cod. 0612400009
0612400009 | |
EQF6 | |
2019/2020 |
ING-INF/07 | 12 | 120 | LESSONS |
Objectives | |
Expected learning outcomes and competence to acquire The course introduces students to the issues related to electronic measurements and the use of wide-spread instrumentation (multimeters, oscilloscopes, digital meters, FFT-Analyzer) and to learn the methods for qualifying measures in terms of uncertainty and error deterministic. Knowledge and understanding skills Understanding terminology in the context of measurements and, in particular, electronic measurements, instrumentation and expression of their metrological characteristics. Applied knowledge and understanding Know how to make a measurement circuit, use the instrumentation and evaluate the uncertainty of the measure obtained. Making judgments Know how to find the most suitable instrument for measuring interest, how to determine and how to reduce uncertainty. Communicative Skills Know how to speak orally related to electronic measurements and know how to work in a group. Ability to learn Know how to apply the acquired knowledge to contexts different from those presented during the course and to know more about topics discussed using materials other than those proposed. |
Prerequisites | |
The following examinations are required: Elettrotecnica 2 and Fondamenti di Elettronica. In addition, it is recommended that it has been previously acquired the basics of the mathematical analysis and of the signal theory. |
Contents | |
1. Measurement and uncertainty assessment methods: Methods for statistical data processing, statistical tests in measurements, UNI-ENV 13005, International System (10 hours of frontal teaching + 6 hours of classroom exercises) 2. Instrumentation Features: Static and Dynamic Characteristics, Use of Instrument Specifications. Calibration (4 hours of frontal teaching + 4 hours of classroom exercises + 4 hours of laboratory exercises) 3. Measurement issues: Load effects, influences, noise (6 hours of frontal teaching) 4. Multimeter: Architecture, mode of operation, use for current measurements, voltage and resistance (4 hours of frontal teaching + 4 hours of laboratory exercises) 5. Oscilloscopes: Analog and digital oscilloscopes: architectures, mode of operation, predisposition and use (20 hours of frontal teaching + 12 hours of laboratory exercises) 6. Numerical instrumentation: Numeric counter, D / A converters, Numerometric volts: flash, simple and double ramp, successive approximations and counter, FFT Analyzer, Numeric Impedance Meter (24 hours of frontal teaching + 8 hours of laboratory exercises) 7. Voltage and current transducers: active and passive current and voltage probes; TA and TV measuring transformers (6 hours of frontal teaching) 8. Measurement methods of the main electrical quantities: Resistance, voltage, current, power measures (6 hours of frontal teaching + 4 hours of laboratory exercises) |
Teaching Methods | |
There is a requirement for a minimum frequency of attendance, 75% of the total course time, and the method for determining the attendance rate will be through electronic registration (with the badge) of attendance at the premises where the badge reader is present and functioning, or by means of alternative registers (paper or electronic) prepared by the teacher. The module includes theoretical lessons (80 hours), classroom exercises (10 hours) and laboratory (30 hours). During laboratory exercises, students are divided into work groups by performing direct measurements and / or indirect measurements in order to gain practical confidence with the measuring instruments and the measurement methods dealt with during the lessons theoretical. |
Verification of learning | |
The achievement of the objectives of the teaching is certified by passing the evaluation exam (vote expressed on a minimum point of 18 and maximum point of 30 cum laude). The evaluation will be carried out by a laboratory test, of an average duration of 30 minutes, and an oral test of an average duration of 40 minutes carried out on the same day. The exam will aim at verifying: 1) knowledge and understanding of the topics covered in frontal teaching hours; 2) the skills acquired in the use of instrumentation and in the development of the measurement methods learned during the course; 3) the ability to describe the topics discussed; 4) autonomy of judgment in proposing the most appropriate approach to arguing what is required. |
Texts | |
-G. Zingales, “Metodi e Strumenti per le Misure Elettriche”, UTET Torino -M.Savino, “Fondamenti di Scienze delle Misure”, la Nuova Italia Scientifica. -L. Benetazzo, “Misure Elettroniche” CLEUP Padova; -Van Putten A.F.P. “Electronic Measurement Systems”, Prentice Hall International (UK) Hemel Hempstead. -Supplementary notes prepared by the teacher and available on the site indicated by the teacher. |
BETA VERSION Data source ESSE3 [Ultima Sincronizzazione: 2021-02-19]