
Adolfo SENATORE Curriculum

Ph.D. in Tribology, University of Pisa, March 2002.

Since 2002, he was researcher of Mechanics of Machine Systems as well as teacher of subjects in the area of Mechatronics, Dynamics of Machines, Mechanical Vibrations, Industrial Measurements. Associate professor (2014-2021), then Full professor (2021-current) at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Salerno, he has been serving as teacher of Mechanical Vibrations (M.Sc. Mechanical Eng.) and Mechatronics (B.Sc. Mechanical Eng.).

Since 2001 through 2010, he also served as teacher of Mechanics of Machine Systems at Università degli Studi del Sannio, in Benevento, Italy.

Visiting scientist at Technical University of Berlin (D) under a mobility program funded by DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2012).

Visiting professor at Czech Technical University in Prague | ČVUT · Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FS), Department of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics (2024).

Since 2019, Adolfo Senatore is the director of the degree programs in Mechanical Engineering (BSc and MSc), Management Engineering (BSc and MSc), and Smart Industry Engineering (MSc).

Member of the Steering Board of the AIT - Italian Tribology Association

IEEE Senior member

IEEE Robotics and Automation Society member

IEEE Industrial Electronics Society member

Member of IEEE IES Technical Committee on Smart Grids

Member of NanoMates, Research Centre for Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology at University of Salerno

Journal boards

Technical Editor (TE) of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics - ISSN: 1083-4435

Editorial board member of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics – ISSN: 1464-4193

Regional Editor and member of the editorial board of Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering - ISSN: 1874-477X

Editorial board member of Lubricants - ISSN: 2075-4442

Editorial board member of Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation - ISSN: 2163-2405

Editorial board member of Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis - ISSN: 2247-9635

Editorial board member of ISRN Automotive Engineering - ISSN: 2314-6362

Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Automotive tribology" and "Automotive tribology II"- Lubricants, 2018 - 2022

Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Tribology and Machine Learning: New Perspectives and Challenges" - Lubricants, 2024

Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Advanced Modelling and Control of Complex Nonlinear Mechatronic Systems" and "Advanced Modelling and Control of Complex Nonlinear Mechatronic Systems - Volume 2" - Electronics, 2020-2023

Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Tribotronics: When Active Friction Control Faces New Challenges" - Lubricants, 2024

Research Projects and Technology Transfer (TOT) (as Researcher/Main Researcher/Coordinator)

Coordinator and research responsible for the contract “Development of innovative system with high mechanical efficiency for electric power harvesting from sea waves" with Umbra Group/Umbra Cuscinetti SpA, 2017-2018, 12 months.

Coordinator and research responsible for the contract “Elastic models of robots and trajectory planning" with COMAU SpA, 2018, 6 month.

Coordinator and research responsible for the contract together with prof. Sarno from DIIn/Nanomates “Synthesis, chemical characterization and tribological characterization of innovative lubricants" with AxxonOil, 2017-2020, 36 months.

Coordinator and research responsible for the contract “Development of models to estimate the frictional torque in automotive dry-clutch" 11-2007 with Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi del Sannio, in cooperation with Fiat Powertrain Technology (FPT)/Elasis, 10 months.

Coordinator and research responsible for the contract “Theoretical and experimental analysis of physical and tribological properties of linings for synchronizer rings (automotive gearbox)" 9-2012 with Sulzer Friction Systems (Italia) S.r.l., 12 months.

Coordinator and research responsible for the contract “Torque characteristic in dry-clutch for Dual-Clutch Transmissions through theoretical/experimental approaches" 10-2012 with Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi del Sannio, in cooperation with Fiat Powertrain (FP)/FGA on the topic: “TMS controls: gearbox modelling for HIL simulation", 10 months.

Coordinator and research responsible for the contract "TMS - Modelling of clutch transmissibility in dual clutch gearbox" 6-2014 with FGA, EMEA Region, Powertrain Engineering, Controls, Pomigliano Technical Center/Fiat Group Purchasing S.r.l. a s.u. Engineering.

Coordinator and research responsible for the contract "Theoretical and experimental investigations on abrasive phenomena" with Prometeon Tyre Group.

Main researcher of the testing work and vibration measurements for Uniplan Software Srl company on vehicle electronic board, according to IEC 60068-2-6 standard "Environmental testing – Part 2-6; Test Fc: Vibration" - 2013.

Main researcher of the testing work: measurement of static and dynamic friction, wear rate - UMBRA GROUP SpA - Jun-Dec 2019.

Main researcher of the testing work: experimental characterization of tribological behaviour of polymeric materials in innovative actuators - UMBRA GROUP SpA - Dec 2019-Dec 2022.

Coordinator for the Research Unit at Univ. of Salerno for the project "BloW-uP, Balkans Waste to Products: transfer of NoI model to Balkan area: de-siloing new waste-derived raw materials and developing new applications" 2017-2019.

