
Delfina MALANDRINO Curriculum

Delfina Malandrino got a degree in Computer Science in November 2000 at the Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno. In April 2004 she earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the same University by defending a thesis entitled: "Intermediary Infrastructure for Edge Services on the WWW", advisor prof. Victor Scarano. From March 2004 to October 2006 she was responsible for various scholarships and research grants, from November 2007 to March 2019 she was a University Researcher (Ricercatore Universitario) and from April 2019 she was an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science.

She is a member of ISISLab and director of EdgeLab, research laboratories of the Department of Computer Science, dealing with Distributed Systems and Computational Social Sciences, respectively.

She has been part of research units and is a component of several approved and funded projects. You are a member of a research group that deals with the study of complex systems (Progetti ex-60%).

She has established several national and international collaborations, she was a visiting researcher at AT&T New York, USA, collaborating with Balachander Krishnammurthy, Internet privacy expert (currently AT&T Fellow).

She is a member of the research doctorate board (Cycle: XXXIX) of the Doctoral Course in Computer Science (Academic Year: 2023/2024), she is delegated for activities related to Orientation for younger students, she is a member of the steering committee of the Interdepartmental Observatory for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunity, as the delegate of the Department of Computer Science.

Furthermore, she is the advisor of students of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science. Topics: Internet privacy and privacy of apps and mobile systems; network traffic analysis through machine learning techniques; Distributed, Collaborative, and Social Systems; Social Network Analysis; information visualization; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Social Media Analysis and Data Mining; development of systems and applications based on innovative interfaces (Leap Motion, Kinect, Oculus Rift); development of mobile applications for Android and iOS (Location-based services, content adaptation, privacy, etc.). Analysis and development of countermeasures (machine learning-based and agent-based) and awareness systems related to Hate Speech and Fake News phenomena, Digital Health.

As part of her research activities, she mainly deals with Internet Privacy, Distributed Systems (Collaborative and Social), Techno-regulation and Computational Social Science, Computational Intelligence, Information Visualization, Virtual Reality & Innovative Interfaces, and Human Studies.