Laura DE MARTINO | Curriculum
Laura DE MARTINO Curriculum
Current Academic Position
Associated Professor, Scientific Disciplinary Sector BIO/15 (Pharmaceutical Biology), Department of Pharmacy, State University of Salerno
Eligible for Full Professor Position in the Field 05/A1 – Botany, from June 5, 2023, to June 5, 2034
Post-degree School Hospital Pharmacy, achieved on 25.07.2008, State University of Salerno Final mark: magna cum laude.
Thesis: “Attivita’ Biologiche di Oli Essenziali da Labiatae”
PhD in Biochemical and Patology of drug action, achieved on 23.02.07, State University of Salerno
Thesis: “Studio di attività biologica di piante usate nella medicina tradizionale”
Pharmacy degree, achieved on 15.10.2001, Faculty of Pharmacy, State University of Salerno
Final mark:magna cum laude.
Thesis: "Attività biologica di estratti e metaboliti dell'albero del paradiso".
Year 2007-2009: Postdoctoral position at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, State University of Salerno
Year 2002-2006: PhD student in Biochemical and Patology of drug action with a project titled “Studio di attività biologica di piante usate nella medicina tradizionale”
Professional Work Experience
From 1-06-2020 until now: Associated Professor, SSD BIO15/Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmacy Department, State University of Salerno
From 16-11-2013 until now: Confirmed University Researcher, SSD BIO15/Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmacy Department, State University of Salerno
From 1-11-2010: Unconfirmed University Researcher, SSD BIO15/Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmacy Department, State University of Salerno
11-2009: Scientific collaboration as “Food Expert” within the initiative “Verso i consumi consapevoli” in the frame of the project “Bandi di Idee “Intese solidali 2008””
From 1-11-2007 to 31-10-2009: Postdoctoral position, SSD BIO15/Pharmaceutical Biology at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, State University of Salerno, with a project titled “Studio di metaboliti vegetali a potenziale attività antiproliferativa e citotossica”.
Year 2007: Responsible of the Course of Medicinal Botany, in the frame of the project “Percorsi di formazione a distanza “E-learning”’’, Faculty of Pharmacy, State University of Salerno
Year 2007: Responsible of the course "I controlli di qualità", in the frame of the professional course "Piante officinali e nuove prospettive di sviluppo", SCHOLA 2 project, Faculty of Pharmacy, State University of Salerno
From 1-05-2002 to 31-08-2002: Scientific collaboration with Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, State University of Salerno, in the frame of the project " Studio e valorizzazione del patrimonio di specie alimentari ed aromatiche del comprensorio della Comunità Montana Valle dell'Irno".
From 03-2000 to 10-2001: Student at the phytochemistry laboratory of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, State University of Salerno, to carry out a research project (thesis): "Attività biologica di estratti e metaboliti dell'albero del paradiso".
Scientific Publications
Twelve partecipations as a speaker at Congresses, Conferences, Symposia.
Nintyfive publications on international and national scientific journals.
Four chapter of books
Sixty abstracts of National and international Symposia
“Analytical methods against the counterfeiting of herbal drugs”, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Tecnology Magistral Course, from academic year 2024-2025
“Herbal Products”, Herbal Techniques, Three-Year Degree Course, from academic year 2023-2024
“Phytotherapy”, Herbal Techniques, Three-Year Degree Course, from academic year 2020-2021 to academic year 2022-2023
“Vegetal Biology”, Herbal Techniques, Three-Year Degree Course, from academic year 2020-2021 to academic year 2021-2022
“Pharmaceutical Botany”, Pharmacy Magistral Course from academic year 2014-2015 to academic year 2023-2024
“Quality Control in natural preparations”, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Tecnology Magistral Course, from academic year 2011-2012 to academic year 2013-2014
Editorial Activity
Guest Editor of:
IJMS (SI: Effective Mechanisms of Plant Bioactive Essential Fats and Oils)
Molecules (SI: Biological Activities of Medicinal Plants)
Molecules (SI: Essential Oils 2021)
Plants (SI: Plant Essential Oil with Biological Activity)
Molecules (SI: Essential Oils II)
Molecules (SI: Essential Oils: Extraction, Separation and Biological Activities)
Molecules (SI: Essential Oils in Human Health)
Molecules (SI: Natural Products as New Antiviral/Antiparasitic/Antibacterial/Antimicrobial Treatment Options)
Molecules (SI: Essential Oils—Third Edition)
Topic Editor of:
Biological Activity of Plant Extracts
Member of Editorial boards of:
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Frontiers in Microbiology
Referee for the following journals:
- Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials
- Arabian Journal of Chemistry
- BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Central European Journal of Biology
- European Journal of Medicinal Plants
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature
- Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants
- Journal of Essential Oil Research
- Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
- Molecules
- Natural Product Research
- Nutrients
- Records of Natural Products Essential Oils
- Plant Biosystems