Member of the research team of LubriCAD – National Project "Nanochemistry Solutions in Technical Lubricants Additive Improvements“, 2020, with Univ. Banja Luka.

Patent inventor with Francesco Vasca, Claudio Cervone, Gennaro Pica of "Assessment and compensation of thermal and sliding speed influence on actuated dry clutches with position control” property of Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A..

Peer reviews and conferences

He has been serving as reviewer for:
Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering
International Journal of Vehicle Design
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
ASME – Transactions on Tribology
IMechE Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology
Tribology International
Tribology Letters
ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics
Control Engineering Practice
Lubrication Science
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Tribology in Industry
ISRN Automotive Engineering
Advances in Life Sciences
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

He has been also reviewer for 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, ECC 2009 European Control Conference, ACC American Control Conference 2008, ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA2014, ECOSM12 IFAC Conferences & Symposia, Joint 2013 SSSC, Wear of Materials 2015.

Track co-organizer for World Tribology Congress 2013 – Turin, session “Lubricants and additives” (Sept. 2013).

Member of the organising committee of 3rd AIMETA International Tribology Conference “AITC 2002”, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, September 18-20, 2002

Track co-organizer of the topic "Lubricant and additives" at World Tribology Congress 2013, Turin, Italy.

Session Co-Organizer about the topic "Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Technologies" in Advanced Automotive Technologies at ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, CA.

Co-organizer of the topic session(s) "Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Technologies" in Advanced Automotive Technologies at ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, CA (Nov. 2013).

Chairman of technical sessions at: RaDMI 2003 Herceg Novi, Ecotrib 2009 Pisa, ECT 2010 Valencia, RaDMI 2011 Sokobanja, WTC 2013 Torino, Mechatronics 2014 Karlstad, Ecotrib 2017 Ljubljana, ICMT2017 Ho Chi Minh City, ICMT2018 Seogwipo, Ecotrib 2019 Vienna, ICMT2019 Salerno, ICMT2022 Kaohsiung, Ecotrib 2023 Bari, 5th ITS-IFToMM 2024 Salerno, ICMT2024 Kanazawa.

Book reviewer for “Strumenti e metodi di misura” Italian edition of “Meaurement Systems: Application and Design” E. O. Doebelin, The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008, ISBN 978-88-386-6435-9.

Committees member of: Dipre 2007, Dipre 2009, RaDMI 2003-2018, ICEGD 2005, 13rd International Conference on Tribology - Rotrib 2016, Galati; 22nd International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - Hervex 2016, Baile Govora; Automotive and Vehicle Technologies Conf. - Avtech 2016, Istanbul. International Conference on Mechatronics Technology ICMT 2016 - Dalian, Ecotrib 2017 Ljubljana, ICMT 2017 Ho Chi Minh City, ICMT 2018 Jeju Island, Ecotrib 2019 Vienna, MSM 2020 Bialystok, ICMT 2021 Singapore, RobotForum 2022 Budapest, ICMT 2022 Kaohsiung, Serbiatrib 2023 Kragujevac, Ecotrib 2023 Bari, ICMAT 2023 Wuhan, ICMT 2023 Busan, Rotrib 2024 Bucharest, ICMT 2024 Kanazawa, VII Kongres Ekspertow Samochodowych (Automotive experts) 2024 Wroclaw, Ecotrib 2025 Zurich.

Organizing committee coordinator of 5th edition of the Workshop "Tribologia e Industria" biannual event of Associazione Italiana di Tribologia, April 2016, Univ. Salerno

Co-organizer with prof. Giuseppe Carbone from Politecnico di Bari of the 2nd Summer school in Tribology of Associazione Italiana di Tribologia, August 2017, Fruscione Palace, Salerno

General Co-Chair of 23rd International Conference on Mechatronics Technology ICMT 2019 - Salerno, October 23rd-26th 2019.

Co-chair of the 5th International Tribology Symposium - IFToMM 2024 Salerno.

Track chair of "Transportation Electrification and Automotive Technologies" IEEE IES IECON 2020 Singapore.

Speaker in keynote talks at the following conferences: ICMT 2018 Jeju (South Korea), Balttrib 2022 Kaunas (Lithuania), ICMAT 2022 Wuhan (PRC), ICMT 2023 Busan (South Korea).

Co-organizer with prof. Giuseppe Carbone from Politecnico di Bari and with the support from RubiconEX S.r.l. of the 8th edition of the Workshop "Tribologia e Industria" biannual event of Associazione Italiana di Tribologia, June 2022, Polo di Meccatronica in Rovereto (TN).

Organizer of the 4th Summer school in Tribology of Associazione Italiana di Tribologia, September 2023, University of Salerno.

Organizing committee coordinator of 9th edition of the Workshop "Tribologia e Industria" biannual event of Associazione Italiana di Tribologia, May 2024, University of Salerno.

