
Valeria GIORDANO Curriculum

Valeria Giordano is Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Sciencies (Law School), University of Salerno. She teaches Legal Reasoning- Legal Theories, and General Theory of Law.


Teacher of Theory of Interpretation and Argumentation at Law  School post-graduated (scuola delle professioni legali), University of Salerno,  she has been theaching at Bioethics and Professional Ethics Master,  instituted by the Law Faculty at Salerno University for the Department of Theory and History of the Law and Politics, and member of scientific counsil.


She is Member of  Ph.D of Pubblic Law, Theory of National and European Institutions, Legal Philosophy, and earlier of  Ph.D of Philosophy, Theory and History of Legal and Political Institutions (University of Salerno).


Member of Scientific Committee of  a book series in legal and political philosophy "Societas" and of the "Hans Kelsen Laboratory Notes".


After Degree in Law at Faculty of Law of University of Salerno, cum laude, she earned  Ph.D. in Analytical Philosophy and Jurisprudence at University of Milan (thesis: "Theory of Validity and Constitutionalitation of Principles), and later, a Master in Legal Informatics at University of Bologna , post-PhD. course "Transformations in Law" organized by Crie, Centre for European  Institutions Research.


Reasercher in PRIN 2002 ("Equality: legal and ethical dimensions of a fundamental value"); in Prin 2004 ("Legal Culture, Democracy and Constitutionalism in Europe") and in Prin 2007 (The Universalizability in Moral and Legal Reasoning And The Constitutional Balancing), she is  responsible of research projects about legal Reasoning, constitutional Jurisprudence and Post-positivism.