
Amalia GALDI Curriculum

  • Graduated in “Lettere classiche” in 1986 at the University of Salerno, title of thesis in Medieval History: “Caratteri fondamentali della religiosità popolare nell’Alto Medioevo”. Attendance at two annual advanced courses at the same University in "Analisi del Territorio Beni ambientali e culturali" (1991-1992) and “Società e storia” (1996-1997).
  • In 1990-1991, teaching degree in Literary disciplines and History at Scuola secondaria (competition class A050)
  • In 2000, teaching degree in Literary and Latin Subjects in High Schools and Magistral Institutes (competition class A051).
  • In 2001, PhD in "Agiography: sources and methods for the history of the cult of saints" at the University of Rome II "Tor Vergata" (1999-2001), title of thesis "Culti dei santi, poteri e società nella Campania dei secoli XI-XII".
  • From 2002 to February 2006, two-year research grant (renewed in 2004) at the University of Salerno, Faculty of Humanities, Chair of Medieval History (coordinator: prof. Gerardo Sangermano), with the research project: "Poteri ecclesiastici, signorie politiche e culti dei santi nel Mezzogiorno peninsulare: secoli XI-XIII".
  • From 1/3/2006 to 30/10/2014, Researcher of Medieval History (M-STO/01), first at the Department of Latinity and Middle Ages, then at the Dipartimento di scienze del patrimonio culturale.
  • Since 31/10/2014: Professor of Medieval History at the Dipartimento di scienze del patrimonio culturale.


SpeAker in conferences (Only 2015-2020)

  • - 5 June 2015, International Conference of studies "Felix terra: Capua and Terra di Lavoro in the Lombard Age" (Caserta-Capua, 4-7 June 2015); title of lecture: "Cults of Saints and monastic presences in Capua and northern Campania".
  • - 23 September 2105, Conference of studies: "From the 'Christian Middle Ages' to the religious history of the Middle Ages: forty years of historiography (1974-2014)". (Verona, 21-23 September 2015), title of lecture: "Religions and cultures in the medieval Southern Italy: the Latin monasticism".
  • 20 October 2015, XXI International Congress of studies organized by Fondazione Centro Italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo "Mathilde of Canossa and her time" (San Benedetto Po, Revere, Mantova, Quattro Castella, 20-24 October 2015), title of lecture: "Sichelgaita. A woman of power?".
  • 19 November 2015, International colloquium: “Parcours universitaires et formations intellectuelles des Officiers Angevins” (Angers, 19-21 November 2015) title of lecture: “Le rôle de l’École de médecine de Salerne dans la formation du personnel angevin à la fin du Moyen Âge”.
  • 11 December 2015, Conference of studies and Festschrift in honour of Anna Benvenuti (University of Florence, SAGAS Department), title of lecture: "City identities and the cult of patron saints"
  • 27 September 2016, 10th International Colloquium in Compostela “Relics, shrines and pilgrimages in the European historical context” (Santiago de Compostela, 26-28 September 2016), title of lecture: “Furta sacra in Southern Italy in the Middle Ages”.
  • 3 maggio 2018, 3th International conference of Centro studi longobardi “Liutprando, re dei Longobardi” (Pavia-Gazzada Schianno [Va], 3-8 maggio 2018), title of lecture: “Liutprando e il Ducato di Benevento”.
  • 24 November 2018, International Conference "The St. Michael’s cave in Olevano sul Tusciano" (Salerno - Battipaglia, 24-25 November 2018), title of lecture: "The pilgrimage in the early Middle Ages"
  • 17 January 2019, 3th edition of the "Cantieri dell'agiografia" (Rome, 16-18 January 2019), title of lecture: “Agiography and memory building in the monastery of SS. Trinità in Cava”.
  • 19 July 2019, Conference "Aragonese Cava. The construction of an identity " (Cava de' Tirreni, 19 July 2019), title of lecture: "Salerno and Cava. The origins of a conflict”
  • 16 October 2020, International Conference “Norman Connection. Normannische Verflechtungen Zwinschen Skandinavien und dem Mittelmereer” (Mennheim, 15-17 October 2020), title of lecture: "Marriages as a Norman Integration Strategy".

Speaker in Doctoral SCHool

- 14 October 2009, XII Week of Late Antiquity and Romano-barbarian Studies "The Longobards in Italy. History - art - culture", organised by University of Bari, Department of Classical and Christian Studies, and the CSMG (Monte Sant'Angelo, 12-16 October 2009), title of lecture: "City identities and the cult of saints in Lombard times: Benevento, Naples and Salerno".

- 29 February 2012, High Doctoral School "Mediterranean Worlds and Southern Italy in the Middle Ages" (University of Salerno, 27 February-2 March 2012), title of lecture: "Cults of Saints, hagiographies and identity building: the case of Campania (centuries VIII-XI)”.

- 24 September 2014, High Doctoral School "Mediterranean Worlds and Southern Italy in the Middle Ages" (University of Salerno, 22-26 September 2014), title of lecture: "The place of hagiography".

- 23 June 2015 High Doctoral School "Mediterranean Worlds and Southern Italy in the Middle Ages" (University of Salerno, 22-26 June 2015), title of lecture: "Ideology, text and image in the Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli".

- 19 June 2018 High Doctoral School "Mediterranean Worlds and Southern Italy in the Middle Ages" (University of Salerno, 18-22 June 2018), title of lecture: "The Vitae of the holy abbots of Cava between memory and self-representation ".


  • From 2010 to 2013 member of the international scientific research project GDRE (Groupement de Recherche Europèen) “Aux fondements de la modernité étatique en Europe, l’héritage des clercs médiévaux”. Master of project: Dominique Iogna-Prat, research director at CNRS. Unité CNRS: Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris (LAMOP), UMR 8589
  • Since 2013 member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral School "Mediterranean Worlds and Southern Italy in the Middle Ages", based at the University of Salerno, organised by: École Française de Rome, University of Salerno, University of Basilicata, University of Naples Federico II.


  • “Rassegna storica salernitana”, publ. by the Società salernitana di Storia patria
  • "Schola Salernitana. Annali", publ. by the Dipartimento di Scienze del patrimonio culturale, University of Salerno.


  • Quaderni di storia religiosa medievale. Rivista semestrale di ricerche storiche


  • “Rassegna del centro di cultura e storia amalfitana”, publ. by Centro di cultura e storia amalfitana.


  • Testi e studi su istituzioni, cultura e memoria del Mezzogiorno medievale.
  • "Schola Salernitana. Studi e testi", publ. by Dipartimento di Scienze del patrimonio culturale, University of Salerno.

  • From 19/10/1996 to 28/02/2006: professor in Literary disciplines, History and Latin at Scuola secondaria.


Since 2005-2006, teaching of Medieval History, Medieval History and Civilization and History of Medieval Institutions at the degree courses (Triennale or Magistrale) in Cultural Heritage, Literary disciplines, Management and Conservation of Archival and Book Heritage, Modern Philology.

In the academic years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008, teaching in Medieval History at the Campanian Inter-University School for “Specializzazione all’insegnamento”. Section of Salerno, for teaching classes A043/050 and A051.


Since the academic year 2006-2007, member of the academic board of the PhD in "Philosophy, Science and Culture of the Late Antiquity, Medieval and Humanistic Age" (University of Salerno), and now "Research and Studies on Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Humanism", Curriculum 1 (University of Salerno).

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