, Electronic Department coordinated by prof. Ettore Napoli:240k€. Year 2019.

KA203 European Project – strategic associations. Local coordinator. Project number 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050886. PIC 999835746. 278.652,00€. Project title “ErasmusX - online courses for mobile students”

Project leader and scientific responsibility for the ViRoS grant (2017). Project title "Vision for Robotic Surgery".

Project leader and scientific responsibility for the FARO grant (2012). Project title "An electronic system for the retrieval of information from a high resolution, high frame rate, and low signal to noise ratio video stream".

Project leader and scientific responsibility for the grant L.R. n°5. (2003). Project title "Study and experiments on advanced lifetime control techniques for the design of fast and low loss PiN diodes".

Scientific responsibility for the grant "COPCAMS: COgnitive & Perceptive CAMeraS”, RTEMIS Joint Undertaking, ARTEMIS-2012-1IST-2002-, European Program, passed to the negotiation phase.

Scientific responsibility for the italian project "Industria 2015: Nuove Tecnologie per il Made in Italy". Project title "MELISSA (Microwave ELectronic Imaging Security & Safety Access)".

Scientific responsibility for the LATINOO grant (2009). Project title "An innovative system for localization and tracking of path in indoor environment".

Eur. Commission Robuspic Project: "Robust Mixed Signal Design Methodologies Project". Grant: FP6‑507653. Scientific leader for the analytical Spice model of the LIGBT in JI technology, 2004.

Italian National project year 2003 entitled "A novel architecture for an RF frequency synthesizer for GFSK/GMSK direct modulation ". Design of the base band section of the RF circuit.

Italian National project year 2000 entitled "Advanced power devices using local lifetime control ". Scientific leader for the design of advanced PiN diodes and IGBT’s that use the local lifetime control.

Various research contracts with companies such as: STMicroelectronics, International Rectifier Component Italia, Toyota Corp., CoRiSTA (Napoli, Italy), Alenia (Italy), Technosystem (Pozzuoli, Italy). Research topics have been: design of power PiN diodes; reliability of three terminal devices under UIS and Short circuit conditions; FPGA SOQPSK modulator; 400MHz FPGA sampling circuit; code compression for System On Chip; real time processing of video streams; compression of hyperspectral images, etc.

Editorial boards

2017-ongoing Deputy Editor in Chief for IET Circuits Devices and Systems. Mar 2017 - ongoing.

2013-2017 Associate editor for IET Circuits Devices and Systems.

2016-ongoing Technical program committee IEEE Circuits and Systems society: VSLI Systems & Applications.

2019 Technical program committee 27th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2019

2019 Technical program committee IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference, NORCAS, 2019

2019 Technical program committee 62nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2019.

2018 Technical Program Committee for the 2nd New Generation of Circuits and Systems Conference (NGCAS 2018) Malta, Italy, November 2018.

2017 Technical Program Committee for the 1st New Generation of Circuits and Systems Conference (NGCAS 2017) Genova, Italy, September 2017.

2018 Technical Program Committee for the 61st IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS2018)

2013 - ongoing Advisory board and Technical program committee. Int. Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP)

2011 Technical program committee. Conf. PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME) 2011 -

2013 - ongoing Technical program committee. Int. Conf. on Integrated Power Electronic Systems (CIPS)

2014 - ongoing Technical program committee. Science and Information (SAI) Conference

2016 - ongoing Technical program committee IEEE ISCAS (International Symposium on Circuits and Systems)

2016 - ongoing Technical program committee FTC - Future Technologies Conference

2108 - ongoing Technical program committee IASED-ISCSIC 2018 conference (International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control).

2108 - ongoing Technical program committee Computer Vision Conference (CVC) 2019, 25-26 April 2019, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

2012 Editorial board member for Hindawi – ISRN Power Engineering

Research centers affiliation
2016- onward. Member of the research group Icaros (Interdepartmental Center for Advances in Robotic Surgery

2005-2010. Member of the research group INFN (Nuclear Physics Italian Institute

1996 – onward. Member of the Gruppo di Elettronica (GE) later renamed Gruppo Italiano di Elettronica (GIE) and then Società Italiana di Elettronica (SIE).

