
Maria Teresa MERCALDO Curriculum

  • Education:
    • June 1997, Master Degree in Physics cum laude at University of Salerno
    • March 2001, Ph.D. in Physics at University of Salerno.
  • Career:
    • 20 November 2000 - 23 June 2001 - Scientific collaboration contract with INFM (National Institute of Condensed Matter Physics)
    • July 2001 - June 2005 - Post-Doc at University of Salerno on the project "Quantum phase transition and system with quenched disorder"
    • August 2005 - September 2007: Post-Doc at Department of Physics of University of Salerno.
    • Since October 2007: Researcher at Department of Physics 'E.R. Caianiello' - University of Salerno.
  • Post-graduate international activity:
    • April - November 1999: Visiting-researcher at University of Maryland College Park, Maryland (USA) for a collaboration with prof. T.R. Kirkpatrick.
    • May 1999: Visiting-researcher at University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (USA).
    • October 2002 – September 2003: Visiting-researcher at the 'Centre de Recherches sur les Tres Basses Temperatures', CNRS, Grenoble, France.
    • June 2004: Visiting-researcher at the 'CRTBT', CNRS, Grenoble, France.
    • 14-31 March 2005: Visiting-researcher at the 'CRTBT', CNRS, Grenoble, France.
    • 03-13 June 2008: Visiting-researcher at 'Max Planck Institute', Dresden, Germany.
    • 13-23 June 2011: Visiting-researcher at 'Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research' IFW , Dresden, Germany.
    • 24 June- 6 July 2012: Visiting-researcher at 'Max Planck Institute', Dresden, Germany.
  • Professional services and other activities
    • Referee of Nature (Nature Publishing Group)
    • Referee of APS Journals (Physical Review Letters, Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. E)
    • Referee of Elsevier Journals (Physica A, Physica B, J. Mag.Mag.Mat.)
    • Principal investigator of FARB projects (2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
    • Member of the "Oxides Superspin International Network"
    • Member of Department Board (2013-2018)
    • Web referent of the Department of Physics (2017-2022)
    • Member of the organizing commettee of the OSS2018 workshop "Oxides Superconducting Spintronics" - April 2018
    • Member of the scientific and organizing commettee of the international workshop "Lectiones Amalfitanae - Electronic Correlations, Emergent Phenomena, and Quantum Materials" (Amalfi, Aprile 2022)
    • Co-Chair del workshop interazionale: "Quantum materials, novel phases of matter and transport phenomena" (Salerno, June 2024)
    • Member dof the scientific and organizing commettee of the international workshop: "Gate controlled superconductivity" (Paestum, October 2024)
    • Senior researcher in European project "SUPERGATE - Gate Tuneable Superconducting Quantum Electronics" - H2020-FET(grant-id-964398)
    • Member of the MAECI bilateral project between Italy and Republick of Korea: "Magnetism and metallicity in the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4: a platform for quantum phases driven by strain and doping (MAP)" (KR23GR06)
    • Member of the MAECI bilateral project between Italy and Germany: ULTRAQMAT -"Ultrafast dynamics and high-field transport of quantum material system" (PGR12351)
    • Co-PI of research project "TOPological Qubit In driveN and reconfigurable heterostructures - TOPQIN", Call of Università degli Studi di Camerino - PNRR - Missione 4 - Componente 2 “National Quantum Science & Technology Institute” NQSTI
  • Research activities:
    • Critical phenomena in disordered systems
    • Quantum critical behavior in magnetic systems
    • Topological superconductors
    • Magneto-electric effects in nanostructured superconductors
    • Superconducting orbitronics
    • Quantum geometrical properties of materials