

Contributo in Atti di convegno
Analysis of interdependence between teacher formation and didactics implementation of programs teaching of motor and sports activities in elementary school in Italy from D.P.R. of the June 14, 1955 No 503 to today”..
In: Third meeting of Translational scholars for the study of gender and sport URBINO Pag.0-0
Third meeting of Translational scholars for the study of gender and sport
Urbino dal 29 novembre al 1 dicembre 2007
N., Carlomagno; Corona, Felice; Raiola, Gaetano; M., Galdieri; M., DE LUCA; Sgambelluri, Rosa; Sibilio, Maurizio
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Contributo in Atti di convegno
Sport and different ability in Italy.
In: B SZOMBATHELY Berzeny Daniel College Pag.0-0
The 2nd International Christmas Post-graduate School
Szombathely (Ungheria) 12-15 dicembre 2007
Galdieri, M; Carlomagno, N; Sgambelluri, Rosa; Salvia, M; Sibilio, Maurizio
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Contributo in Atti di convegno
Sport e Apprendimento.
In: Atti del convegno PADOVA Edizioni Junior Pag.187-187
7° Congresso Nazionale “Disabilità, trattamento, integrazione”
Padova (Italia) 7-9 giugno 2007
Sibilio, Maurizio; Carlomagno, N; D'Elia, Francesca
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