Donatello CIMADOMO | Curriculum
Donatello CIMADOMO Curriculum
Curriculum Vitae
Donatello Cimadomo, born in Potenza on 17 August 1970, resident in Potenza, Via Serre no. 155.
Assistant Professor of Criminal Procedure at the University of Salerno, Department of General Public Law and Theory of Institutions (scientific-disciplinary sector IUS/16).
from 01/01/2004 to 31/12/2006
Tenured Assistant Professor of Criminal Procedure at the University of Salerno, Department of General Public Law and Theory of Institutions (scientific-disciplinary sector IUS/16).
from 01/01/2007 to 01/10/2020
National scientific qualification, Competition sector 12/G2, II Band, Fifth quarter
from 20-08-2018 to 20-08-2024
Direction or participation in the activities of a research group
- Participation in the PRIN national interest research programme, Year 2012, ref. 2012WFEZ5E, entitled “I danni da attività giudiziaria penale”. Scientific Coordinator: prof. Giorgio Spangher. Unit 2: University of Salerno. Scientific Director: prof. Luigi Kalb.
from 01/10/2015 to 31/03/2017
- Participation in the international research programme, Years 2012-2015, entitled “SISTEMA PROCESAL PENAL Y MÉTODOS ALTERNATIVOS DE RESOLUCIÓN DE CONFLICTOS: ANÁLISIS CRÍTICO Y PROPUESTAS ANTE LA REFORMA DEL PROCESO PENAL EN EL ESPACIO JUDICIAL EUROPEO”, University of Salamanca, Scientific Director: prof. Lorenzo Bujosa Vadel. Research unit of Salerno, Scientific Director: prof. Luigi Kalb.
from 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2015
Scientific study and research responsibilities
- PhD in Criminal Procedure, 10th Cycle, head office University of Palermo. Thesis title: La incompatibilità del giudice penale minorile.
from 1/11/1995 to 31/10/1999
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2006, ref. ORSA061831, entitled “L’appellabilità delle sentenze di proscioglimento”.
from 17/01/2006 to 17/02/2008
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2007, ref. ORSA070783, entitled “La legge Pecorella: evoluzioni giurisprudenziali e prospettive de iure condendo”.
from 29/01/2007 to 29/01/2009
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2008, ref. ORSA087323, entitled “L’attività di investigazione difensiva e la tutela dei dati sensibili prevista dal testo unico sulla privacy”.
from 05/02/2008 to 05/02/2010
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2009, ref. ORSA091980, entitled “Vicende cautelari vicende estintive e reintroduttive”.
from 25/05/2009 to 25/05/2011
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2010, ref. ORSA108857, entitled “Limitazione ante iudicium della libertà personale”.
from 31/03/2010 to 31/03/2012
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2011, ref. ORSA117390, entitled “Esperienze applicative e prospettive della mediazione penale nell’ordinamento italiano: processo minorile e istanze della giustizia riparativa”.
from 30/06/2011 to 30/06/2013
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2012, ref. ORSA129170, entitled “Esperienze applicative e prospettive della mediazione penale nell’ordinamento italiano: processo minorile e istanze della giustizia riparativa” (cont.)
from 29/08/2012 to 29/08/2014
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2013, ref. 300400FRB13CIMAD, entitled “Le opposizioni nel processo penale”.
from 11/12/2013 to 11/12/2015
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2014, ref. 300400FRB14CIMAD, entitled “La prova nel processo a carico degli enti”.
from 07/11/2014 to 06/11/2016
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2015, ref. 300400FRB15CIMAD, entitled “Ne bis in idem: rapporti tra giudicato interno e decisioni delle Corti di Strasburgo e di Lussemburgo”. Scientific Director.
from 28/07/2015 to 28/07/2017
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2016, ref. 300400FRB16CIMAD, entitled “La prova nel processo a carico degli enti” (cont.)
from 29/07/2016 to 20/09/2018
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2017, ref. 300400FRB17CIMAD, entitled "Le decisioni a reato estinto".
