Cristiano BOZZA | Publications
Cristiano BOZZA Publications
2023 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Art and Astrophysics in Conversation with KM3NeT Deep in the Mediterranean Sea. In: XVIII International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics SISSA Vol.441, Pag.332-337 | |
XVIII International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics Vienna 28/8/2023-1/9/2023 | |
Mauro, Jonathan; Fortescue, Donald; de Wasseige, Gwenhaël; Coyle, Paschal; Ilioni, Alin; Bozza, Cristiano | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.22323/1.441.0332 | |
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2023 | |
Contributo in Atti di convegno | |
Scalable solutions for the Control Unit of the KM3NeT DAQ system. In: RICAP-22, 8th Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics EDP Sciences Vol.280, Pag.08001-08004 | |
RICAP-22, 8th Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics Roma 6/9/2022-9/9/2022 | |
Bozza, Cristiano | |
Versione online | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1051/epjconf/202328008001 Codice identificativo ISI: WOS:001058250400028 | |
Show it in Product Database (IRIS) |