
Sergio PERONGINI Curriculum

Former career judiciary, court of appeal counsellor, former representative of the prosecutor office, now full professor of administrative law and head of the chair of procedural administrative law (faculty of law) and of public and civil buildings, urban law and sociology c/o the university of salerno, member of the bar association of salerno. deputy director of the department of public law and general theory of the institutions. from 2002, participant and speaker to several meetings, conferences and congresses. examination board member for judges public selection (public notice by the ministry of justice, feb. 28th, 2004 until 2008).

Responsible scientific research projects Farb from 2003 to 2012.
Member of the examination board for associate professors public competition in administrative law c/o the faculty of law, university of Milan “sacro cuore” (Piacenza). Member of the examination board for full professors public competition in administrative law c/o the faculty of political science, University of Palermo. member of the examination board for the final exam of the doctorate in administrative law, courses n.22, c/o the university of Cassino. president of the examination board, research doctorate in “safeguarding and administration of natural resources for a sustainable development”, meeting course n° 22, c/o university of Naples, “federico II”. member of the examination board for the admission to the doctorate school for juridical studies “Giambattista Vico”, course of public law, national and european theory of institutions and juridical philosophy, course n. 12, c/o university of Salerno. member of the examination board for the final exam of the doctorate in administrative law, courses n.23 and 24, c/o the university of Catania.