From 20/11/2017 to 20/11/2020
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2018, ref. 300400FRB18CIMAD, entitled "La prova apparente".
from 11/03/2019 to 10/03/2022
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2019, ref. 300400FRB19CIMAD, entitled "Le fonti normative secondarie".
from 18/05/2020 to 18/05/2023
- Head of FRB research project - University fund for basic research, Year 2020, ref. codice ORSA209880, entitled “La circolazione probatoria tra procedimenti”.
from 15/02/2021 to 15/02/2024
- Head of FRB research project – University fund for basic research, Year 2021, ref. codice ORSA217974, entitled “La “connessione” tra illecito amministrativo e reato nel procedimento ex lgs. n. 231/2001".
from 22/11/2021 to 22/11/2024
- Head of FRB research project – University fund for basic research, Year 2021, ref. codice ORSA224811, entitled “La “connessione” tra illecito amministrativo e reato nel procedimento ex d.lgs. n. 231/2001" in continuation with the research project of 2021.
from 25/7/2022 to 25/07/2025
- Head of FRB research project – University fund for basic research, Year 2022, ref. codice ORSA232304, entitled “Le nuove tecnologie alla "prova" del Processo Penale”.
from 31/7/2023 to 31/7/2026
Direction or participation in editorial committees of journals
- Member of the Editorial Committee of Iura and Legal System (ISSN 2385-2445), Official publication of the Department of Legal Sciences, Law Faculty, University of Salerno.
from 01/01/2013 to today
- Member of the Editorial Committee of Journal online entitled Criminal Law and Procedure (ISSN 2724-0711), Pacini Giuridica
from 1/03/2019 to today
- Member of the Editorial Committee of Journal entitled Italian Law (ISSN 1125-3029), Utet Italiana
from 2/01/2019 to today
- Member of the the Editorial Committee of Journal entitled Internet Law - Digital Copyright e Data Protection (ISSN 2612-4491), Pacini Giuridica
from 1/04/2019 to today
Participation in the teaching body and attribution of teaching posts, in the field of PhD programmes accredited by the Ministry.
- Member of the Teaching Body of the PhD programme in Public Law, Theory of National and European Institutions and Legal Philosophy, 26th Cycle, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator: prof. Enzo Maria Marenghi.
from 01/10/2010 to 30/09/2011
- Member of the Teaching Body of the PhD programme in Public Law, Theory of National and European Institutions and Legal Philosophy, 27th Cycle, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator: prof. Enzo Maria Marenghi.
from 01/10/2011 to 30/09/2012
- Member of the Teaching Body of the PhD programme in Public Law, Theory of National and European Institutions and Legal Philosophy, 28th Cycle, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator: prof. Enzo Maria Marenghi.
from 01/10/2012 to 30/09/2013
- Member of the Teaching Body of the three-year PhD programme in Legal Sciences, 29th Cycle, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator: prof. Enzo Maria Marenghi.
from 01/10/2013 to 30/09/2014
- Lecturer in PhD programme in Theory of State Institutions between Federalism and Decentralisation, 10th Cycle, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator: prof. Enzo Maria Marenghi, entitled “La disciplina in materia di casellario giudiziale”, held at the University of Salerno on 21/03/2011.
- Lecturer in PhD programme in Legal Sciences, 29th Cycle, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator: prof. Enzo Maria Marenghi, in the context of a personal curriculum, “Spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia e Cooperazione giudiziaria e di polizia in materia penale”, Coordinator: prof. Angela Di Stasi, entitled “Attività iure imperii e domande risarcitorie”, held at the University of Salerno on 27/05/2013.
- Lecturer in PhD programme in Legal Sciences, 29th Cycle, University of Salerno, Scientific Coordinator: prof. Enzo Maria Marenghi, in the context of a personal curriculum, “Spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia e Cooperazione giudiziaria e di polizia in materia penale”, Coordinator: prof. Angela Di Stasi, entitled “Il diritto di difesa”, held, in the context of a personal curriculum, “Spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia e Cooperazione giudiziaria e di polizia in materia penale”, Coordinator: prof. Angela Di Stasi, at the University of Salerno on 07/07/2014.
- Lecturer in PhD programme in Legal Sciences, University LUM – Libera Università del Mediterraneo “Giuseppe Degennaro”, Casamassima (BA), Scientific Coordinator: prof. Francesco Vergine, entitled “L’abuso del processo”, held at the University LUM – Libera Università del Mediterraneo “Giuseppe Degennaro”, Casamassima (BA) on 15/03/2023
Organisation or participation as a speaker in conferences of a scientific nature in Italy or abroad
- Talk entitled “Mediazione e persone giuridiche”, in the context of the 1st International Conference on Criminal Process Systems and Mediation, organized by the Law Faculty of the University of Salamanca, held in Salamanca from 18/10/2012 to 19/10/2012.
