
Pierluigi RITROVATO Curriculum

Pierluigi Ritrovato graduated in Computer Science from the Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Physical Sciences of the University of Salerno in 1992. In 2006 he became a Researcher in the ING-INF05 "Information Processing Systems" sector and since December 2020 he has been Full Professor in the ING-INF05 sector at the DIEM - Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics of the University of Salerno. Since July 2014 he has been a member of the Intelligent Machines for Video, Image and Audio Recognition (MIVIA) laboratory in which he has carried out research activities initially on the application of knowledge technologies and the semantic web to computer vision and more recently on IoMT models and architectures - Internet of Medical Things, for the identification and monitoring of pathologies through the application of Artificial Intelligence mkodelli for the analysis of signals from wearable sensors.

From 2015 to 2023 he was responsible for internationalization activities for DIEM.

From February 2018 to December 2022 he was delegated as representative of the University of Salerno on the Board of Directors of the Consortium Research Center in Pure and Applied Mathematics (28/2/2018 DR 1554).

From 1994 to 2014, his research interests have covered various areas such as Distributed Software Engineering to support the development of large software projects with geographically divided work teams, the study of methodologies and techniques for the design and implementation of adaptive learning and knowledge mining systems, the creation of Enterprise 2.0 solutions based on Semantic technologies to improve business performance in the so-called knowledge intensive organization (support for knowledge sharing, collaboration between work teams, expert finding, etc.), technologies for Grid and cloud computing considering the aspects related to the operational management of Virtual Organization and systems for the discovery and automatic composition of services.

The research activity carried out in the various scientific sectors has been mainly carried out in the framework of international research projects funded by the European Commission in the areas of Technology Enhanced Learning and Software & Service infrastructure. The most relevant EU research projects that he has coordinated with a total budget of about 20M€ are:

  • ARISTOTELE (Personalised Learning & Collaborative Working Environments Fostering Social Creativity and Innovations Inside the Organisations, FP6, 2010 - 2013) as technical coordinator;
  • ELeGI (European Learning Grid Infrastructures, FP6, 2004 - 2007) Integrated Project that saw the participation of 23 partners (13 Universities, 6 Research Centers and 4 Industries) from 9 EU countries, with the role of scientific coordinator;
  • GrASP (Grid based Application Service provision, FP5, 2002-2004) with the role of Scientific Coordinator;
  • GENESIS (GEneralised eNvironment for procEsS management in cooperatIve Software engineering, FP5, 2000 - 2002) con il ruolo di Project Coordinator.

The coordination and participation in several research and development projects funded by the European Commission have led to several prestigious positions such as:

  • Locomotor and coordinator (with the American counterpart of the National Science Foundation) of the Working Group on "eLearning Futures and the Learning GRID" within the EU-US Cooperation in Science and Technology in eLearning program (Official Journal of the EU L284/37 of 22/10/98).
  • Chair of the Service Orchestration, SLA usage and Workflow – Technical Group for EU-funded projects under the VI and VII Framework Programmes of IST research in the Software and Services Infrastructure unit. of the European Commission.
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the European Technology Platform on Software and Services called NESSI (Networked European Software & Service Initiative

Starting from 2017, research activities in artificial intelligence and IoMT fields have led to participation in several research projects including:

  1. BIPS- Project to Reduce the Social Cost Caused by Bacterial Infections Post Surgery funded by MISE on H2020 program (PON I&C 2020).
  2. PLAT.NET - Diagnostic and therapeutic innovations for neuroendocrine, endocrine and glioblastoma tumors through an integrated technological platform of clinical, genomic, ICT, pharmacological and pharmaceutical skills, funded by the Campania Region on POR funds "expression of interest for the creation of technology platforms in the fight against oncological diseases".
  3. PerMedNet - "Personalized medicine for innovative strategies in neuro-psychiatric and vascular diseases" (PerMedNet ARS01_01226) funded by MIUR on the call for the presentation of industrial research and experimental development projects in the 12 areas of specialization identified by the PNR 2015-2020.
  4. Me - Innovative CARe with home intElligent environMEnts, a project funded by MIUR on PON innovation initiatives in the Area of specialization Technologies for Living Environments, aimed at improving the quality of life of chronic and oncological patients by promoting the creation of a patient-centric vision focused on the collection and real-time analysis of data from wearable sensors
  5. Bio Open Lab as head of the OR5 "High Performance Computing Center" funded by the MIUR as part of the call for the enhancement of research infrastructures. The project provided funding of €4 million for the construction at UNISA of a high-performance computing center dedicated to the application of Artificial Intelligence to omics sciences. The computing center is equipped with 37 servers, with 80TB of RAM, 3500 cores, 56NVIDIA A100 GPUs, 72 AMD MI100 GPUs, and 5 PB of starage.
  6. PRP@CERIC Pathogen Readness Platform, a project funded by MIUR as part of the PNRR Infrastructures as coordinator of Workpackage 9 AI and Simulations-augmented Platform.

In 2017 he was a founding partner and held the position of CEO until 2022 of the Spin-Off AI4Health srl.

He is co-editor of the books “Towards the Learning Grid: Advances in Human Learning Services” e “The Learning Grid Handbook: Concepts, Technologies and Applications” both published by IOS Press.