
Marco CAPECE Curriculum

Securities and ratings
Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, Statutory, University of Salerno in the academic year 2010-2011
Researcher in Labour Law (IUS/07) at the Faculty of Law, University of Salerno.
PhD in Rights of the Person, Information and Communication, University of Salerno.
Doctor of Laws, University of Salerno.
Admitted to practice law.

Research activities (the last three years)
A) As a project manager:
1) two-year investigation relating to the share of budget ex 60% - Year 2007-titled "Job security. Nature and content of the obligation. The legislation, the constitutional and codicistiche, special legislation.Assessment, prevention and risk prevention. The new content of the compulsory training after d. Decree no. 195/03. The training of managers and employees in the service of prevention and protection.Damage and liability. "
2) two-year investigation relating to the share of budget ex 60% - in 2009 - entitled "The decline dall'impugnazione dismissal from the current framework and prospects for reform";
B) As a participant in research groups:
1) two-year research department relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "Ethics of proven business and law. The family relationships.The labor relations and trade, "the scientific research program Prof. Jose Maria Vaccaro, Director of the Department;
2) research relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "Collective Bargaining and Social Responsibility", the scientific research program of Prof. Paul Greek;
3) research relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "deflationary Institutes of litigation relating to employment", the scientific research program of Prof. Jose Maria Vaccaro;
4) departmental research relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "Interest and protected class action" of the scientific research program of Prof. Elvira Autorino - Director of the Department;
5) Research relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "New profiles of damage in the dismissal of the worker", the scientific research program of Prof. Jose Maria Vaccaro;
6) Research relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "Social responsibility and job security", the scientific research program of Prof. Paul Greek;
7) departmental research relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "Reconciliation: law, comparative and case" the scientific research program of Prof. Elvira Autorino - Director of the Department;
8) research relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "Disease and abuse of worker protections: the civil service", the scientific research program of Prof. Lorenzo Ioele;
9) Research relating to the share of budget ex 60% entitled "The rights of athletes in the light of the anti-doping rules. Profiles of Community and national law ", the scientific research program of Prof. Michele Colucci.

Teaching Activities
Seminars and tutorials
The official auditors at the Law Faculty of Law - University of Salerno in the academic year 2010 - 2011;
The official Labour Law (chair A / L, Prof. MJ Vaccaro) at the Faculty of Law - University of Salerno: supplementary exercises on the topics: The process of work (2007), Labour market contracts and cd Flexible (2008), Free movement of workers in the EU and analysis, and discipline of migration (2009);

Other educational activities
Participation, as Chairman of the Boards Exam in Law Board since 2011;
Participation, as a permanent member, the fees from examinations in AL Employment Law (Chair Prof. Jose Maria Vaccaro) and Employment Law MZ (Chair Prof. Lorenzo Ioele), social security law, comparative labor law (owner of Chairs Prof. Jose Maria Vaccaro), Social Security Law (Chair, prof. Lorenzo Ioele).
Collaborative research and teaching, including bibliographical publications for teachers, co-operation in organizing conferences on topics of student orientation program, ongoing mentoring in the preparation of the thesis, together with examinations, practical exercisesand seminars on specific topics of Italian private law and foreign as well as practical exercises and theoretical sources of doctrine and jurisprudence of the right teaching of Italian in: AL Employment Law (Chair Prof. Jose Maria Vaccaro) and Employment Law MZ (Chair Prof. Lorenzo Ioele), social security law, comparative labor law (owner of Chairs Prof. Jose Maria Vaccaro), Social Security Law (Chair, prof. Lorenzo Ioele).
Participation as a permanent member to the Boards of the Faculty of Law Degree from the University of Salerno.

Guidance and assistance
Mentoring and assistance to students enrolled in: Employment law, labor law, Social Security Law, Social Security Law - University of Salerno;
Tutoring and address looking for graduates in Law and Legal Science, Master - University of Salerno.

Recent Publications
The new law of privacy in the employment relationship, Salerno, 2005.
1. Comments on the Articles 111 to 116, d. lgs. June 30, 2003, n. 196, in the new framework of privacy. D. lgs. June 30, 2003, n. 196, Sica S. - Stanzione P. (Ed.), Bologna, 2004, pp. 479 to 516;
2. Outsourcing, protection of workers and the regime of solidarity, The Law Market Work, 2004, 3, pp. 1 to 38;
3. Comments regarding the strike and essential public services. Models of discipline in the main European countries, Labour and Welfare Today, 2005, 2, pp. 384 to 428.
4. Social responsibility and safety at work, workers and socially responsible enterprise, P. Greek (ed.), Giappichelli, Torino, 2007, p.143 to 153;
5. The existential damage the employment relationship after the United Chambers of 2008,, 2009, 9, p. 1 to 18;
6. Corporate social responsibility and protection of health and safety at work, Labour and Welfare Today, 2009, 9, pp. 1 -20;
7. New guidelines on non-economic loss in employment, Labour and Welfare in Today, 2009, 11, p. 1 to 23.
8. Demotion and existential damage in case law in this respect and legitimacy, in comparison, and civil law, 2010, 11, p. 1 -21.
9. Brief comments on security breach of the obligation and blackberry credendi the employer, in, 2011, 1, p. 1 - 4.
10. Differential Damage and responsibilities of the employer, in, 2011, 1, p. 1 to 7.