2015 onward Senior Member IEEE.

Teaching activity

2024-onwards. Lecturing 3 ECTS of the Embedded Digital Controllers course for the master degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Salerno.

2023-onwards. Lecturing the 6 ECTS System on Chip course for the master degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Salerno.

2023-onwards. Lecturing the 6 ECTS (twice for a total of 12 ECTS) Circuiti e Sistemi Digitali course for the Computer Engineering degree at the University of Salerno.

  1. Lecturing the 6 ECTS (twice for a total of 12 ECTS) Elettronica Digitale course for the Computer Engineering degree at the University of Salerno.
  2. Lecturing the 3 ECTS Reti Logiche course for the Computer Engineering degree at the University of Salerno.

University of Napoli Federico II

2013 - 2022. Lecturing the 9 ECTS Power Devices and Circuits course (in English) for the Electronic Engineering degree at the University of Napoli Federico II.

Some of the lectures are available at the Power Devices and Circuits YouTube channel (

2001 - 2023. Lecturing the 9 ECTS Programmable Electronic Devices course for the Electronic Engineering degree at the University of Napoli Federico II.

2001 - 2009. Lecturing the 9 ECTS Digital Electronics course for the Electronic Engineering degree at the University of Napoli Federico II.

2010, 2012, 2013. General Electronics (9 ECTS). Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Napoli Federico II.

  1. Semiconductor Power Devices course (3 ECTS). Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Napoli Federico II.

Teacher for the following advanced electronic courses oriented to Electronic Engineers.

  • SPIRIT 25 hours Post laurea course entitled: “Formazione del personale di ricerca per lo sviluppo di radar innovativi per la protezione dei trasporti” (“Education and training of research staff for the development of innovative radars for transport protection”). Selex Integrated Systems.
  • NARMA 25 hours lecture entitled:"Design of components and electronic systems for radar systems in airport environments - Progettazione di componenti e sistemi elettronici per sistemi radar per applicazioni aeroportuali.”. Post degree training course entitled : “Formazione del personale di ricerca per lo sviluppo di nuove architetture radar multifunzionali per la gestione del traffico aereo e la meteorologia” (“Education and training of research staff for the development of new-generation radar systems for air traffic management and meteorology”). Selex Integrated Systems.
  • 2015 Post degree courses for Engineers.
    30 hours lecture entitled:"Metodologies for the design and analysis of power supply circuits - Metodologie di progettazione e analisi di circuiti di alimentazione” FERSAT training project “Study Studio di un sistema di segnalamento FERroviario basato sull’innovativo utilizzo delle tecnologie SATellitari e della loro integrazione con le tecnologie terrestri“.

Teaching evaluation results.

In Italy we have a system in which the students, anonymously, provide an evaluation of the teaching activity.

The Professors receive aggregate data about the received scores (professor average, Faculty top 25%, top 50% and top 75% values).

I usually score into the top 25% of the Faculty.

Una Tantum incentive

2012 - Receives the lump sum incentive for the teaching activity for the 2009-2011 years. The lump sum has been awarded to the top 17% of the teachers. The lump sum has been awarded only for the years 2008-10, 2009-11, 2010-12. I have been allowed to the evaluation only for 2012 (due to complicated rules regarding the number of years he has been enrolled as a Professor). The lump sum incentive has not been renovated for the subsequent years. In 2012 around 1080 professors have been evaluated and only 186 professors have been awarded (17%).

Teaching activity for universities other than University of Napoli and Universikty of Salerno

2017-onward Technical University of Lodz, Poland. Academic year involvement.

Visiting Professorship for the Technical University of Lodz. Assigned 60h of yearly lectures for the courses of
“Architecture of Integrated Systems (50h)” and
“Electronic system design with the use of VHDL language (10h)”.

