
Libero SESTI OSSEO Curriculum

Libero Sesti Osséo is Associate Professor of Chemical Plants at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Salerno, where he teaches in the Degree Course in Chemical Engineering " Plants of the Process Industry " and in the Master's Degree Course in Chemical Engineering " Chemical Plants II ". Over the years he has been the holder of the courses of Unit Operations and Advances Unit Operation, Dynamics and Control of Chemical Processes, Food Processing, Environmental Chemical Engineering in the Laurea courses of Chemical Engineering and Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Food Engineering.

He was deputy director of Executive courses for the development of transversal skills for company managers "Sa.Le, Salerno Leadership", at the University of Salerno in 2018 and of the Executive course "Achieving Results" at Bologna Business School, in 2021.

He currently deals with innovative processes of the circular economy, Life Cycle Assessment, and recovery of precious metals present in automotive batteries at the end of their life. He mainly carried out studies on the Circulating Fluid Bed (CFB) and its possible high-temperature endothermic reactor applications, on the extraction and concentration processes with supercritical fluids starting from matrices or natural raw materials. He has directed research programs on innovative materials in the aeronautical and biomedical fields.

Before his academic involvement, Professor Libero Sesti Osséo has a successful career as a senior process engineer at Kinetics Technology International (KTI) in Zoetermeer (NL) where he served as leading Process Engineer for Ethylene, Hydrogen, and Oxo plant design and cooperated to develop an innovative EDF reactor (to obtain Teflon) and Circulating Fluid Bed Boiler fed by Refuse Derived Fuel. Professor Libero Sesti Osséo initiated his professional career in the Italian subsidiary of KTI in Rome, focusing on design of refinery fired heaters, industrial waste incineration and flue gas treatment, steam reformers, and steam crackers.