
Giuliana VITIELLO Curriculum

Giuliana Vitiello, PhD, is Full Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science (Department of Excellence), University of Salerno.

She joined the University of Salerno as a Researcher in July 1998 and from 2002 to November 2021 she was an Associate Professor at the same University. She teaches introductory and advanced courses on Human-Computer Interaction, for the bachelor and master degree programs in computer science, and Experience Design in the Internet of Things for the master degree program in computer science, specialization on IoT .

Since October 2021 she is Director of the degree programs in Computer Science (BSc and MSc).

Since October 2022 she is Chair of the ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter. In 2023 she has co-founded the ACM MedCHI Regional Chapter and is a Member of the Chapter Board.

She is the Director of the HCI-UsE (Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering Lab), and she is Director, for the University of Salerno, of the Assistive Technology Lab, which is part of the national AssTech CINI Lab. She is a Senior Member of the ACM - Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI) and a Member of IFIP Technical Committee 13 on Human – Computer Interaction. Member of the Association on Automated Mapping / Facilities Management / Geographic Information Systems, Italian Chapter (AMFM).

Her research interests fall mainly in the field of human-computer interaction, including participatory design, user centered design (UCD) and their applications in software development processes, multimodal interaction, mobile health, usability evaluation, ICT for emerging regions, human-geographic information systems interaction, geovisualization, and visual query languages for geographic information systems. On those topics she has published several scientific papers in international journals, contributed volumes, and conference proceedings.

She is presently on the board of professors of the research doctorate in computer science offered by the Department of Computer Science of the University of Salerno. She has been an advisor for several Doctoral dissertations. She has scientific cooperation with several national and international research groups. In 2000 she was a visiting researcher at Cleveland State University. In 2009 she was a visiting professor at University of Western Sydney, Australia. In 2011 she made a keynote speech on “Emerging Research Frontiers in Mobile Interface Design” at the International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTER 2011), in Colombo, Sri Lanka. She was a visiting professor at the University of Colombo, for the delivery of a tutorial on "Addressing the Five W's of Interaction Design - Scenario-based Approaches", for the doctorate in Computer Science. She has been involved in the scientific organization of many international events in the area of human-computer interaction and (geographical) information systems.

Since 2002 she is in the Panel of Experts set up by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) for the evaluation of industrial research projects.