
Marcella ANSELMO Curriculum

Marcella Anselmo received a Laurea degree cum laude in Mathematics in 1986 from Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy). From 1987 to 1990 she was visiting the "Laboratoire d'Informatique Theorique et Programmation" (LITP) of Universite' Paris 7, in Paris (France), supported by a CNR scholarship. In 1988 she got a D.E.A. in Theoretical Computer Science from Université Paris 7, and in 1990 a Ph. D. in Theoretical Computer Science from the same university. From 1991 to September 2002 she has been Research Associate at the "Facoltà di Scienze" of the "Università di Salerno", Italy. Since October 2002 she is Associate Professor at the same "Facoltà di Scienze". From 1991 she has been with the "Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni, Renato M.Capocelli"; from 2012 with the “Dipartimento di Informatica”. Her research field is automata and formal language theory. More specifically she has produced several articles presented at international conferences or published in international journals, on code theory, factorization of formal languages, representations of regular languages and two-dimensional languages. On this latter topic she organized the workshop "Advances on Two-dimensional Languages" held in Salerno 3-5 May 2006 with the grant of AutoMathA project of the European Science Foundation (ESF).

She recently organized the "Computability in Europe" (CiE2020) conference which was supposed to be held in Salerno, but was reorganized online due to the coronavirus pandemic. She has been involved in the Program Committees of some editions of ICTCS, of FUN with Algorithms 2007, CiE 2016. She has been reviewer of numerous articles for international conferences (ICALP, MFCS, SOFSEM, …) and journals of the area (TCS, Natural Computing , DMTCS, IJFCS, Inf.e Comp., TOCS, …). She has participated in various national (60%, PRIN, GNCS-INdAM) and international (Italian-French CNR-CNRS, AutoMathA) research projects. She teaches undergraduated courses on algorithms and data structures, on foundations of programming, on theory of computation and on computer design.

She is a member of the Council of the Computability in Europe Association. On 29/04/2021 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in Computer Science.