Alessandro SILVESTRI | Premi per la ricerca
Alessandro SILVESTRI Premi per la ricerca
Beatriu de Pinós Programme
Beatriu de Pinós Programme | |
The programme, funded by the Direcció General de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Union through the COFUND programme (contract number 801370) for Marie-Skłodowska-Curie actions in the “Horizon 2020” programme - Spagna | |
2020 | | |
The Warburg Institute Short-term Fellowships
The Warburg Institute Short-term Fellowships | |
The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London - Regno Unito | |
2019 | | |
Villa I Tatti Fellowship
Villa I Tatti Fellowship | |
2018 |
Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship
Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship | |
Irish Research Council - Irlanda | |
2016 |
Fonte dati IRIS-RM