- Talk entitled “Ordine europeo di indagine e garanzie della difesa. Brevi osservazione a margine della direttiva 2014/41/UE”, in the context of the “Investigazioni 'Sin Fronteras'”. The European Criminal Investigation Order. Spain and Italy in comparison” conference, organized by the Second University of Naples, Department of Law, held in Naples from 12/10/2013 to 13/10/2013.
- Talk entitled “Mediazione e giustizia penale internazionale”, in the context of the 3rd International Conference on Criminal Process Systems and Mediation, organized by the Law Faculty of the University of Salamanca, held in Salamanca from 21/11/2014 to 22/11/2014.
- Talk entitled “Procedimento di prevenzione e responsabilità da reato dell’ente: un equilibrio precario”, in the context of the “La giustizia penale preventiva. Ricordando Giovanni Conso” conference held in Cagliari from 29/10/2015 to 31/10/2015.
- Talk entitled “Il sistema che funziona”, in the context of the study seminar in Prison Law entitled “Il sovraffollamento carcerario”, organized by the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of the University of Salerno, held in Fisciano on 24/05/2015.
- Talk entitled “Sequestri penali e ragioni dei terzi”, in the context of the “Sequestri penali e procedure concorsuali. Profili applicativi.” conference organized by the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) of the University of Salerno, held in Fisciano on 26/05/2016.
- Report entitled "La retrodatazione delle misure cautelari", as part of the Higher Training Course on the Court of Cassation organized by the Union of Italian Criminal Chambers, School of Specialized Higher Education in Criminal Law - Court of Cassation Observatory - Center for Legal Studies and Social "Aldo Marongiu", held on 4/02/2022, remotely, on the Zoom platform.
- Report entitled “Le banche dati quali strumenti d’indagine”, in the 3rd edition of the Jean Monnet Module entitled "EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs" - held at the Department of Law of the University of Salerno, in Fisciano on 26/05/2022.
- Talk entitled “Le misure di prevenzione”, as part of the Training Course of the Criminal Lawyer 2020-2022", organized by the Territorial School of training and updating of the Criminal Chamber Irpina, held in Avellino on 29/06/2022.
- Talk entitled “Abuso del processo vs elusione della sanzione (commento a Cass. Pen. Sez. Unite Sent., 29/09/2011, n. 155", as part of the training course on " Abuso del diritto: elementi costitutivi ed il ruolo della giurisprudenza", Code T22008, organized by the Superior School of the Judiciary, held in Matera on 10/10/2022.
- Talk entitled " La fase dibattimentale, con particolare riguardo all’estensione delle ipotesi di citazione diretta a giudizio e alla nuova udienza filtro predibattimentale", as part of the training course - Paper Reform Criminal Sector – organized by the Superior School of the Judiciary – District of Salerno, Bar Council of Salerno, Criminal Chamber of Salerno, Nocera Inferiore and Vallo della Lucania and L.A.P.E.C Salerno Section, held in Salerno on 11/11/2022.
- Talk entitled "La ragionevole previsione di condanna (art. 408 c.p.p.)", as part of the training course on the theme "News "to rain" on the criminal trial: five round tables", organized by the Association of Criminal Process Scholars "G.D. Pisapia”, held through the use of the Teams platform, on 10/02/2023.
- Talk entitled " La Riforma penale ed il processo a carico dei minorenni" as part of the Training Course - The Reform of the Civil and Criminal Trial, Code D23053 - organized by the Superior School of the Judiciary - District of Bari, Catanzaro and Potenza - National Union of Civil Chambers and National Union of Criminal Chambers, held in Matera on 25/02/2023.
- Talk entitled " La riforma delle intercettazioni: Un bilanciamento più soddisfacente tra esigenze di indagine, tutela della riservatezza, diritto di difesa e diritto all’informazione?" as part of the Training Course organized by the Superior School of the Judiciary – Code P23026 – "La disciplina delle intercettazioni" held in Scandicci (FI) on 29/03/2023.
- Talk entitled "Il filtro pre-dibattimentale e le modifiche al dibattimento" in the context of the XV Course of Professional Qualification and Refresher of the Lawyer, organized by the Institute of Research and Legal Training ISPEN under the patronage of the Council of the Bar of Salerno, held in Cava de Tirreni, 28/04/2023.
- Talk entitled “I software per la ricerca e per l’elaborazione delle fonti informatiche” as part of the conference entitled “Per uno statuto dei nuovi mezzi di ricerca della prova di fronte alla società digitale” held in Rome, at the UnitelmaSapienza University, on 22/09/2023.
- Talk entitled “La disciplina sull’antiriciclaggio nell’ambito della professione forense” as part of the conference entitled “La collaborazione dei professionisti nel contrasto all’antiriciclaggio. Stato dell’arte e problematiche applicative” organized by the Council of the Bar Association of Potenza, together with the Notary Council of the combined districts (of Potenza, Lagonegro, Matera and Sala Consilina), the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Potenza, to the UIF and the Bank of Italy, held in Potenza, at the Court of Potenza, on 26/09/2023
- Talk entitled “Il controllo giudiziario volontario: rapporti tra poteri prefettizi e giurisdizione (art. 34 bislgs. n. 159/2011)” as part of the training course on “Le misure di prevenzione. L’azione di contrasto alle forme di accumulazione illecita di ricchezza e le garanzie di libertà individuali”, Code D23363, organized by the Superior School of the Judiciary, held in Matera on 29/09/2023.
- Talk entitled “Il punto sul processo penale telematico” as part of the Study Day promoted by the CED of the Supreme Court of Cassation entitled “La digitalizzazione della Giustizia tra presente e futuro” jointly organized by the Supreme Court of Cassation, Superior School of the Judiciary and the Council of the Bar of Naples, held in Capri on 14/10/2023.
Specific professional experience
- Tutoring and teaching aid in the context of the Criminal Procedure courses held by Profs. Andrea Antonio Dalia, Marzia Ferraioli, Luigi Kalb and Rosalba Normando.
from 01/10/1994 to 30/09/1995 and from 01/10/1996 to 30/09/2003.
- Tutoring and teaching aid in the context of the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions at the University of Salerno.
from 01/10/2011 to today
- Subject expert at the University of Salerno for the teaching of Criminal Procedure.
from 01/10/1994 to 30/09/1995 and from 01/10/1996 to 30/09/2003.
- Contracted Professor for the teaching of Military Criminal Procedure at the University of Salerno, Department of General Public Law and Theory of Institutions - since 01/01/2013, Department of Legal Sciences, School of Law (scientific-disciplinary sector IUS/16).
from 01/10/2007 to 30/09/2008 and from 01/10/2015 to 30/09/2016.
- Contracted Professor for the teaching of Institutional Criminal Procedure at the University of Salerno, Department of Legal Sciences, School of Law (scientific-disciplinary sector IUS/16).
from 01/10/2016 to 30-9-2019
- Contracted Professor for the teaching of Criminal Procedure (matricole diviso 3-resto 1) at the University of Salerno, Department of Legal Science, School of Law (scientific-disciplinary sector IUS/16)
from 1/10/2019 to 03/06/2020
- Associate Professor, for the disciplinary scientific sector IUS/16 (Criminal Procedural Law) - Competition Sector 12/G2 (Criminal Procedural Law) at the Department of Legal Sciences (Law School) of the University of Salerno
from 1/10/2020 to today
- Member of the Teaching Body for the “prof. Andrea Antonio Dalia” Professional Refresher and Improvement Course in Criminological, Criminal and Process Sciences organized by the University of Salerno, Department of Public Law and Theory and History of Institutions (and since 01/01/2013) Department of Legal Sciences, School of Law.
from 01/10/2010 to 30/09/2014
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “Defensive investigations: function of the defender, powers, limits in the exercise of defensive investigation activity”, held at the University of Salerno on 15/02/2012.
- Lecture at the “prof. Andrea Antonio Dalia” Professional Refresher and Improvement Course in Criminological, Criminal and Process Sciences, Third Edition, organized by the University of Salerno, Department of Public Law and Theory and History of Institutions, Course Director: prof. Luigi Kalb, entitled “Criminal liability of entities: procedural aspects”, held at the University of Salerno on 16/03/2012.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions at the University of Salerno entitled “Judgment and its effects. The principle of ne bis in idem in the jurisprudential elaboration”, held at the University of Salerno on 20/04/2012.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “Defensive investigations: function of the defender, powers, limits in the exercise of defensive investigation activity”, held at the University of Salerno on 23/01/2013.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions at the University of Salerno entitled “Judgment and its effects. The principle of ne bis in idem in the jurisprudential elaboration”, held at the University of Salerno on 09/07/2013.
- Lecture at the “prof. Andrea Antonio Dalia” Professional Refresher and Improvement Course in Criminological, Criminal and Process Sciences, Fourth Edition, “Scientific knowledge and the criminal justice system”, organized by the University of Salerno, Department of Legal Sciences, Course Director: prof. Luigi Kalb, entitled “The documentary evidence”, held at the University of Salerno on 28/02/2014.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The new system of appeals: a) the appeal”, held at the University of Salerno on 21/05/2014.
- Lecture at the “prof. Andrea Antonio Dalia” Professional Refresher and Improvement Course in Criminological, Criminal and Process Sciences, Fourth Edition, “Scientific knowledge and the penal system”, organised by the University of Salerno, Department of Legal Sciences, Course Director: prof. Luigi Kalb, entitled “The defensive investigations”, held at the University of Salerno on 23/05/2014.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The European Investigation Order”, held at the University of Salerno on 10/02/2016.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The regulation of wiretapping between investigative needs and privacy protection”, held at the University of Salerno on 22/02/2016.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The precautionary proceedings”, held at the University of Salerno on 09/05/2017.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The system of appeals”, held at the University of Salerno on 15/05/2017.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The precautionary proceedings”, held at the University of Salerno on 23/01/2018.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The system of appeals”, held at the University of Salerno on 29/01/2018.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled "The precautionary proceedings", held at the University of Salerno on 09/01/2019.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled "The system of appeals", held at the University of Salerno on 13/02/2019.
- Lecture at the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “Precautionary measures and remedies”, held using the platform Microsoft Teams on 17/04/2020.
- Lecture at the School Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The Reform of Criminal Justice between prescription and non-payment ", held using the platform Microsoft Teams on 15/03/2022.
- Lecture at the School Specialisation for Legal Professions of the University of Salerno entitled “The new pre-trial hearing", held using the platform Microsoft Teams on 16/01/2023.
Scientific publications
- Journal entitled Annali dell’Istituto di diritto e procedura penale dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, number 2 of 1996, account of the work carried out during the 10th Conference of the Association of the academics of the criminal process held in Salerno from 11 to 13 October 1996 on the topic of “Il giusto processo” (pp. 103-111) (1996).
- GIUFFRÈ publishing house, “I nuovi limiti alla utilizzabilità degli elementi probatori”, part of the volume in the series entitled “Le nuove leggi penali”, edited by Dalia-Ferraioli, entitled “Le innovazioni in tema di formazione della prova nel processo penale” (pp. 145-191) (1998).
- GIUFFRÈ publishing house, in collaboration with prof. Andrea Antonio Dalia, heading “Difensore (dir. proc. pen)” submitted into the Third update of the Encyclopaedia of Law (pp. 501-511) (1999).
- University of Salerno, Journal no. 2 of the Department of General Public Law and Theory of Institutions - Criminal Procedure Law Section - of the University of Salerno, “La incompatibilità del giudice penale minorile”, a work funded by the University of Salerno (pp. 1-85) (1999).
- GIUFFRÈ publishing house, “La richiesta di trasmissione degli atti all’ufficio del pubblico ministero “competente””, part of the volume in the series entitled “Le nuove leggi penali”, edited by Dalia-Ferraioli, entitled “Le recenti modifiche al codice di procedura penale. Volume I. Le innovazioni in tema di indagini preliminari e di udienza preliminare” (pp. 31-50) (2000).
- CEDAM publishing house, “Un giudice “unico” per il processo penale minorile. Contributo allo studio dell’incompatibilità del giudice”, part of the series entitled “Studi di diritto processuale penale” edited by Dalia-Ferraioli-Garofoli-Kalb-Pierro (pp. 1-208) (2002).
- Journal entitled Criminal Law and Procedure no. 8, 2004, “Trasmissione degli atti di indagine ad altro ufficio disposta dalla Procura su richiesta dell’indagato” (pp. 1015-1019) (2004).
- GIUFFRÈ publishing house, “La procedura “attiva” di consegna”, part of the volume in the series entitled “Prima interpretazione. Le nuove leggi penali”, edited by L. Kalb, entitled “Mandato di arresto europeo e procedure di consegna” (pp. 507-532) (2005).
- Online journal entitled The Legal Journal, “Il nuovo sistema delle impugnazioni penali: prima considerazione sugli effetti della riforma nella prassi (prima e seconda parte). Commento alla L. 20 febbraio 2006, n. 46” (pp. 1-13) (2006).
- GIUFFRÈ publishing house, “Le norme sull’impiego della polizia giudiziaria e sui servizi sussidiari di sicurezza”, part of the volume in the series entitled “Prima interpretazione. Le nuove leggi penali”, edited by A.A. Dalia, entitled “Le nuove norme di contrasto al terrorismo” (pp. 549-579) (2006).
- Journal The Courts of Salerno no. 2 of 2006, “La competenza funzionale del giudice dell’esecuzione in presenza di più provvedimenti da eseguire” (pp. 483-490) (2006).
- IPSOA publishing house - ed. 2007 - comments on articles 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675 and 676 of the annotated Criminal Procedure Code, edited by Giarda-Spangher (pp. 5813-5859) (2007).
- IPSOA publishing house, comments on articles 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675 and 676 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which is part of the electronic annotated Criminal Procedure Code CD-ROM (2007).
- CEDAM publishing house, comments on articles 606, 616, 618, 620, 624 and 625-b of the Criminal Procedure Code, which are part of the volume entitled “Il codice di procedura penale secondo le Sezioni Unite della Cassazione (1990-2006)”, edited by A.A. Dalia (pp. 870-875 and 885-906) (2007).
- Il Sole 24 Ore publishing house, heading “Spese di giustizia”, in Il Sole 24 Ore Legal Encyclopaedia (pp. 360-367) (2007).
- Il Sole 24 Ore publishing house, heading “Spese di giustizia”, in Il Sole 24 Ore Legal Dictionary (pp. 896-899) (2008).
- UTET publishing house, chapter I entitled “I casellari e l’anagrafe”, which constitutes the fourth section entitled “Le iscrizioni nel casellario e le spese di giustizia” and which are both part of the Treaty on Criminal Procedure, vol. VI, entitled “Esecuzione e rapporti con autorità giurisdizionali straniere”, edited by L. Kalb (pp. 345-392) (2009).
- UTET publishing house, chapter I entitled “Le spese di giustizia”, which constitutes the fourth section entitled “Le iscrizioni nel casellario e le spese di giustizia” and which are both part of the Treaty on Criminal Procedure, vol. VI, entitled “Esecuzione e rapporti con autorità giurisdizionali straniere”, edited by L. Kalb (pp. 393-401) (2009).
- Online journal entitled The Legal Journal, “Sicurezza e riforme nel procedimento penale” (pp. 1-3) (2009).
- IPSOA publishing house - ed. 2010 - comments on articles 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675 and 676 of the annotated Criminal Procedure Code, edited by Giarda-Spangher (pp. 7873-7973) (2010).
- Journal entitled Criminal Procedure and Justice no. 2 of 2012, “A metà del guado: alcune considerazioni in tema di presunzione di adeguatezza della misura della custodia cautelare in carcere e di rimedi in fase esecutiva” (pp. 49-55) (2012).
- GIUFFRÈ publishing house, comments on articles 182-186, 326-328 and 330-335 of the Criminal Procedure Code which are part of the annotated volume entitled “Codice di procedura penale”, edited by Tranchina-Canzio (pp. 1679-1704, 2965-2981 and 2995-3021) (2012).
- GIAPPICHELLI publishing house, sixth chapter of the fourth part, entitled “Il casellario giudiziario” of the collective volume entitled “Spazio europeo di giustizia e procedimento penale italiano”, edited by L. Kalb (pp. 835-849) (2012).
- GIAPPICHELLI publishing house, heading “Casellario giudiziale”, in the Criminal Procedure Digest, edited by Scalfati (pp. 1-12) (2012).
- WOLTERS KLUWER publishing house, comments on articles 671-676 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which are part of the volume entitled “Atti processuali penali. Patologie, sanzioni, rimedi”, edited by Spangher (pp. 3601-3615) (2013).
- TRECCANI online Law entry, heading “Esecuzione delle sanzioni amministrative dipendenti da reato” (pp. 1-10) (2014).
- Journal entitled Criminal Law and Procedure no. 8 of 2014, “Un intervento delle Sezioni Unite in materia di dichiarazioni spontanee” (pp. 955-960) (2014).
- UTET publishing house, chapter II entitled “Il promovimento dell’esecuzione: organi e modalità”, which is part of vol. IV of the Treaty “Procedura penale, Teoria e pratica del processo”, edited by Spangher-Marandola-Garuti-Kalb (pp. 553-601) (2015).
- www., 19th November 2015, “Esigenze difensive dell’ente e formalità della sua partecipazione al procedimento” (pp. 1-10) (2015).
- CEDAM publishing house, “Prova e giudizio di fatto nel processo penale a carico degli enti. Il difficile equilibrio tra difesa e prevenzione”, part of the series entitled “Problemi attuali della giustizia penale” edited by Giarda-Spangher-Tonini (pp. 1-341) (2016).
- TRECCANI online Law entry, heading “Riabilitazione” (pp. 1-10) (2016).
- GIUFFRÈ publishing house, chapter 8 entitled “Il d.lgs. 15 febbraio 2016, n. 37: il reciproco riconoscimento delle sanzioni pecuniarie. La reductio ad unum dei modelli esecutivi delle decisioni”, part of the volume entitled “Il Penalista” in the series edited by Bene-Marandola entitled “Cooperazione giudiziaria internazionale” (pp. 87-95) (2016).
- Journal entitled Criminal Law and Procedure no. 8 of 2016, entitled “Reciproco riconoscimento e “misure alternative” alla detenzione cautelare” (pp. 1015-1023) (2016);
- GIAPPICHELLI publishing house, chapter XI entitled “Ordine europeo di indagine penale e garanzie della difesa. Brevi osservazioni a margine della direttiva 2014/41/UE” which is part of the volume edited by Bene-Lupária-Marafioti entitled “L’ordine europeo di indagine. Criticità e prospettive” (pp. 219-236) (2016).
- GIUFFRÈ publishing house, “Procedimento di prevenzione e responsabilità da reato dell’ente: un equilibrio precario”, in “La giustizia penale preventiva. Ricordando Giovanni Conso” (various authors) (pp. 315-317) (2016).
- GIAPPICHELLI publishing house, “Confische, tutela dei terzi e rimedi”, part of the volume edited by prof. G. Spangher entitled “La vittima del processo. I danni da attività processuale penale” (Project of Notable National Interest 2012) (pp. 303-311) (2017).
- CEDAM publishing house, chapter VI entitled “Confisca e tutela del terzo in buona fede: limiti e prospettive”, part of the volume entitled “Danni da attività giudiziaria penale in executivis. Cause e rimedi” edited by Kalb (pp. 289-307) (2017).
- Italian Law Journal no. 3 of 2017, “Abrogazione del reato ex Lgs. n. 7/2016 e poteri del giudice dell’esecuzione: vanno confermate le statuizioni civili?” (pp. 772-778) (2017).
- IPSOA publishing house, comments on articles 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675 and 676 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which are part of the annotated Criminal Procedure Code, vol. III, edited by Giarda-Spangher (pp. 190-252) (2017);
- CEDAM publishing house, “La revisione della disciplina del casellario giudiziale”, in “Le recenti riforme in materia penale. Dai decreti di depenalizzazione (d.lgs. n. 7 e 8/2016) alla legge “Orlando” (l. n. 103/2017) e relativi decreti attuativi (3 ottobre 2017)” (various authors), edited by Baccari-Bonzano-La Regina-Mancuso (pp. 627-639) (2017).
- Journal entitled Criminal Procedure and Justice no. 5 of 2017, “La difesa dell’ente sottoposto a procedimento penale” (pp. 942-950) (2017).
- Sapienza University publishing house, in collaboration with prof. Luigi Kalb, “Modifica all’art. 676 c.p.p.”, in “Proposte per l’attuazione della delega penitenziaria” (various authors), edited by Bronzo-Giostra (pp.110) (2017).
- Journal entitled The Floor to the Defence no. 6 of 2017, “I criteri decisori per l’applicazione delle misure patrimoniali” (pp. 677-682) (2017).
- UTET publishing house, Criminological Disciplines Digest, heading “Dichiarazioni spontanee dell’imputato”, X Updating, heading “Dichiarazioni spontanee dell’imputato” (pp. 128-139) (2018).
- GIAPPICHELLI publishing house, "La facoltà del legale rappresentante dell'ente di rendere dichiarazioni spontanee nel corso del processo", Diritti fondamentali e processo all'ente. L'accertamento delle responsabilità d'impresa nella giustizia penale italiana e spagnola" (various authors), edited by Luparia-Marafioti-Paolozzi (pp. 189-198), (2018).
- WOLTERS KLUWER, CEDAM publishing house, comments on articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9 d.lgs. n. 137/2015, which are part of Brief commentary on the antimafia code and other prevention procedures, edited by Spangher-Marandola (pp. 445-458) (2019).
- PACINI GIURIDICA publishing house, "Le modifiche in tema di responsabilità "amministrativa" degli enti derivante da reato", La nuova disciplina dei delitti di corruzione. Profili generali e processuali (L. 9 Gennaio 2019 n.3 c.d. "spazzacorrotti") (various authors) edited by Flora- Marandola (pp. 157-164) (2019).
- WOLTERS KLUWER, IPSOA publishing house, "Commento agli artt. 39,40,41 D.lgs. n. 231/2001", which are part of the book "Compliance Responsabilità da reato degli enti collettivi", edited by Castronuovo, De Simone, Ginevra, Lionzo, Negri, Varraso, Commentari IPSOA series (pp. 924-937) (2019).
- Italian Law Journal no. 6 of 2019, "Illecito amministrativo e reato: un'apparente ipotesi di bis in idem" (pp. 1489-1500) (2019)
- WOLTERS KLUWER, CEDAM publishing house, "Commento a Corte cost. 7 febbraio - 23 marzo 2018, n. 58", Corte Costituzionale e sistema processuale penale. L'elaborazione giurisprudenziale del 2018 (varios authors), edited by Cimadomo D.-Dalia G. (pp 79-103) (2019).
- Italian Law Journal no. 4 of 2020 Novum probatorio e diritto al contraddittorio nel procedimento di appello cautelare” (pp. 953-958) (2020).
- Journal entitled Criminal Law and Procedure no. 5, 2020, “L’appello è una cosa seria” Considerazioni sull’inammissibilità dell’appello per mancanza di specificità dei motivi (pp. 665-677) (2020).
- Journal entitled Criminal Law and Procedure no. 7, 2020, “L’appello è una cosa seria” Considerazioni sull’inammissibilità dell’appello per mancanza di specificità dei motivi (pp. 915-919) (2020).
-, 5th August 2020, “Novità nel catalogo dei reati per la responsabilità degli enti” (pp. 1-2) (2020).
- GIAPPICHELLI publishing house, ninth chapter, entitled “Sequestro probatorio, restituzione e controversie sulla proprietà” of the collective volume entitled “Processo Penale e Processo Civile: Interferenze e Questioni Irrisolte”, edited by L. Lupària, L. Marafiori, G. Paolozzi (pp. 173-188) (2020).
- Journal entitled Criminal Procedure and Justice no. 6 of 2021, “Sanzioni amministrative (sostanzialmente penali) dichiarate costituzionalmente illegittime e flessibilità del giudicato penale. Nota a C. cost., 16 aprile 2021, n. 68” (pp. 1382-1401) (2021).
- Journal entitled Penal Journal no. 11 of 2021, Brevi considerazioni in tema di simultaneus processus nel “Sistema 231” (pp.1012-1022) (2021).
- PACINI GIURIDICA publishing house - Section III entitled "The new rules on notifications" - of Chapter II entitled "Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Implementing Rules", of the collected volume entitled "La Riforma Cartabia Codice penale - Codice di procedura penale - Giustizia riparativa" by G. Spangher (pp. 147-164) (2022).
- GIAPPICHELLI publishing house – Second part entitled "The pretoria opening" of the chapter entitled "The redetermination of the "unconstitutional" penalty", of the collective volume entitled "Penal execution and modifications of the judged", edited by P. Troisi (pp. 217-237) (2023).
- Journal entitled Criminal Law and Procedure no. 1, 2023, Notificazioni e “Riforma Cartabia” (pp. 121–125) (2023).
- IPSOA publishing house - ed. VI - comments on articles 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675 and 676 of the annotated Criminal Procedure Code, edited by Giarda-Spangher (pp. 2500 – 2589) (2023).
- Journal entitled Criminal Procedure and Justice, extraordinary issue of 2023 entitled " Giustizia penale: la disciplina transitoria della c.d. riforma Cartabia” edited by Donatello Cimadomo, contribution entitled “Premessa” (pages 7-9) (2023).
- Journal entitled Criminal Law and Procedure on line, PACINI GIURIDICA, “I software per la ricerca ed elaborazione delle fonti informatiche”, Contribution taken from the report carried out as part of the conference “Per uno statuto dei nuovi mezzi di ricerca della prova di fronte alla società digitale”, held in Rome on 22.9.2023 (pp. 1-5) (2023).