
Alfonso CONTE Curriculum

Alfonso Conte was born on 20 of August 1964; in 1983 he took a diploma in classical studies at Liceo "Torquato Tasso" and in 1990 he graduated in Political Sciences with full marks and honours at the University of Salerno with a degree thesis in Contemporary History on "Antifascismo e antifascisti a Salerno".
Afterwards, he collaborated as a Scholar of history at the same Chair by deepening the subject of the thesis and publishing various articles about it.
In october 1992, he participated with a communication entitled: "I conti domestici: un'analisi disaggregata" in a Study Congress on "L'economia domestica nell'età contemporanea. Italia ed Europa" taken place in Rome under the support of the Institute Sturzo. From then onwards, he became interested in lifestyle and consumption model of the ruling class and he started to analyse sources and documents concerning the family accounts.
In 1997, he was ammitted at the Doctorate of the University "La Sapienza" of Rome in "Ceti dirigenti e potere pubblico nella storia dell'Italia contemporanea"; three years later, on 7 of February 2001, he successfully passed the exam in order to get the PhD by discussing a thesis on "Lifestyle e ceti dirigenti nell'Italia centro-meridionale tra Ottocento e Novecento".
On 7-8 February 1998 he participated with a report entitled: Un ménage borghese: il caso di Anna L. in a Seminar on : "Le elite italiane prima e dopo l'Unità: formazione e vita civile", at the University of Cassino.
In April 2001, he won a two-years grant given by the Faculty of Political Sciences of Salerno, in order to continue the investigation in historical zone; the research project, regarding: "Beneficenza privata e assistenza pubblica: il sostegno ai meno abbienti tra Otto e Novecento in provincia di Salerno. Dal paternalismo aristocratico della società tradizionale allo "stato sociale" dell'età contemporanea", was finished in April 2003.
On 31 May-1 June 2001, he took part in the Study Congress: "Luigi Cacciatore. Una vita politica a cento anni dalla nascita" at the City Hall of Mercato S. Severino, with a report about "L. Cacciatore e l'antifascismo".
On 13, 14, 15 December 2001 he participated with a report on "Gli eligibili nei comuni della costiera amalfitana" at the Study Congress on: "La Costa d'Amalfi nel secolo XIX. Istituzioni civili e religiose, territorio, società, economia, arte e cultura", taken place in the Center of Amalfitan Culture and History" of Amalfi.
On 15 and 16 November 2001 he presented a report entitled: "Primi segni di mutamento: dalla reazione fascista all'egemonia democristiana" at the Study meeting on "Mercato S. Severino e la sua storia: dall'antica Rota alle trasformazioni moderne" at the City Hall of Mercato S. Severino.
On 20-21 March 2002 he took part with a report on "Società e Cultura" in a Study Congress about: "Storia e storici. Salerno e provincia in età contemporanea" at the University of Salerno.
On 4 of December 2002 he participated with a report entitled: "Immagini e simboli dell'epopea unitaria a Salerno" at the Study Congress on: "Stato, nazione e il «tradimento dei chierici»: gli storici a Salerno e il caso italiano", at the University of Salerno.
On 12-14 December 2004 he participated at the competition for one researcher's chair in Contemporary History at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Salerno; he got it and he has taken service on 3 Jenuary 2005.
From February 2005 he is entrusted with the chair in "History of Southern Italy" at the Faculty of Political Sciences.