Fabrizio BARONE | Curriculum
Fabrizio BARONE Curriculum
Academic Role
Full Professor of Applied Physics (SSD FIS / 07 - Cultural Heritage, Environment, Biology and Medicine) - Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry "Scuola Medica Salernitana"
1978 High School Diploma (60/60), Liceo-Ginnasio "T. Tasso", Salerno
1985 Degree with honors in Electronic Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”.
1986-1987 Research Contract, University of Naples "Federico II".
1987-1990 PhD in Physics, University of Naples.
1990-1991 Fellowship, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, sez. Napoli.
Academic Career
1991-1999 Researcher of Physics (B01B), Department of Physical Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”.
1999-2004 Associate Professor of Physics (SSD FIS / 07 ex B01B), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Salerno.
2005-present Full Professor of Physics (SSD FIS / 07), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (later Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences) (2005 - 2012) - Department of Medicine and Surgery (2013- today), University of Salerno.
Institutional Activity
Over the years he has carried out intense institutional activity for the University of Salerno (President and/or member of commission), for the Faculty of Pharmacy (1999-2012) (President of the Didactic Laboratories Commission and Coordinator of the Faculty informatic and multimedia infrastructures, President of the Department's Chemical-Technological Section) and for the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (2006-present). In particular:
- In 2006 he took part in the establishment of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Salerno, as a reference professor of the University for Applied Physics (SSD FIS/07), as component of the Department of Medicine and Surgery since its establishment in 2012, carrying out institutional teaching activity in Medical Physics and Medical Statistics and participating in numerous institutional and competition commissions:
- Since 2012 for Rectoral Delegations he is President of the Patent, Spin off and Technology Transfer Commission of the University of Salerno, which in addition to carrying out institutional tasks, has introduced various operating procedures and proposed various regulations, including the Patent Regulations, the Spin off Regulations and the Spin Off Incubation Laboratory Regulations of the University.
- Since 2018 he is President of the Research Commission and member of the Third Mission Commission of the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry "Scuola Medica Salernitana".
Teaching Activity
The teaching activity è was mainly carried out in the fields of Applied Physics and Medical Statistics. Over the years he has held numerous courses in Physics and Computer Science at the Faculty of Pharmacy (1999-2019) and courses in Medical Physics and Medical Statistics in the degree courses in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and in the three-year degree courses in Physiotherapy, Technician of Medical Radiology, Obstetrics and Nursing (2006-present).
Since the beginning he has been a member of the college of the Ph.D. Couse in Translational Medicine, where he teaches, and is a teacher of Specialization Schools.
Research Activity
The scientific research activity is oriented to multidisciplinary issues in the fields of Physics of Gravitation and Precision Sensors, an activity carried out with the Research Group in Applied Physics which he founded in 2005 and scientifically coordinates.
The present scientific production consists of more than 600 papers published in international journals and in international congress proceedings with a total of over 95,000 citations and a Hirsch index of 109 (Google Scholar). He is also mentioned in other databases including Scopus, ORCID, Kudos, etc.
He is among the proponents of many international experiments in which he had and still has important scientific and management roles (Virgo, Argo, Einstein Telescope, ...). In this context he has many consolidated international collaborations with universities and research institutes around the world and is a member of international scientific societies (SIGRAV, IAU, ...).
He is and has been a member of numerous national and international scientific research commissions and committees, also as reviewer, and is reviewer of numerous important international scientific journals.
Physics of Gravitation (Gravitational Waves)
Since 1985 he has been carrying out research in the field of Gravitation Physics, an activity that sees him among the proponents and founders in 1985 of the gravitational wave interferometric detector VIRGO (INFN, CNRS) whose development he participated not only as a researcher, but also with roles managers as a member of the Executive Committee for more than ten years in the construction and commissioning phase and with managerial roles including that of Coordinator of the Electronic and Software Division, of the Environmental Monitoring System and of the Data Archiving and Distribution System.
II this context he was also Coordinator of the VIRGO Research Group of the INFN Section of Naples from 1994 to 2004, a section in which he has held a Research Appointment since 1991, and belongs to the 'European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), where he has research assignment since 2004.
Among the scientific results obtained in this sector, together with the VIRGO / LIGO collaboration, of which he has been a member since its establishment, we mention in particular:
- Year 2016: first detection of gravitational waves emitted during the coalescence of two black holes [1] (Nobel Prize in Physics 2017), first direct demonstration of the dynamic component of Einstein's Relative General and first direct verification of the existence of black holes , event that determined the birth of Gravitational Astronomy;
- Year 2017: first multidisciplinary detection of gravitational waves emitted during the coalescence of two neutron stars [2] [3], an event that marked the birth of Multi-Messenger Astronomy.
For the detection of gravitational waves he received several international awards, among which are cited:
- Special Breakthrough Prize for Fundamental Physics 2016
- Gruber Cosmology Prize 2016
The achievement of these important scientific objectives led him to focus his research activity in the sector not only on the development of new methodologies and techniques for improving the sensitivity of VIRGO, but also and above all on the design of an innovative underground interferometric detector of gravitational waves, the Einstein Telescope (ET), the first Gravitational Observatory, which sees it among the proponents and founders in 2010, the year of the first conceptual proposal.
Precision Sensors
Since 1990 he has been carrying out basic and applied multidisciplinary research in the field of precision sensors, aimed at developing new types of sensors for scientific, civil, industrial applications, including those of the Applied Physics sector, which has also led to the achievement of several families of international patents.
Among the different types of sensors developed and published, an important role is played by the innovative mechanical architectures, invented for the realization of linear and angular inertial sensors (seismometers, velocimeters and / or accelerometers) with a wide band in low frequency for land and marine applications. and space, including ultra high vacuum (UHV) and cryogenics. This research activity is summarized by the innovative UNISA Folded Pendulum [4] technological platform, protected by several families of international patents, which provides innovative mechanical architectures and unique material processing methods in a single design vision.
Applications of these sensors have already been carried out in the geophysics sector, in the environmental monitoring sector and in the low frequency structural monitoring sector of buildings and monuments of historical interest, integrated in distributed acquisition systems developed ad hoc and aimed at forecasting assessments of the evolution in real time of the dynamic behavior of structures over the years. Among the monuments of indisputable historical and cultural value, the structural monitoring of the Arch of Trajan in Benevento (2015) and the structural monitoring of the Temple of Neptune in Paestum (2019) are highlighted.
The research and development activity in the sensor field, the international experience and the expertise gained in the field in relation to the different application possibilities that these sensors offer have led to the foundation of a company, Advanced Scientific Sensors and Systems (2017), university spin-off and innovative startup that has as its objective the technological transfer of scientific results and methodologies developed with the support of patents obtained in this area.