Co-Chair of the 5th International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM, May 2024, University of Salerno.

Awards from papers

- Wear/Elsevier in recognition of the contribution to the quality of the journal made by: "Tribological studies of rhenium doped fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles in boundary, mixed and elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication conditions" Yadgarov, V. Petrone, R. Rosentsveig, Y. Feldman, R. Tenne, A. Senatore; as one of the 5 most highly cited papers published in Wear (2014-2016);

- Best Paper Award "Tyre-road adherence conditions estimation for intelligent vehicle safety applications" M. Sharifzadeh, F. Timpone, A. Farnam, A. Senatore, A. Akbari; IFIT 2016 1st Int. Conference of IFToMM Italy, December 2016.

- Best Paper Award "Launch maneuver in Hybrid Vehicle: Electric Motor assistance to limit Temperature Rise in Automated Dry Clutch" M. Pisaturo, A. Senatore, 21st International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2017), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, October 2017.

- Best Paper Award "Estimation of dry clutch torque in automated manual transmission: vehicle test and real-time algorithm" A. Senatore, M. Sharifzadeh, M. Pisaturo, T. Q. Dinh, 22nd International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2018), Seogwipo, South Korea, October 2018.

- Best Paper Award "Intelligent control strategy for electric motor management to improve dry-clutch performance in mild-hybrid vehicles" M. Pisaturo, A. Senatore, 23rd International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2019), Salerno, Italy, October 2019.

- Lubrication Science in recognition of the Top Cited Article 2021-2022 "A review on potentials and challenges of nanolubricants as promising lubricants for electric vehicles", February 2023.

- Best Paper Award "Sliding Mode Control design for EOD robot manipulator and multiphysic analysis" A. Senatore, G. Ventura. 26th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2023), Busan, South Korea, October 2023.

Researcher with Nanomates Centre in the following projects:

AddNano “The Development and scale-up of innovative nanotechnology-based processes into the value chain of the lubricants market” NMP-2008-1.2.1 – Pilot lines to introduce nanotechnology based processes into the value chain of existing industries. Contract: FP7-NMP-2008-LARGE-2 Project No. 229284.

NanoGrease “Enhancing Lubricating Greases with Nano-sized Inorganic based Additives”, funded by Foreign Affairs Italian Ministry in the framework of Italy-Israel scientific cooperation.

PON 01_01750 - “Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013” Regioni Convergenza “Advanced components to reduce drag resistance" funded by Ministry of Education, Universities and Research/MIUR

PON MiSE Horizon 2020 - PON 2014/2020 "Introduzione di nanotecnologie e materiali avanzati nel settore industriale delle trasmissioni meccaniche di potenza e, in particolare, dei lubrificanti per gli ingranaggi" with Rilub S.p.A. 2017-2020

MIUR "PRIN" Projects:

1999: Optimization of the design of labirinth seal for rotating machinery

2002: Design and manufacturing of innovative lubricated bearings based on piezoelectric actuators

2003: New methods for the analysis of mechanical losses in lubricated tribopairs of internal combustion engines and reciprocating machines

Projects at University of Salerno (local funding scheme) "FARB" as researcher or coordinator.

Research fields: friction modelling in dry and wet contacts, control of mechanical systems and mechatronics, testing methodologies of frictional materials in automotive and industrial environments.
He has been author of around 250 papers among journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters.

University of Salerno
Member of the Administration Steering Board of the University of Salerno, “Consiglio d’Amministrazione di Ateneo” (Jan 2009-Jan 2013).

Member of the Ph.D. degree program committee in Industrial Engineering (2017-2019 and from 2022).

Degree programs committee in Mechanical Engineering and Management Engineering at Univ. of Salerno:
Delegate for internships (2011-2019)
Coordinator for international student mobility in Mechanical Eng. and Management Eng. (2011-2019)
Director of degree programs committee in Mechanical Eng. Management Eng., Smart Industry Eng. (2019-2025)

Signer of the Erasmus Bilateral Agreements with the Institutions:

- Hochschule Landshut, University of Applied Sciences, Landshut (D)

- Escuela Superior de Ingeneria y Diseno Industrial (ETSIDI) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (E)

- Escuela Politecnica Superior (EPS) - Universidad de Cordoba (E)

- Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca (RO)

- Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (RO)

- Universidad de Càdiz (E)

- Universidad de Leon (E)

- Universidad de Huelva (E)

- Universidad de Vigo (E)

- Technical University of Ostrava/VSB - Ostrava (CZ)

- Universidade Beira Interior - Covilhã (P)

- Universidad de Oviedo (E)

- Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice (CZ)

- SIGMA Clermont - Aubiere (F)

- Politechnika Radomska - Radom (PL)

Adolfo Senatore is also the tutor for the outgoing and incoming students to/from the listed foreign Institutions.
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAO-3685-2020