Maria SARNO | Curriculum
Maria SARNO Curriculum
Prof. Maria Sarno received the Laurea degree in Chemical Engineering (cum laude) and the PhD in Chemical Engineering, defending the thesis “Synthesis and Characterisation of Carbon Nanotubes”, from the University of Salerno.The main areas of research in which Prof. Sarno has carried out its scientific work are: (1) the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials (eg carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, graphene), with particular attention to applications (in the field of energy, environmental, biomedical), (2) the study of nanocomposites, (nanomaterials/polymer and ceramic matrices). Themes, the latter, that are subject of considerable interest in field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. These activities have been and are performed in close cooperation with scientific areas of different backgrounds, thus showing a strong multidisciplinary character.Her research interests concern the catalytic and chemical synthesis of nanomaterials (and their structural and chemical characterisation. Particular attention is devoted to their possible applications, to obtain high quality, low cost materials, to the process parameters and design of the system. The research activity includes also thermal, electrical and mechanical characterisation of nanomaterials and study of them as temperature, gases and radiation sensor. She is a coauthor of about 50 papers on international journal and 2 patent with referee, of over 50 contributions to international congress, of 1 book and of 3 book chapters.