Irene IZZO | Curriculum
Irene IZZO Curriculum
Irene Izzo received in 1994 a Magna Cum Laude degree in Chemistry from the University of Salerno where in the same year she began her PhD courses. She received her doctoral degree in Chemistry in 1998 from the University of Salerno. (Title of the thesis: "Synthesis of Biologically Active Marine Steroids and Cholestane Analogs. Thesis supervisor: prof. Guido Sodano). In 1998 she received a post-doctoral fellowship, working at University "Louis Pasteur" of Strasbourg (France) in the Laboratoire de Stéréochimie (E.C.P.M.), tutored by prof. Guy Solladié. Since November 1999 to February 2006 she worked as assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Salerno. Since March 2007 she is associate professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biology “A. Zambelli” of the University of Salerno. Since June 2008 to February 2009 she was visiting scientist at Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Barcelona in the group of prof. Fernando Albericio. Since the academic year 2013-2014 she has been teaching in the second year of the “Chemistry and BioTechnology” (ChemBioTech Master) at the University of Strasbourg, organized by the École européenne de chimie, polymères et matériaux (ECPM) and the the Strasbourg School for Biotechnology (ESBS). She is in charge of a course devoted to the Solid-Phase Synthesis of Biomacromolecules. Since 2014 prof. Irene Izzo is Erasmus Departmental Coordinator. Her field of research is the total synthesis and semisynthesis of bioactive natural products (marine steroids and cyclopeptides mainly), and their analogues. She is also involved in the synthesis of artificial ion channels and more recently in the synthesis of peptidomimetics, in particular cyclic peptoids, oligomers of N-substituted glycine. In 2018 she served as Guest Editor for a Special Issue of the Open Access journal Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049) on the subject of "Cyclic Peptides". In 2023 she became Associate Editor of SynOpen (Thieme). She is author of 100 articles, 4 book chapters and more than 100 communications to national and international congresses.