
Teresa AMODIO Curriculum

Full Professor of Economic Political Geography at the Department of Sciences of Cultural Heritage (DiSPaC) of the University of Salerno.

Delegate of the Rector to the Third mission and production of public goods of a social, educational and cultural nature (D.R..3 / 3/2022)

Scientific manager of the Geographic Information Systems Laboratory for the Territory Organization (SIGOT), certified in Conformity of the Italcert Management System UNI ENI ISO 9001: 2015 (ref. 14516/2020-FG).

Component of the University Quality Presidium (PQA). Delegation to the Third Mission and FARB Component Commission at the Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences (DiSPaC).

Member of the Scientific Committee of LabGeoNet, Network of Italian cartographic laboratories.

Coordinator of the AGeI President of the Provincial Council of Salerno of the Italian Association of Teachers of Geography (AIIG)

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Bulletin of the Italian Association of Cartography (AIC).

REPRISE Component, Register of scientific studies established by MIUR) for the Base

Professor of: Analysis of the context and marketing of the territory, CLT in Sciences of Cultural Heritage; Territory Organization, CLM in Modern Languages ​​and Literature; Political-Economic Geography, CLT in Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures; GIS and archival heritage, CLM in Management and Enhancement of Archives and Libraries.

Member of the Research Doctorate College in Innovation and Sustainability Territory, University of Rome Unicusano.

The research activity prevalent in the organization and planning of the territory with reference to the use of the systemic-qualitative model for the analysis of the territorial context and for the definition of socio-economic policy at all different scales; the policies of development and territorial cohesion at European level and of regional life; the demographic dynamics at different scales; I transported; The use of GIS for the analysis of territorial dynamics. Its such bases, through dedicated IT structures, has curated a series of products, publications, set-ups of cartographic exhibitions and conferences in the field of political and economic geography researches will return to richness, to present cartographically and understand the territorial scenarios, to the different scales, connected with laughter and enhancement of one's socio-economic heritage.

Head of the local unit of the University of Salerno as part of the research project of national interest Territorial Impact Assessment of the territorial cohesion of the Italian regions. Model, based on place evidence, for the evaluation of policies aimed at the development of the green economy in inner areas and metropolitan suburbs, PI M. Prezioso, University of Rome tre Tor Vergata (2017-2020).

Participation in the Social Network Project of the Entities of the Historical Centers "-SNECS (PON03PE_00163_1) and Cultural Heritage Information System" - CHIS (PON03PE_00099_1), MIUR, MISE, DAatabenc (2014-2017).

Coordination of the cartographic section MUSEO IN CAMPUS. Pestane section. Archaeological exhibition of objects from Paestum, curated by Dispac, in collaboration with the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Salerno and Avellino (2021).

Coordination of the Campania Section of the Covid-19 Atlas Project. Geographies of the contagion in Italy, AGEI, LABGeoNet (2019-2021).

Coordination of the study for the realization of territorial analyzes connected with the productive activities in the municipality of Cava De ’Tirreni, aimed at enhancing local economic vocations, Municipality of Cava dè Tirreni, Department of productive activities (2018).

Scientific Head of University Research Projects (FARB), from 2006 to today.

Participation in numerous international research projects 2015-2017 - Social Network of the Entities of Historical Centers (SNECS), created within the Databenc Regional District (High Technology District for Cultural Heritage), funded by the National Operational Program "Research and Competitiveness" 2007-2013 (PON03PE_00163_1 SNECS ).

2014-2017 - Cultural Heritage Information System (CHIS), created within the High Technology District for Cultural Heritage (DATABENC), National Operational Program "Research and Competitiveness" 2007-2013 (PON03PE_00099_1 CHIS).

2009-2010 - Competitiveness in sustainability: the territorial dimension in the implementation of Lisbon / Gothenburg process in Italian regions and provinces, as an application of the Sustainable Territorial economi / environmental Management Approach (STEMA), ESPON 2006 Program, University of Rome Tor Vergata (coordinated by M. Prezioso).

2009 - Web-GIS Portal Mediterranean Itineraries - The Cilento Information System, aimed at enhancing the environmental and cultural heritage of the territory of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, SMALT Project "Mediterranean Exhibition of Local Autonomies and Territories" (Campania Region , AGC 08 Budget, Finance and Taxes - Relations with the Mediterranean Countries).

2008-2010 - G.E.M.M. Governance Empowerment Mediterranean Model, EUPOLIS Association, Salerno (MED-PACT Governance Empowerment Mediterranean Model Community Program, G.E.M.M / 2006 / 129-443).

2008-2009 - Creation of the Geographic Information System of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, MATCH Project "Archeological And Cultural Heritage for Mediterranean Tourism", Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University degli Studi di Salerno (POR Campania 2000 - 2006, Measure 6.5 Action b. 5 "Institutional cooperation in the Mediterranean", DGR n.1507 of 18.09.2008).

Participation in research projects of national interest (PRIN)

2006-2008 - Governance of sustainability and policies for the remediation and reuse of polluted areas in the provinces of Salerno and Benevento (responsible M. Riitano, Salerno research unit), within the PRIN Integrated methods, processes and policies for governance of sustainability (national manager T. D'Aponte, University of Naples Federico II).

2004-2006 - The responsible management of urban systems: tools, policies and initiatives in the Province of Salerno, (responsible M. Riitano, Research Unit of Salerno), within the PRIN Urban ecosystem: good practices for the governance of urban sustainability and compatible development (national manager T. D'Aponte, University of Naples Federico II).

1999-2001 - Industrial decommissioning and forms of reuse in the Salerno area and its province (head of M. Riitano, Salerno research unit), as part of the PRIN Brownfields and urban green areas: new landscapes in Italy (national manager U. Leone, University of Naples Federico II).

Participation in Working Groups of the Italian Geographers Association (Physical geography and human geography: theory and practice of a possible integration, coordinator Lorenzo Bagnoli; Gecoagri-Landitaly, coordinator Maria Gemma Grillotti Di Giacomo).

Participation in research projects financed by public institutions, among which the most recent are the Creation of a territorial geographic information system, Tuserumona Project - Protection and conservation of monumental olive trees in the province of Avellino, agronomic and legal promotional profiles, Province of Avellino (2014 ) and the Portal / WEB GIS Project aimed at representing and enhancing the branded oils of the Campania Region, Campania Region (2015).

Participation in numerous national and international conferences both as moderator and speaker, addressing, in a methodological and applicative key, studies of historical cartography and toponymy, geographical epistemology, territorial identity, new technologies for knowledge and management of the territory, environmental evolution, history geography, history of cartography, postal cartography, didactics of geography, historical geography, cultural geography, medical geography and food, geography of agriculture, travel, environmental sustainability, third sector, favoring the geopolitical analysis of territorial processes in their transformations (from an economic, social, political, cultural point of view and so on) regarding national and international contexts. With this in mind, he studied more specifically related topics.

Membership of the Association of Italian Geographers (AGeI), the Italian Geographic Society (SGI), the Italian Society of Geographic Studies (SSG), the Italian Cartography Association (AIC), within which he is a member of the editorial committee of the Bulletin (A magazine) and to the Italian Association of Geography Teachers (AIIG).