
Anna ORIOLO Publications

European Court of Human Rights, Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law, Affaire Perinçek c. Suisse, Requête n. 27510/08, Deuxième Section, Arrêt, 12 Novembre 2013, in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2014. Vol. 15-II. Pag.787-792
Oriolo, Anna
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European Court of Human Rights, Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law, Case of Wegrzynowski and Smolczewski v. Poland, Application No. 33846/07, Fourth Section, Judgment, 16 July 2013, The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2014. Vol. 14-II. Pag.761-764
Oriolo, Anna
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European Court of Human Rights, Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law, Case of X v. Latvia, Application no. 27853/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 26 November 2013, , The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2014. Vol. 14-II. Pag.793-796
Oriolo, Anna
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European Court of Human Rights, Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law, Case of Janowiec and Others v. Russia, Applications Nos. 55508/07 and 29520/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 21 October 2013, in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2014. Vol. 15-II. Pag.776-780
Oriolo, Anna
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European Court of Human Rights, Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law, Affaire Perinçek c. Suisse, Requête no. 27510/08, Deuxième Section, Arrêt, 12 Novembre 2013, The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2014. Vol. 14-II. Pag.787-789
Oriolo, Anna
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European Court of Human Rights, Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law, Case of Węgrzynowski and Smolczewski v. Poland, Application No. 33846/07, Fourth Section, Judgment, 16 July 2013, in The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2014. Vol. 15-II. Pag.761-764
Oriolo, Anna
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European Court of Human Rights, Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from Selected Case Law, Case of Janowiec and Others v. Russia, Applications Nos. 55508/07 and 29520/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 21 October 2013, The Global Community. Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2014. Vol. 14-II. Pag.776-780
Oriolo, Anna
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