
Maria VOGHERA Curriculum


Miriam Voghera

Full Professor of General Linguistics since 2002 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Salerno and subsequently at the Department of Humanities.

From 2023 President of Società di linguistica italiana (Italian Linguistic Society)

Main research interests: speech communication, multimodality, syntax and prosody, semantics and pragmatics, linguistic education.

My scientific production has mainly focused on the relevance of speech properties for linguistic theories. I have adopted a corpus-based approach with also quantitative analyses since the volume Syntax and intonation of spoken Italian, il Mulino 1992 (International Prize for Linguistics Antonino Pagliaro, 1993) and in numerous other national and international publications. I have recently published two monographs: one with a mainly theoretical focus, Dal parlato alla grammatica, Carocci 2017 and another, with Carmela Sammarco, with an applicative focus, Ascoltare e parlare: Idee per la didattica, Cesati 2021. In 2022, the volume I edited, From Speaking to Grammar was published by Peter Lang, which collects essays by various scholars in which the centrality of speech is studied from various points of view.

I have produced various resources for the study of spoken language. With T. De Mauro, F. Mancini and M. Vedovelli, I published the first corpus and frequency lexicon of spoken Italian (LIP), which today, thanks to a FIRB project I directed, is digitalized and searchable with text-to-speech correspondence (VoLIP). In PRIN projects as PI, I developed the portal, which offers freely accessible corpora and tools for speech analysis produced by researchers from ten different universities.

As PI in projects funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund on language teaching/learning, I developed web-based applications for language education, including Leggere e comprendere ( ).

Since 2006, I have been in charge of the P.A.R.O.L.E. Laboratory on European Language Analysis at the University of Salerno.

Since 2020, I have been in charge of the Italian section in the Lincei programme for the School of the University of Salerno.

Since 2022, I direct the PhD. Programme in Studi linguistici, letterari e storici (Literary, Linguistic and Historical studies) in the Dept. of Human studies

I collaborate with numerous Italian and European scholars, as evidenced by the various invited lectures at various universities, including Paris, Madrid, Valencia, Tübingen, Warsaw, Cambridge, Helsinki, and the research networks of which I am coordinator or a member.

Some recent conferences:


  • "Ascolto e parlato: due abilità sottovalutate", invited speaker at the COnference "Problemi sulla valutazione scolastica", Fondazione i Lincei per la scuola, 9-11 ottobre 2024..
  • "Percorsi di vaghezza intenzionale", invited speaker at the cycle of conferences for the Fondo De Mauro 2023-2024 at the National Centrla Library,

    Roma, 8 February 2024

  • "La morfologia valutativa tra approssimazione, soggettività e focus", invited speaker at the International Graduate Conference "(Non) dire quasi la stessa cosa. Il significato tra vaghezza e variazione in linguistica e filologia", University of Bergamo and Pavia, 30-31 January 2024,


  • "Il parlato: un punto di osservazione privilegiato per la Storia linguistica dell’Italia unita", invitd speaker at the <conference "A sessant’anni dalla Storia linguistica dell’Italia unita di Tullio De Mauro", 13 ottobre 2023, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
  • "Vedere e sentire frasi: quali i confini?",( Gabriele Gianfreda and Virginia Volterrac-authors) LVI Congresso Internazionale SLI –Torino 14-16 Settembre 2023.
  • “Discourse Markers across generations”, Workshop "Youth language in Romance and Latin", Univeristà di Tubinga, 30 giugno 2023.
  • “Paths of Intentional Vagueness”, invited speaker Convegno "Ambiguità e vaghezza nelle lingue", Università di Firenze, 16 giugno 2023.
  • “Dai dati di parlato alla teoria linguistica”, invited speaker Convegno internazionale La comunicazione parlata 2023. Vent’anni del GSCP, Sapienza Università di Roma, 8-10 giugno 2023.
  • "From Speech to Grammar: hypo- and hyper-specification continua", Surrey Linguistic CIrcle, 23 maggio 2023.
  • “Il parlato e l’educazione linguistica”, lezione al Dottorato in Scienze documentarie, linguistiche e letterarie, Sapienza Università di Roma, 4 aprile 2023.