2015 Accademia Aeronautica di Pozzuoli (NA- Italy)
Analog Electronics (9 ECTS). Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering.

2007 Accademia Aeronautica di Pozzuoli (NA- Italy)
Digital Electronics (9 ECTS). Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering.

2006-onward – University of Cambridge (UK) – around 20 Staff Exchange Erasmus weeks. Topics thought: power semiconductor devices; digital design; HDL languages; FPGA design. A partial list is below.

2006 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lectures for “Integrated Digital Electronics” e “High Voltage Devices”. 02/2006

2006 University of Cambridge UK – CAPE – Seminar oriented to graduated electronic engineers “Superjunction” 09/2006

2007 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Seminar “Breakdown Voltage in Lateral Devices” 02/2007

2007 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Seminars “SJ models” e “Pspice models for Power devices” 07/2007

2008 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lectur “Breakdown Voltage and design of semiconductor power devices” 02/2008

2008 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “Arithmetic Circuits” and “Binary multipliers and truncated binary multipliers” 09/2008

2009 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “Digitale design through HDL languages” 03/2009

2009 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “Tensione di Breakdown e progettazione di dispositivi di potenza” 11/2009

2010 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “Advanced sustaining layer concepts for power semiconductor devices” 02/2010

2010 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “Fast digital design prototyping using FPGA devices and HDL languages” 06/2010

2011 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “High voltage, high Current power devices: SCR and GTO” 02/2011

2011 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “FPGA design and HDL Verilog” 11/2011

2013 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “FPGA design and HDL Verilog” 05/2013

2015 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “FPGA design and HDL Verilog” 06/2015

2016 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “FPGA design and HDL Verilog” 02/2016

2017 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “Power semiconductor devices – design of a high voltage PN junction” 10/2017

2018 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “FPGA design and VHDL” 02/2018

2019 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “Power semiconductor devices – design of a high voltage PN junction” 10/2019

2020 University of Cambridge UK - Engineering Department – Lecture “FPGA design and VHDL” 02/2020

Teacher for the following advanced electronic courses oriented to Electronic Engineers.

2002 "Fast FPGA prototyping", 18-25 Feb. 2002, 30 Sept.-4 Oct. 2002. STMicroelectronics, Arzano site, Italy.

2002 "Low Power Design", 17-21 Jun. 2002. STMicroelectronics, Arzano site, Italy.

2002 "Arithmetic circuits and Frequency synthesis", 15-19 Jul. 2002. STMicroelectronics, Arzano site, Italy.

2006 "Superjunction", 14th September 2006. Univ. of Cambridge, UK.

2011 - University College of Cork (IRL) - Department of Microelectronic Engineering /Tyndall Institute – Cycle of seminars regarding “Superjunction devices”. Seminars sponsored by the IEEE Solid State Circuits Society.

2009 - Università Rovira I Virgili of Tarragona (ES). Seminar for engineers and PhD students given during the “Graduate Student Meeting on Electronic Engineering”. Title of the seminar “Superjunction”.

2009 - Universitatea of Bucharest Romania (RO) – Cycle of seminars regarding “Breakdown voltage”, “Arithmetic circuits - binary multipliers and fixed width multipliers”

2007 - Uludag University (TR) – Cycle of seminars regarding “Power semiconductor devices - Breakdown voltage and the Superjunction technique”.

2007 - Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Turkey (TR) – Cycle of seminars regarding, “Arithmetic circuits - binary multipliers and fixed width multipliers”

2001 Digital Electronics lectures, 72h (Italian name:"Elettronica Digitale") for the Computer Science Engineering degree at the University of Sannio.

Supervised students

I have successfully supervised many Master thesis and Bachelor Thesis students. I did not record the number, but I can state more than 100 of them.

I have successfully supervised 6 PhD students.

