Giuliana CAPRIOLO | Curriculum
Giuliana CAPRIOLO Curriculum
Born in Salerno, she obtained the degree at the University of Salerno with a thesis in Palaeography and Diplomatics; she qualified for a diploma at the Archivio Segreto Vaticano and a diploma in Conservatore di Manoscritti at the Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e bibliotecari of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a dissertation on Latin Paleography; she has a PhD inBibliographic, Archival, Documentary Science and for the Preservation and Restoration of Books and Archival Materials at the University of Udine.She has worked for public institutions and research organizations in fields of archives and libraries. From 1999 to 2009 she has been a Chief Librarian, first at the Libraries in the City of Turin, then at the University of Salerno, where she was in charge of the Projects and of the Special Collections Department, of the Digital Library and of the Institutional Open Access Archives (EleA). Since March 2011 she is Researcher in Paleography. She was Aggregate professor in Archival Science for the academic year 2001-2002, in Exegesis of medieval documents (academic year 2010-2011), in Codicology, in Libraries Management and in Bibliographic Laboratory (academic year 2011-2012). Currently she is Aggregate Professor in Esegesi storico-giuridica del documento medievale for the degree course in Management and Conservation of the Archival and Library Heritage; in Latin Palaeography and in Diplomatics for the degree course in Cultural Heritage; in Latin Palaeography for the degree course in Filology, litteratures and ancient history at the University of Salerno.
She is a member of the scientific board of the series "Notariorum Itinera" and "Schola Salernitana- E-Book", and she is editor of the scientific journal "Schola Salernitana. Annali"; member of the 'Associazione italiana Paleografi e Diplomatisti’ (AIPD), of the ‘Associazione per l'informatica umanistica e la cultura digitale' (AIUCD) and of the Società salernitana di Storia patria’.