Giancarlo SORRENTINO | Curriculum
Giancarlo SORRENTINO Curriculum
Giancarlo Sorrentino was born in Laurito (SA) on April 7, 1963 and has graduated with honours in law during the academic year 1986-1987 at the Federico II University of Naples; research fellow and then associated professor in Administrative Law (SSD IUS-10) since March 2005.
Holds the courses in Administrative Law and Environmental Law at DISES.
He is member of the executiive committee of the CIRPA Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca in Economia, Diritto e Management della Pubblica Amministrazione.
He is member of the teaching board of the Ph.D. course in “Economia e politiche dei mercati e delle imprese” XXXIII cycle.
He has been member of the teaching board of the Ph.D. courses in “Rapporti giuridici tra principi comunitari, costituzionali e internazionalizzazione del mercato” (at the University of Salerno) and in “La programmazione negoziale per lo sviluppo e la tutela del territorio” (At the Federico II University of Naples).
He teaches at the Mater courses “Economia del mare – logistica e turismo” (First level) and “DAOSan – Direzione delle Aziende e delle organizzazioni sanitarie” (Second level).
He has been member of the scientific committee and lecturer of of the UNISA Master course in “General Management della Pubblica Amministrazione”
He is a member of the scientific committee of the Rassegna di studi e ricerche pubblicistiche law review.
He has been a member of the scientific committee of the Le Corti Salernitane, law review.
He has authored two books (Diritti e partecipazione nell’amministrazione di risultato, ES 2003 and Interesse legittimo e pregiudizialità amministrativa, ES 2010) and manies articles and essays in administrative law and procedure. He is among the authors of the commentary on the new public procurement and concessions code, Utet Giuridica 2017.
He has lectured at many public institutions in courses for the training of high ranking civil servants and has been a member of the examining commission at the end of the course in management training for general directors held by Regione Campania and organized by Formez.
It has been scientific manager of the Valore PA training courses on public procurement and concessions.
He has thaught at the Specialization School in “Economia e diritto dell’amministraizone pubblica” at the School of Economics of UNISA.
He has thaught administrative law at the Specialization school for legal professionals at the Federico II University of Naples.
He has been member of the scientific research unit in the research project of national interest (PRIN) on “Principio di legalità ed amministraizone di risultati” directed by prof. L. Iannotta and coordinated by prof. F.G. Scoca.
He has been member of the scientific research unit in the research project of national interest (PRIN) on “La pianificazione urbanistica nella disicplina dello Stato, delle Regioni e dei Comuni Italiani” directed by Pro. A. Contieri of the University of Naples and coordinated by prof. E. Ferrari.
He has been a member of the examining commission for the graduation of Ph.D. candidates in “La programmazione negoziale per lo sviluppo e la tutela del territorio” XVIII cycle.
He has many times been member of examining commissions for the awarding of academic grants and admission to Ph.D. courses.
He has been members of examining commissions during competitive examination for selection of resesarch scholars and civil servants.
He is and associate of the A.I.D.U. italian association for planning law.