Awards and milestones

2021 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. 2021 Guillemin-Cauer Best paper Award for the paper Darjn Esposito, Antonio Giuseppe Maria Strollo, Ettore Napoli, Davide De Caro, and Nicola Petra “Approximate Multipliers Based on New Approximate Compressors” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 12, Dec. 2018.

2019 Invited paper and first plenary talk at the conference CAS 2019, International Semiconductor Conference 2019, Sinaia (RO). Invited presentation: “Approximate Computing for Energy-Efficient Digital Circuits”

2009 Invited plenary talk at Graduate Student Meeting on Electronic Engineering, 28th May 2009, Tarragona. Title: “Superjunction Power Devices".

2006 Invited paper and first plenary talk at the conference CAS 2006, International Semiconductor Conference 2006, Sinaia (RO). Invited presentation: “Deep Depletion SOI Power Devices".

2005 Invited paper at the conference ISIE 2005, International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Dubrovnik June 2005. Ettore Napoli, Vasantha Pathirana, Florin Udrea “Accurate Physical Model for the Lateral IGBT in Silicon On Insulator Technology”.

2009 Invited paper per Fifteenth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices, IWPSD 2009. Invited presentation: Ettore Napoli “Analytical Models for Electric Field in Superjunction Power Devices”.

- Technical Program Committee Member for numerous international conferences (ISCAS, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems; New Generation of Circuits and Systems Conference, NGCAS; Int. Conf. on Integrated Power Electronic Systems , CIPS; Conf. PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, PRIME; Int. Conference on Digital Image Processing, ICDIP, etc.).

2020 Chairman for the scientific sessions “CAS Journal Papers: Digital Circuits I” (May 19th 2020) and “Programmable, Reconfigurable & Array Architectures” (May 20th 2020) held at the ISCAS, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2020, Seville, Spain May 2020.

2019 Chairman for the scientific session “New materials for semiconductor devices” held at the CAS 2019, International Semiconductor Conference 2019, Sinaia (RO).

2018 Chairman for the scientific session “Arithmetic Circuits & Systems” held at the ISCAS, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2018, Firenze, Italia May 30 2018.

2017 Chairman for the scientific session “Modeling and Simulation of Circuits and Systems” held in Genova (I) for the conference 1st New Generation of Circuits and Systems Conference (NGCAS 2017), 7-9 September.

2017 Chairman for the scientific session “Arithmetic & Logic Circuits” held at the conference ISCAS, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2017, Baltimora, MD, USA.

2006 Chairman for the scientific session “New materials for semiconductor devices” held at the CAS 2006, International Semiconductor Conference 2006, Sinaia (RO).

2006 Chairman for the scientific session “Device physics and technology 2” held at ISPS 2006, International Seminar on Power Semiconductors” 2006, Prague (CZ) 2006.

2007 Chairman for the scientific session for the oral presentation of the PhD students entitled “Student paper oral session” held at CAS 2007, International Semiconductor Conference 2007, Sinaia (RO).

- External member for the final PhD dissertation Italian and foreign Universities: Università di Torino (03/2007); University of Cambridge (12/2005); University of Cambridge (07/2009); University of Cambridge (02/2010); Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (07/2013); University of Cambridge (10/2019), Università delle Marche (11/2019).

- Reviewer for European projects in the ICT field

2018 The paper “E. NAPOLI; A.G.M. Strollo, 2001. Design consideration of 1000V Merged PiN Schottky diode using Superjunction sustaining layer. pp.339-342. In Proc. 13th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) - ISBN:9784886860569, (2001).

DOI:10.1109/ISPSD.2001.934624” is cited in the paper “30 years of ISPSD presentation” A. Shibib in the section “Superjunction Highlights” during the 30th anniversary of the International Symposium on Power Semicondutor Devices & ICs conference.

