Stefania ZULIANI | Curriculum
Stefania ZULIANI Curriculum
Stefania Zuliani (Castellanza, 1968) is Senior Lecturer (Associated Professor) in Museology, art criticism and restoration (SSD L-Art/04) at Università degli Studi di Salerno, DISPAC. Here she teaches Museology, Theory of contemporary museum and exhibitions and Theory of art criticism. She is member in the teaching staff of research’s PhD “Metodi e metodologie della ricerca archeologica e storico artistica”. In 2014 she obtains qualification as I level History of Art Professor. Since 2015 she is member of Scientific Advisory Comitee of CSAC (Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione) of Università di Parma.
She has deeply studied the relationship between XX century art, poetry and art criticism. In the past she wrote a lot of essays and books about themes and protagonists of art and art criticism of the XX century. Recently she focused her researches on different aspects and problems related to the global art word and in particular on relationship between artistic productions of last years and expositive system as proved the books who has curated, as Figure dell’arte 1950-2000 (Milano 2005) and Il museo all’opera. Prospettive e trasformazioni del museo d’arte contemporanea (Milano 2006), born from the proceedings of the homonymous conference. She published Effetto museo. Arte critica ed educazione (Milano, 2009), Esposizioni. Emergenze della critica d’arte contemporanea (Milano, 2012) and Senza cornice. Spazi e tempi dell’installazione (Roma, 2015). She is art critic and she has collaborated since twenty years with Fondazione Filiberto Menna – Centro Studi di Arte Contemporanea (Salerno – Roma). Thanks this collaboration she has curated catalogues and shows, for example, Filiberto Menna. La linea analitica dell’arte contemporanea (2009), La mostra è aperta. Artisti in dialogo con Harald Szeemann (2010) and, with Antonello Tolve,L’intervallo necessario. Artisti in dialogo con Gillo Dorfles (2011) and Tempo Imperfetto. Nuovi sguardi sul Museo Archeologico Provinciale di Salerno (2014). Recently she curated with Antonello Tolve the show Leonardo Sinisgalli. Elogio dell’entropia (Montemurro, Macerata, Roma 2015). She is contributor and collaborates with specialised magazines and newspapers.