Premi per la ricerca

Angelo DI BERNARDO Premi per la ricerca

Nicholas Kurti Science Prize for Europe 2022
Prize for a European physicist doing research in the fields of low-temperature physics and/or high magnetic fields.
Comitato scientifico europeo
The Award recognises Di Bernardo’s achievements in the spectroscopy of spin-polarised (spin-triplet) states in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids and for the discovery of new coupling effects and quantum phases existing at the surfaces and interfaces of strongly-correlated electron materials and materials with low dimensionality.
IOP Brian Pippard Prize
Most prestigious prize awarded to a UK scientist working in the field of superconductivity
Institute of Physics
Dr Di Bernardo’s work has provided the first direct (spectroscopic) experimental evidence for the emergence of unconventional superconducting states at the interface between superconductors and ferromagnets – which is a key result for the definitive establishment of the field of superconducting spintronics aiming at developing energy-efficient spintronics devices operating in the superconducting regime (see Di Bernardo et al., Nat. Comm. 6, 8053 (2015) and Di Bernardo et al., Phys. Rev. X 5, 041021 (2015). His most recent results showing the triggering of intrinsic superconductivity in graphene in contact with a hightemperature superconductor (A. Di Bernardo et al., Nature Comm. 8, 14027 (2017)) may also pave the way for the fabrication of novel devices exploiting the physical properties of graphene in the superconducting state.
ESAS Prize for Young Researchers
One of three prizes awarded biannually to researchers under the age of 30 or within 3 years of completing their PhD, for outstanding work in the field of superconductivity presented during the EUCAS conference.
European Society of Applied Superconductivity
Prize awarded biannually to a young researcher below the age of 30 or within 3 years of completing their PhD, for outstanding work in the field of superconductivity presented during the EUCAS conference.
International IEEE Graduate Study Fellowship Award
The fellowship is awarded annually to a full-time graduate student pursuing a PhD (or equivalent) degree in the area of appliedsuperconductivity, at an accredited college or university of recognized standing worldwide. The intention of the award is to encouragestudents to enter and contribute to the field of applied superconductivity.
IEEE Council on Superconductivity
For important contributions to the field of superconductivity given during his graduate (Ph.D.) studies.
George and Lillian Schiff Foundation Studentship
Studentship to support an outstanding student pursuing a Ph.D. degree at the University of Cambridge in the fields of Engineering or Natural Sciences.
George and Lillian Schiff Foundation, University of Cambridge
For an outstanding student pursuing a Ph.D. degree at the University of Cambridge in the fields of Engineering, Physics or related sciences.
Fulbright Self-Placed Scholarship
The U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission supported by an academic committee
Scholarship awarded to pursue a Master's degree in the United States.
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM