Fausto LONGO | Publications
Fausto LONGO Publications
2013 | |
Poster | |
Remote Sensing and Environmental of the Site of Phaistos. In: Non-Destructive Approches to Complex Archaeological Context in Europe: A Round-Up Ghent Ghent University Pag.97-98 ISBN:9689461971098 | |
Radio-Past Radiography of the Past Ghent 15-17 january 2013 | |
A., Rossi; Longo, Fausto; V., Amato | |
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2013 | |
Poster | |
Palaeonvironmental Reconstruction of the Mid- to Recent Hologene Landscape Surrounding the Minoan Site of Phaistos (Crete, Greece). In: 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology Paris Pag.1-1 | |
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology Paris 27-31/8/2013 | |
Ghilardi, M.; Psomiadis, D.; Longo, F.; Amato, V.; Demory, F.; Delanghe Sabatier, D.; Colleu, M.; Sinibaldi, L.; Gasse, F. | |
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