
Giovanni CASADIO Curriculum

GIOVANNI CASADIO (Faenza 1950) is Professor Ordinarius of History of Religions at the University of Salerno (2004). Graduation at the University of Bologna (1981). Postgraduate studies at the University of Rome, Lausanne (1984-85), Bologna (1987-1989). PhD University of Rome (1993). Associate Professor University of Salerno (1993). Founder and editor of the series Biblioteca di Studi Religiosi (Giordano, Cosenza), Biblioteca di Storia delle Religioni (Il Calamo, Roma), and Humanitas (Loffredo/Guida). Secretary of the SISR (Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni) (2012). Member of the executive committee of the European Association for the Study of religions (EASR) as Vice -President (2013). IAHR (Intern. Ass. for the History of Religions) Honorary Life Member (2015).  Past advisor of the series Studien und Texten zur Antike und Christentum (Mohr, Tübingen). Associate editor of the II ed. of the Eliade’s Encyclopedia of Religion (2005). Past co-director of Symposia Cumana (an annual venue at Cuma sponsored by the Vergilian Society and Brandeis University) from 2002 to 2012. Member of the advisory board of several international journals (including Archaeus;Bandue; International Journal on Humanistic Ideology;Moscow Journal of Religion). Comandor Meritul Cultural (contribution to the study of the history of religions and promotion of Mircea Eliade’s scientific and literary work) from the Presidency of Romania (2006). He has authored around 150 publications in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, and Rumanian relative to Greek religion (Dionysus, Orphism, Plato, Plutarch), Near-Eastern religions (Iran, Ugarit, Mesopotamia), ancient Christianity and syncretism (Gnosticism, Manichaeism), woman and gender studies, history of the history of religions. Books: Storia del culto di Dioniso in Argolide (1994), Vie gnostiche all’immortalità (1997), Il vino dell’anima (1999), Ugo Bianchi: Una vita per la storia delle religioni (ed. 2002), Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia (2009; pb 2010), Lo sciamanesimo prima e dopo Mircea Eliade (2014).