Anna ORIOLO | Publications
Anna ORIOLO Publications
2006 | |
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International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugloslavia. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic, Case No. IT-02-54-T, Trial Chamber, Reasons for Decision on Assignment of Defence Counsel, 22 September 2004), in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005. (CLASSE A). Vol. I. Pag.852-865 ISBN:0379214830 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
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International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugloslavia. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstic, Case No. IT-98-33-A, Appeals Chamber, Judgement, 19 April 2004) in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005. (CLASSE A). Vol. I. Pag.728-751 ISBN:0379214830 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
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International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugloslavia. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic, Case No. IT-02-54-T, Trial Chamber, Decision on Motion for Judgement of Acquittal, 16 June 2004) in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005. (CLASSE A). Vol. I. Pag.752-778 ISBN:0379214830 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
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International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugloslavia. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Slobodan Milosevic v. Prosecutor, Case No. IT-02-54-AR73.7, Appeals Chamber, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal of the Trial Chamber’s Decision on the Assignment of Defense Counsel, 1 November 2004), in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005. (CLASSE A). Vol. I. Pag.866-874 ISBN:0379214830 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
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European Court of Human Rights. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Case of Somogyi v. Italy, Application No. 67972/01, Judgment, 18 May 2004), in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005. (CLASSE A). Vol. II. Pag.1331-1337 ISBN:0379214849 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
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European Court of Human Rights. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Case Broniowski v. Poland, Application No. 31443/96, Judgment, 22 June 2004), in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005. (CLASSE A). Vol. II. Pag.1343-1359 ISBN:0379214849 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
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International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugloslavia. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Prosecutor v. Dario Kordic and Mario Cerkez, Case No. IT-95-14/2, Appeals Chamber, Judgement, 17 December 2004), in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005. (CLASSE A). Vol. I. Pag.875-930 ISBN:0379214830 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
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European Court of Human Rights. Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law (Case of Sejdovic v. Italy, Application No. 56581/00, Judgment, 10 November 2004) in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2005. (CLASSE A). Vol. II. Pag.1406-1415 ISBN:0379214849 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio) | |
Il diritto di autodifesa nel processo internazionale: il caso Milosevic. In ANNALI DELLA FACOLTÀ DI ECONOMIA - UNIVERSITA' DEL SANNIO Pag.93-125 NAPOLI ESI. ISBN:8849513208 | |
Oriolo, Anna | |
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2006 | |
Curatela | |
Curatore/i di Analytical Index dell'Annuario THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY. YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE 2005. Di Oriolo, Anna; Nino, MichelePag.index-3-index-67 | |
Oriolo, Anna; Nino, Michele | |
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