
Mario Felice TECCE Curriculum

Mario Felice Tecce is Full Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, University of Salerno. He received his Medical Degree in 1982, at the University of Naples, 2nd Medical School. At the same institution, he took a Board in Oncology in 1986 and a Doctorate of Research in Molecular Biology and Pathology in 1988, researching in the Institute of Patologia Generale (1979-1983), in the laboratory of prof. Gaetano Salvatore, on structural characterization of functional  domains of thyroglobulin molecule. He was Guest Worker (1981) and Visiting Fellow (1984-1985) in the Clinical Endocrinology Branch, NIADDK, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md, USA, researching on the effects of thyroid hormones on gene transcription and RNA processing. From the end of 1985 to 1992 he was Researcher, later Senior Researcher and then Chief Researcher at Sclavo s.p.a. (Enichem, later Enimont/Dupont), Siena. In 1992 Sclavo research became IRIS s.r.l. within Biocine s.p.a. (Ciba-Geigy/Chiron inc., later Novartis). As Project Leader of Carcinoma Specific Antigens program, he worked on human a-fetoprotein and other recombinant and purified antigens of diagnostic interest. Several of these procedures were patented and a-fetoprotein preparation was selected as reference European standard of diagnostic assays from Project RM 323, BCR Programme for Applied Metrology. From the end of 1992 he became Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Bari, V. Medicine Faculty. His research was then on identifying differential mRNAs of type 2 diabetes and endometrial carcinoma, and later on molecular processes related to chemopreventive nutrients, such as butirric acid and hydroxytyrosol. In 2001 he moved to the University of Salerno, Faculty of Pharmacy, Fisciano (Sa), where in 2007 he became Full Professor of Biochemistry, still working within nutritional biochemistry on genes modulated in vivo from diet lipids and on their regulation from individual polyunsaturated fatty acids in human cell lines. Another research is on the effect of low frequency magnetic fields in bone regenerative therapies. Supported from Metanexus Institute (Bryn Mawr, Pa, USA), in 2009 he started a multidisciplinary study group on theoretical, molecular and social bases of human knowledge process.