
Consiglia TEDESCO Publications

Abstract in Atti di convegno
Carbonyl-Carbonyl interactions as key contributors to Beta Turn classification.
In: Proceedings of 48° FEBS Conference Pag.1-1
48° FEBS Conference
Milan 29/6/2024-3/7/2024
D'Arminio, N; Ruggiero, V; Pierri, G; Marabotti, A; Tedesco, C
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
The peptoids’ path to understand the role of CH‧‧‧OC and CO‧‧‧CO interactions in proteins.
In: Proceedings of 34th European Crystallographic Meeting -ECM34 Pag.1-1
34th European Crystallographic Meeting -ECM34
Padova 25-30/8/2024
Tedesco, C.; Pierri, G.; D'Arminio, Nancy; Schettini, R.; Marabotti, A.; De Riccardis, F.; Izzo, I.
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
Deciphering Beta Turn Diversity: Unveiling the Role of Carbonyl-Carbonyl Interactions.
In: Proceedings of BITS2024 Pag.1-1
BITS2024 (Bioinformatics Italian Society Meeting)
Trento 12-15/6/2024
D'Arminio, N; Ruggiero, V; Pierri, G; Marabotti, A; Tedesco, C.
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
From cyclic peptoids to beta turn in proteins.
In: Proceedings of 18th Naples Workshop on Bioactive peptides Pag.1-1
18th Naples Workshop on Bioactive peptides
Naples, Italy 28-30/11/2024
Tedesco, C.; Pierri, G.; Schettini, R.; D'Arminio, Nancy; Damiani, F. L.; Marabotti, A.; De Riccardis, F.; Izzo, I.
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Abstract in Atti di convegno
The peptoids'outlook to intramolecular and intermolecular interactions.
In: Proceedings of 12th Peptoid Summit Pag.1-1
12th Peptoid Summit
Berkeley, CA, USA 7-9/8/2024
Tedesco, C.; Pierri, G.; Schettini, R.; D'Arminio, Nancy; Marabotti, A.; De Riccardis, F.; Izzo, I.
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