
Olimpio GALASSO Curriculum

Full Professor Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery University of Salerno (Italy) and Director, Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Unit San Giovanni e Ruggi University Hospital

(2019-2024) Full Professor of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery - University of Catanzaro and Consultant MATER DOMINI UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, CATANZARO, ITALY.
(2014-2019) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR of Orthopaedics and Traumatology - University of Catanzaro “Magna Graecia”and CONSULTANT ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON MATER DOMINI UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, CATANZARO, ITALY.
(2006-2014) Researcher - University of Catanzaro “Magna Graecia”and Consultant MATER DOMINI UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, CATANZARO, ITALY.

Medical Doctor (summa cum laude), Residency in orthopaedics and trauma surgery (summa cum laude) University Federico II - Naples

1993: Baccalaureat at Liceo Ginnasio "T. Tasso" of Salerno (Italy) (final grade: 60/60).

• 2002: EFORT (European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Travelling Fellowship, Prof. P Neyret (Lyon, France) and Prof. J Puget (Toulose, France);
• 2011: EFORT Visiting Fellowship, Dr. J.Y. Jenny, Hopitaux Universitaire de Strasbourg, France;
• 2012: Adult Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, Prof. T.P. Sculco, The Hospital for Special Surgery, Cornell Univerity, New York, USA.

SURGICAL ACTIVITY: Three-thousand eight-hundred orthopaedic surgeries performed as leading surgeon

• Best Paper Award for the article entitled: “Use of a Porous Tantalum Monoblock Acetabular Cup in Primary THA: 10 to 15 year Follow-up" by Russo R, Mastroianni V, Tarducci L, Galasso O, De Martino I, Gasparini G during the International Combined Meeting of the British Hip Society and the Italian Hip Society (26-27 November 2015, Milan, Italy).
• Best e-Poster Award for the poster: "L’osteotomia distale dei metatarsali minori attraverso la tecnica chirurgica secondo Weil: risultati clinico-radiografici a breve termine” by Familiari F, Iannò B, Corigliano A, Cundari A, Galasso O during the 2015 National Congress of the Italian Orthopaedics Society (SIOT) (7-10 November 2015, Rome, Italy).
• Best e-Poster Award for the poster: Il disegno della protesi inversa di spalla contribuisce nel determinare intaccature scapolari ed instabilità” by Falimiari F, Huri G, Gonzalez Zapata A, Galasso O, McFarland EG during the 2014 National Congress of the Italian Orthopaedics Society (SIOT) (Rome, Italy).
• 2003 SIOT (Società Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia) first prize for the article entitled: “Ruolo dei fattori familiari ed occupazionali nella patogenesi della discopatia degenerativa lombare e dei suoi correlati clinici”, authored by Galasso O, Mariconda M, Longo C, Lotti G, Milano C.
• 2004 “Mario Boni” Foundation grant for research programme entitled: “Nuove tecniche di inchiodamento endomidollare bloccato in associazione a gel piastrinico nel trattamento delle pseudoartrosi delle ossa lunghe”.

Teacher of 90 yearly courses for medical and non-medical students at "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro (Italy). Tutor of PhD students at "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro (Italy) and "Federico II" University of Naples (Italy).