Premi per la ricerca

Maria Vincenza CIASULLO Premi per la ricerca

Outstanding Paper in the 2018 Emerald Literati Awards
Highly Commended Award for the paper: “Improving Health Care Quality: The implementation of Whistelblowing”, The TQM Journal, – ISSN: 1754-2731, Vol. 29, Issue 1, pagg. 167-183, DOI:10.1108/TQM-06-2017-0068, 2016
Emerald Publishing - Regno Unito
Highly Commended Award for the paper: “Improving Health Care Quality: The implementation of Whistelblowing”, The TQM Journal, – ISSN: 1754-2731, Vol. 29, Issue 1, pagg. 167-183, DOI:10.1108/TQM-06-2017-0068, 2016
Selected Paper presentato al Convegno annuale Sinergie-SIMA 2018 “Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation” (Venezia)
Titolo del paper: Sustainability in footwear industry: a big data analysis (co-authors: Polese F.; Troisi O.; Maione G.)
Sinergie - SIMA
Selected Paper presentato al Convegno Annuale Sinergie-Sima: “Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation”, Ca-Foscari University, Venice, Italy, 14-15 June, 2018. Titolo del Paper: 149Sustainability in footwear industry: a big data analysis, il paper è stato pubblicato sulla Rivista Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Vol. 37, N. 1, pp. 149-170, DOI 10.7433/s108.2019.09.
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM