
Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge, understanding and quantitative determination of: main thermodynamic variables of pure species (pressure, volume, temperature, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, free energy), material and energy balance in the presence and in the absence of chemical reactions, the Carnot machine, refrigerator cycles, phases compositions at physical equilibrium for ideal and real systems ( with activity coefficients taken from the literature), thermodynamic properties of solutions, compositions of systems with chemical reactions in the gas phase at thermodynamic equilibrium.

Applying knowledge and understanding – engineering analysis
Ability to solve engineering problems that involve transformations of real and ideal gases, chemical and physical equilibria.

Applying knowledge and understanding – engineering design
Basic design of heat engines and identification of the most favorable conditions for a chemical reaction.

Making judgments - engineering practice:
Ability to use a programmable scientific calculator and of electronic spreadsheet for calculations. Using thermodynamic tables and diagrams.

Communication skills – transversal skills:
Acquisition of the specific language of chemical engineering.

Learning skills – transversal skills:
The student will learn to use Chemical Engineering Handbook and the tables for thermodynamic properties. He/she will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in different contexts from those presented during the course, and deepen the topics covered in situations different from those proposed.
Propaedeutic courses
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics II
1) Introduction, units of measurement and basic terminology (2h theor; 1h exer)..
The international system, the Anglo-Saxon system, units in common use. The concept of the mole. The main units of concentration: molar fractions, fractions and volumetric mass, parts per million, the partial pressures.

2) The general concept of balance equation and the mass balance (6h theor; 6h exer)..
Mass balance of closed and open systems in the absence of chemical reactions, the term accumulation. The mass balance of industrial systems: separators and mixers. Recirculation systems. The chemical reaction, stoichiometric numbers, the degree of advancement, limiting reagent. Yield of the reaction. Mass balance of reactive systems.

3) Energy balance: the First Law of thermodynamics (6h theor; 6h exer)..
The energy balance of open and closed systems. State variables.
The internal energy and the first law of thermodynamics. The enthalpy. The specific heat at constant pressure and constant volume.

4) Volumetric properties of pure substances (6h theor; 4h exer)..
Phase transitions: solid-liquid and liquid-gas. Planes P-V and T-V. The ideal gas equation, cubic equations. Numerical solutions of equations. Principle of corresponding states, compressibility factor and acentric factor.

5) Thermal effects linked to transformations (6h theor; 6h exer)..
Sensible heat and latent heat, calculation of vapor pressures and latent heats as a function of temperature. Energy balance for reacting systems. Standard heats of formation. Tables and charts of physical properties. Interpolations. Thermodynamic calculations of reactions of industrial interest.

6) The second law of thermodynamics (4h theor; 6h exer)..
Entropy. Statements of the second law. Lost work. Gibbs free energy. Heat engines. The Carnot machine and the Carnot cycle. Refrigeration equipment.

7) Thermodynamic properties of fluids (4h theor; 3h exer).
Fundamental relations of the thermodynamic properties of pure substances: Maxwell relations. Properties remaining. Multiphase systems and diagrams termodimanici. Clapeyron and Clausius-clapeyron equation.

8) Thermodynamics of mixtures (4h theor; 2h exer).
Partial molar properties, the chemical potential, Gibbs’ theorem, mixtures of ideal gases and ideal mixtures. Excess properties.

9) Physical balance for multicomponent systems (10h theor; 12h exer)..
Ideal mixtures and Raoult's law. Deviations from ideal case and Henry's law. Generalized Raoult's law. Calculations for ideal and real systems. Activity coefficient. Margules’, van Laar’s and Wilson equations. Flash calculations for binary systems. Azeotropes. Thermodynamics of mixing. Enthalpy-composition diagrams. Miscibility and immiscibility, liquid-liquid equilibrium. Calculations of properties of real solutions and azeotropy. Ternary diagrams.

10) Colligative properties (2h theor; 2h exer).
Boiling point elevation. Freezing point depression. Osmotic pressure. van't Hoff’equation. Determination of molecular weights by osmotic pressure measurements.

11) Chemical equilibrium (10h theor; 12h exer).
General criterion of thermodynamic equilibrium. Equilibrium in chemical reactions. Standard free energy of formation and variation of the standard free energy of reaction. The equilibrium constant, effect of temperature on the equilibrium constant. Calculations of equilibrium constants. The equilibrium composition. Coordinate of reaction and reaction rate. Calculation of the equilibrium compositions for gaseous systems, and for liquid systems susceptible to chemical reactions.
Teaching Methods
The course consists in front lessons (60h) and classroom exercises (60h) for a total amount of 120 hours which are worth 12 credits. The exercises are conducted in a cooperative way, led by the teacher, with the help of manuals for obtaining data and scientific calculators for numerical analysis.
Verification of learning
the assessment of the achievement of the objectives will be done by means of a written test and an oral interview.
The written test typically consists of two questions to be answered in three hours.
To pass the test, the student must demonstrate to be able to formulate material and energy balances, to properly find the data on the manuals, and to design the calculation procedures for achieving the results. A list of written tests can be found at the web address
The oral interview typically lasts 30min. The student is required to deal with at least two problems involving thermodynamic aspects and questions are asked to highlight his ability to think on the aspects of interest of the course.
The final vote is expressed in a scale from 1 to 30, with a pass grade equal to 18. It is an average of the results achieved in the written and oral tests. It will depend on the degree of maturity acquired on the content and the methodological tools explained in the course, taking into account also the quality of the written and oral exposition and the autonomy of judgment shown.
The essential condition to achieve sufficiency is the correct formulation of mass balances with or without chemical reactions, the ability to read and understand the main thermodynamic diagrams, the proper application of the equations for physical equilibria and for chemical equilibrium of gaseous reactions.
The student reaches the level of excellence once he proves to be able to face problems no not expressly dealt during the lessons.
Fondamenti di termodinamica dell’ingegneria chimica, Rota R., casa editrice Pitagora (2004)

Introduction to chem. Eng. Thermodynamics - JM Smith, HC van Ness, McGraw-Hill (2005)

Perry's chemical engineering handbook

All the info on the course can be found at the website
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