2013 During the Innovation Night organized by STMicroelectronics the ‘Campania Laboratory for the study of Microelectronics’ has been awarded for the innovation provided. My role for the laboratory is both member of the Scientific Committee and both scientific coordinator for the University of Napoli. The award is for the fruitful collaboration between STMicroelectronics and University in the modern ecosystem of the international innovation.

2016 Reviewer of research projects for the Latvian Council of Science (LCS) of the Republic of Latvia. Progetti di ricerca nazionali per “Fundamental and Applied Research Projects”.

2018-2019 Reviewer of research projects for “UEFISCDI, the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (”. “EEA Research Programme 2014-2021”, research programs in collaboration between Romania and EFTA States (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein).

2016 Reviewer of research projects for the “Industry-Driven Research” topic of the Republic of Latvia. Measure of the specific objective 1.1.1 “To increase the research and innovation capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and their ability to attract external funding by investing in human resources and infrastructure” of priority axis “Research, development of technologies and innovation” of operational programme “Growth and Employment” of the EU Structural and Cohesion Fund 2014-2020 programming period.

2012 Reviewer of research projects for UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council to create a “multi site National Centre of Excellence in Power Electronics”.

1999 Winner, after a public contest, of a grant for one year funding of study in the project “MAterila and Devices for Solid State Electronics II - Materiali Dispositivi per l’Elettronica a Stato Solido II” (MADESS II).

Some publications I consider interesting

1) A.G.M. Strollo, Ettore NAPOLI, Davide De Caro, and Nicola Petra “Approximate Multipliers Based on New Approximate Compressors” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 12, Dec. 2018.

2) NAPOLI, Ettore; Castellano, Gerardo; De Caro, Davide; Esposito, Darjn; Petra, Nicola; Strollo, Antonio ",A SISO register circuit tailored for input data with low transition probability" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, Vol.66, No.1, pp.45-51, 2016, doi:10.1109/TC.2016.2574348

3) M. Genovese; P. Bifulco; D. De Caro; E. NAPOLI; N. Petra; M. Romano; M. Cesarelli; A.G.M. Strollo ",Hardware implementation of a spatio-temporal average filter for real-time denoising of fluoroscopic images" INTEGRATION, Vol.49, No., pp.114-124, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.vlsi.2014.10.004

4) Mariangela Genovese; Ettore NAPOLI ",ASIC and FPGA implementation of the Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm for real-time segmentation of High Definition video" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, Vol.22, No.3, pp.537-547, 2013, doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2013.2249295

5) A.G.M. Strollo; E. NAPOLI ",Optimal ON Resistance vs. Breakdown Voltage Trade-off in Superjunction Power Devices: a Novel Analytical Model" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, Vol.48, No.9, pp.2161-2167, 2001, doi:10.1109/16.944211

6) E. NAPOLI ",Duration of the High Breakdown Voltage Phase in Deep Depletion SOI LDMOS" IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, Vol.28, No.8, pp.753-755, 2007, doi:10.1109/LED.2007.901388


1) Author of the book Ettore Napoli "Progetto di circuiti digitali e implementazione su FPGA" Ed. Esculapio, Feb 2023. ISBN: 9788893853507

2) Author of the book Ettore Napoli "Progetto di sistemi elettronici digitali basati su dispositivi FPGA" Ed. Esculapio, Jan 2011- repr. Jan. 2016. ISBN:9788874884162

3) Co-author of the Digital Electronics CD-ROM available in conjunction with the "P. SPIRITO: Elettronica Digitale, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2002" book.

4) Owner and curator of the YouTube channel “Power Devices and Circuits” ( The channel offers lectures regarding power devices and power circuits. The channel has 11400 subscribers from all over the world (January 2020)

Book chapters

Napoli, E. and Strollo, A.G. (2015). Static Induction Transistors. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, J.G. Webster (Ed.).

Napoli, E. (2014). Superjunction. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, J.G. Webster (Ed.).


No. US20140198995 A1

Authors: Ettore Napoli. Giorgio Lopez. Danilo Pietro Pau. Arcangelo Ranieri Bruna,