
Carmen GALLUCCI Projects

6 Funded projects
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - Management & Innovation Systems/DISA-MIS
Principal InvestigatorGALLUCCI Carmen (Project Coordinator)
FundingFinanziamenti da privati italiani
FundersServizi Integrati Assicurativi S.r.l. - agenzia Sara Assicurazioni
Cost5.000,00 euro
Project duration15 January 2024 - 14 January 2029
This study examines how sentiment emerging from comments posted about equity crowdfunding campaigns, as well as market-level sentiment from social media, drives herding behavior across different countries. Sentiment is operationalized using both a dictionary-based approach and natural language processing (NLP) techniques based on Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT). Util
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - Management & Innovation Systems/DISA-MIS
Principal InvestigatorGALLUCCI Carmen (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost3.217,22 euro
Project duration25 November 2024 - 25 November 2027
This research project aims to determine whether "familiness" correlates with successful equity crowdfunding fundraising. To do so, it relies on a sample of closed equity crowdfunding campaigns posted on the websites of the equity crowdfunding platforms authorized to operate in Italy. The "familiness" construct is extracted from the pitches of equity crowdfunding campaigns using the text analysis s
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - Management & Innovation Systems/DISA-MIS
Principal InvestigatorGALLUCCI Carmen (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.111,95 euro
Project duration31 July 2023 - 31 July 2026
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - Management & Innovation Systems/DISA-MIS
Principal InvestigatorD'ALESSIO Raffaele (Project Coordinator)
GALLUCCI Carmen (Project Coordinator)
PARENTE Domenico (Project Coordinator)
FundingFinanziamenti da privati italiani
FundersMCG Consulting srl
Cost30.000,00 euro
Project duration29 January 2024 - 28 January 2026
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - Management & Innovation Systems/DISA-MIS
Principal InvestigatorGALLUCCI Carmen (Project Coordinator)
FundingFinanziamenti da privati italiani
FundersMCG Consulting srl
Cost30.000,00 euro
Project duration29 January 2024 - 28 January 2026
This research aims to identify the success determinants of crowdfunding campaigns launched in the Euro- Mediterranean region. As a research method, it will employ a panel regression model having as a dependent variable a dummy variable that equals one if the crowdfunding campaign succeeded, zero otherwise. As per the current literature (Shneor & Vik, 2020), independent variables will be based on d
DepartmentDipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - Management & Innovation Systems/DISA-MIS
Principal InvestigatorGALLUCCI Carmen (Project Coordinator)
FundingUniversity funds
FundersUniversità  degli Studi di SALERNO
Cost2.225,83 euro
Project duration25 July 2022 - 25 July 2025

  Data source U-GOV dal 1 Gennaio 2013