Francesco PIRO | Curriculum
Francesco PIRO Curriculum

Francesco Piro (Napoli, 1957) took his degree in Philosophy at the University of Salerno (1980). Thereafter he followed post-graduate courses in Naples - Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici grounded by Benedetto Croce (1982-83) - and in Urbino, Istituto di Filosofia (1983-1986). He obtained his Ph.D. with a dissertation on young Leibniz's philosophy of mind. Actually he teaches History of Philosophy at the Faculty of Education of the University of Salerno (since October 1st 2005 as Full Professor) and is a member of the Department of Human Sciences, Philosophy and Education (DISUFF). He takes part to the teaching team of the post-graduate school of studies on Late-Ancient, Medieval and Humanist Philosophy and Culture (earlier FiTMU, now RAMUS).
His published works concern mainly European Early-Modern Philosophy and the views on scientific and practical reason developed therein. Among the topics on which he worked intensively, one may mention:(i) Leibniz's Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Action; (ii) Moral Doctrines of the Modern Age (Descartes, Pascal, Spinoza, Christian Thomasius, Giambattista Vico among the others); (iii) Psychology of Emotions and of Imagination; (iv) Critical Thinking and its teaching in School and University.