  • L'educazione liguistica oggi: non solo libri di testo, invited speaker at XXII Convegno nazionale Giscel "Fare scuola con i libri di testo"

    Palermo 17-19 novembre 2022

  • Cosa ci insegna la linguistica dei corpora, invited speaker at the XVI Congress of the International Society of Italian Linguistics and Philology, University of Tübingen (Germany) from 31 August to 2 September 2022.

  • Multimedialità, multimodalità e multisemiosi: riflessioni didattiche, invited speaker at the Congreso Internacional de alfabetización académica: la argumentación multimodal, May 2022.


- The role of ambiguity in vagueness, invited paper at WS "How vague and ambiguous are vagueness and ambiguity?" 17th International Pragmatics Conference 27-Jun - 02-Jul.

- The prosody of list constructions, paper with R. Cicchirillo, R. Comberi, F. Masini at the WS "Constructional analysis in multimodal perspective", International Conference Societas Linguistica Europaea, 30 August - 3 September.

- Quando la grammaticalità della lingua emerge dal parlato (When the grammaticality of language emerges from speech), invited paper at the WS "La modalità parlata e il suo ruolo nei modelli grammaticali" (The spoken modality and its role in grammatical models), LIV Congresso della Società di linguistica italiana, 8-10 September.

Membership of scientific committees in the last five years (2018-2022)
- director with A. Sansò and I. Fiorentini of the Spring School of Linguistics "Speech Matters", 16-20 May 2022, Villa del Grumello, Como.
- member of the SC of the XXII GISCEL National Conference "Fare scuola con i libri di testo", Palermo.
- member of the SC of the WS "La variabilità fonetica: il ruolo della situazione comunicativa" (Phonetic variability: the role of the communicative situation), LV Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI), Bressanone.
- Member of the SC of the WS " Proposals for a linguistic education in digital speech", LV International Congress of the Italian Linguistic Society (SLI), Bressanone.
- member of the SC of the WS "La comprensione e i testi: percorsi tra parole e numeri", University of Salerno, 13-14 December.
- member of the SC of the WS "Apprendere e insegnare: il ruolo dei corpora", LIV Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI), Florence, September.
- member of the SC of the WS "Learning and teaching: the role of corpora", LIV International Congress of Studies of the Society of Italian Linguistics (SLI), Florence, September
- member of the SC of the LIII International Congress of Studies of the Society of Italian Linguistics (SLI), "Teaching Linguistics: Epistemological Bases, Methods, Applications" Como, September 19-21.
- SC member of the Colloque international organisé par l'Université de Strasbourg et l'Université de Lettonie "Catégorisation claire vs approximative : à la recherche d'indices de différenciation", 3-4 October.
- SC member of the Conference "Literacy as a citizenship practice: theories, models and inclusive teaching", University of Campobasso, 26-28 September.


- member of the SC of the XX National Congress of Giscel, "Oral and written, verbal and non-verbal: multimodality in the classroom", University of Salerno, 12-14 April.
- member of the CS of the LII International Congress of Studies of the Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI), La Maniera, o "la qualità di procedere operando", Naples 28-30 September.
- 1990: PhD in Italian Linguistics at the University of Reading (UK), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Italian Studies, under the supervision of G.C.Lepschy.
- 1982: Degree in Philosophy, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', supervisor T. De Mauro.
- 1996: Smith College (USA), scholarship for research on "Rhythm and Intonation" from 1 to 30 September.
- 1993: Post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy.
- 1992-1993: Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Reading (UK).
- 1984: MIUR, four-year scholarship for attendance of postgraduate courses at foreign universities.
1993: International Prize for Linguistics Antonino Pagliaro for "Syntax and intonation in spoken Italian", Bologna, Il Mulino, 1992.
Current teaching at the University of Salerno
University of Salerno: Introduction to Linguistics (LT); Theory of Grammar and Spoken Communication(LM); Spoken Data Analysis, Syntax and Prosody, Semantics and Pragmatics (PhD)
Teaching at foreign universities
2019: University of Tübingen, Romanisches Seminar: 2019 Haupt Seminar (30 hrs.) course "From speaking to grammar";
2021: University of Tübingen, Romanisches Seminar: 2019 Haupt Seminar (30 hrs.) course "Vagueness between semantics and pragmatics".

