
Antonia LONGOBARDI Curriculum

Antonia Longobardi is associate professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno, where she carries out her scientific research activity at the LIDAM Laboratory of Environmental and Maritime Hydraulics. The main areas of scientific interest are: a) Modelling of rainfall-runoff relationship at the basin scale; b) Extreme events and streamflow forecast at the event scale; c) Monitoring and study of the space-time variability of soil moisture; d) Statistical analysis at the regional scale of meteorological drought indicators; e) Statistical analysis at the regional scale of hydrological drought; e) urban hydrology); f) sustainable urban drainage. She has participated in numerous seminars, conferences and specialization schools and is the author of over 150 publications (book chapter, journal articles, peer-reviewed conference papers, abstracts). She is a member of the editorial board of some scientific journals and scientific manager of research projects and conventions with local authorities, as well as of numerous professional collaborations for research with universities and national and international research bodies. She holds courses in Hydraulic Construction and Environmental Sanitary Engineering (module 1) for the three-year degree and in Water supply and Sewerage for the master's degree.