Membership and Roles in Scientific Societies
- Society of Italian Linguistics (SLI) since 1981: member of the SLI Board of Directors 2004-2006, and member of the Nomination Committee 2018-2020.
- Philological Society from 1987 to 2010.
- Italian Society of Glottology (SIG) since 1990.
- International Society of Italian Linguistics and Philology (SILFI) since 1996.
- Spoken Communication Study Group of the Italian Linguistics Society since 2003: member of the Board of Directors 2003-2006.
- Société de Linguistique et Philologie romanes since 2013.
- Group for Intervention and Study on Language Education (Giscel) since 2013: member of the National Secretariat since 2018-present.

Membership of editorial boards and scientific committees of academic journals
- Texts and Languages since 2007.
- E-JournAll: Euroamerica Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages since 2013
- Chimera: Romance Corporations and Linguistic Studies since 2013
- Linguistics and Philology since 2019

Roles in the Department of Humanities of the University of Salerno

  • Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Literary, Linguistic and Historical Studies since 2022
  • Chairwoman of the Quality Commission of Courses in Foreign Languages
  • Coordinator of the Studium Commission for the development of elearning
  • Responsible for the OFA programme

Since 2006, Director of the activities of the Laboratory for the Analysis, Research and Observation of European Languages P.A.R.O.L.E ( of the Department of Humanities, University of Salerno.
Reviewer for the following scientific journals: Folia linguistica, Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, Normas, Spanish in Context, E-JournALL, Archivio glottologico Italiano; Linguistica e Filologia, Corpus Pragmatics, Journal of Pragmatics, Lingua e Stile.
Coordinator of the following research networks
"S2G - From Speaking to Grammar": research programme on the emergence of grammar in speech (
"LICOR - Corpora Linguistics": structured corpora of written, spoken and multimodal language of various European languages in synchrony and diachrony (
Member of the following research networks
"LISTS - Natural Language Lists".
"Olindinum - Observatoire LINguistique du DIscours NUMérique"-
PI in the following projects
2019- 2021 this European Development Fund, P.I. for the Literacy component of the project. Alpha-Mente: enhancement of basic skills in upper secondary school. (Funds allocated €2,000,000)
2015-2016: European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund. Leggere per accedere a mondi possibili (L.A.M.P. - Reading to access possible worlds): a project for the recovery and enhancement of cognitive, informative and linguistic resources of students in the two years of upper secondary school.
2006-2008: PRIN project Parlare italiano: teorie e applicazioni linguistiche.
2004-2006: PRIN project Parlare italiano: osservatorio degli usi linguistici.
2000-2003: ELICA (Language education and knowledge for access), funded by the University of Salerno.

Participation in funded projects
2015-2018: PRIN CHROME project (Cultural Heritage Resources Orienting Multimodal Experiences), responsible for the UR of Salerno for the last year.
2009-2012: FIRB project: Loss, maintenance and recovery of the cultural and linguistic space of the second and third generation of Italian emigrants in the world: language, languages, identity. The Italian language and culture as value and heritage for the innovative professions of the emigrant communities, responsible for the UR of Salerno.
2011-2013: PRIN project The history of words in Italian.
2001-2003: PRIN (ex COFIN) IPAR (Spoken Italian) project, responsible for the UR of Salerno.
1999-2001: PRIN project (ex COFIN) API (Archivio di Parlato Italiano), responsible for the UR of Salerno.
1997-1999: PRIN (ex COFIN) AVIP (Archivio delle Varietà dell'Italiano Parlato) project.

Design and development of resources for the analysis of linguistic data
- Parlaritaliano: portal on spoken communication including corpus-based descriptions, data and tools for the study of speech
- AN.ANA.S. 3.: annotation and syntactic analysis, www. (with F. Cutugno)
-AN.ANA.S. L2: annotation and syntactic analysis of texts in L2, www. (with G. Turco)
- Vo.LIP.: digital version with audio-file of the LIP corpus (coordinator)
- Corpus Penelope, in www. (with G. Policarpi, M. Rombi)
- Leggere e comprendere (LeCo): web-based application for teachers and students to develop reading comprehension skills. (coordinator)