
Marco SORRENTINO Curriculum

Received the Master degree "summa cum laude" in 2002 and the Ph.D. in 2006, both in Mechanical Engineering at University of Salerno (UNISA). Currently serves as associate professor of energy conversion systems at the department of industrial engineering (DIIn-UNISA), where he previously worked as assistant professor (2010-2019). In April 2017, obtained the Italian national scientific qualifications as Full Professor in the sector 09/C1- Fluid Machinery, energy systems and power generation (2016-2018 call, I quarter). In 2016 obtained the HDR (habilitation a diriger des recherches) from the University of Franche-Comté (Belfort, France). From December 2014 until March 2015 was an invited visiting professor at the FEMTO-ST/FCLAB research center (University of Franche-Comté, Belfort, France). From September 2003 to November 2004 he was a visiting scholar at Center for Automotive Research (CAR) of the Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus (OH, USA). His main research interests focus on innovative propulsion, energy conversion and storage systems and energy management. Within these broad themes, he performs specific research activities on solid oxide (SOFC) and proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, destined to both transportation and stationary generation applications, and hybrid vehicles. His research skills relate mainly to control and diagnostics, as well as model-based design. The research activities have been supported by both private and public entities, such as the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the European Union, TIM, INWIT, Electricité de France, FIAT group.


His research has resulted in over 159 technical articles, published in relevant international journals, book chapters and conference proceedings, one book and two international patents. The research activity has been funded by several public and industrial entities, e.g., the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR), the European Union, Telecom Italia, INWIT, EDF, Fiat group and Magneti Marelli. He attended as a speaker several conferences and workshops organized by the publisher Elsevier and by relevant international engineering associations, including the society of automotive engineers (SAE), the American society of mechanical engineers (ASME), the international federation of automatic control (IFAC), and the institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE). He is a Senior Member of IEEE (since 2013) and an ASME (since 2006) and SAE (since 2009) Member.


Teaches courses on Energy Conversion Systems, Hydrogen, Renewable Power Plants, Fuel Cells, Hybrid Vehicles and Modeling of Energy and Propulsion Systems. He supervises/supervised 4 Ph.D. theses in the mechanical engineering area, including one co-sponsored by University of Salerno and University of Franche-Comté (France). He has been advisor of several Master and Bachelor theses in Mechanical and Management Engineering. Delegate of the Director for the organization of English courses aimed to DIIn students, he is member of the quality and studies programs committees for the bachelor and master degrees in Mechanical and Management Engineering. In 2008, he was held courses for the Italian IFTS and ITS programs. He lectured on i) "Model-Based Diagnosis for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells" at the "First Joint European Summer School on Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology" (Viterbo, September 1st 2011) and ii) “Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Management – from Offline Optimization to Real Time Control” at the International Ph.D. Summer School – Electric and Fuel cell systems for transport, UTBM – Belfort (France), 6-9 July 2015.


  • Coordinates/has coordinated industry funded researches with TIM-Telecom Italia, INWIT and Electricité de France (France).
  • EU-funded projects: Marco Sorrentino coordinates the UNISA teams, which focus on the integration of fuel cell systems on board aircrafts, involved in the following projects: NEUMANN (“Novel Energy and propUlsion systeMs for Air dominance”, EDF, project Coordinator: GE AVIO) and HECATE (“Hybrid ElectriC regional Aircraft distribution TEchnologies”, CAJU, project coordinator: COLLINS AEROSPACE IRELAND). Coordinated the workpackage "WP4 - Monitoring and Diagnosis" within the FP7-JTI funded project DIAMOND (Diagnosis-aided control for SOFC power systems). Coordinated the workpackage "WP4 - Diagnosis algorithm development" within the FP7-JTI funded project DCODE (DC/DC COnverter-based Diagnostics for PEM systems). Coordinated the worktask "WT2.3 - Scaling-up process applied on stacks data to be extended on FC systems" within the Horizon2020 funded project HEALTH-CODE (Real operation pem fuel cells HEALTH-state monitoring and diagnosis based on dc-dc COnverter embeddeD Eis). Coordinated the worktask "WT4.4 – Fault mitigation" within the Horizon2020 funded project INSIGHT (ImplementatioN in real SOFC Systems of monItoring and diaGnostic tools using signal analysis to increase tHeir lifeTime). Participated as UNISA team member the FP7-JTI projects GENIUS (GEneric diagNosis InstrUment for SOFC Systems) and DeSign (Degradation Signatures identification for stack operation diagnostics).
  • He worked on the definition of the Municipality Energy Plan and the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP, 2012) for the city of Salerno.


He is Senior Associate Editor of the journals SAE International Journal of Electrified Vehicles and Associate Editor of Elsevier e-Prime Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy; sits on the Editorial board of the ISI Journal “Applied Energy”. Energies editorial board member. Guest-editor of the special issues: “Design and optimization of future cleaner vehicles of better fuel economy”, Applied Energy; “Renewables-Based Microgrids”, Energies; “Clean Energy for Vehicle Application”, International Journal of Powertrains. He acted as an expert evaluator of EU- and MIUR-funded projects. He was appointed as VQR11-14 referee by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems. Associate Editor for the ECC’13, ECC’14 and 2014 and 2017 IFAC World Conferences. Since 2008 he has been regularly appointed as reviewer by relevant international ISI journals, including Applied Energy, Journal of Power Sources, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Journal of Energy Storage Control Engineering Practice, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ASME Transactions Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Journal of Automobile Engineering, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Furthermore, since 2005 he has been regularly appointed as associate editor and reviewer of papers submitted to international conferences organized by IFAC, SAE, ASME, IEEE and EUCA (European control association). In 2012 was involved as referee of a Springer book proposal dealing with fuel cells. Since 2010, he has been appointed as external examiner and committee member of Ph.D. theses developed at Italian and foreign universities.


He is working group member of the European association HER (Hydrogen Europe Research, now Clean Hydrogen for Europe), in the Roadmaps “11-Trucks&Vans” and “13-Aviation”. Furthermore, he is member of the IFAC Technical Committee on "Automotive Control". Scientific committee member of the Archimede Energy Saving ideas competition, promoted by TIM-Telecom Italia. Session chairman at: 22nd IFAC World Congress, (Yokohama, Japan); Engine and power control, simulation and modeling - ECOSM 2021 (Tokyo, virtual); Efficiency, Cost, Optimization and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2021 (Taormina, Italia); SAE 14th & 15th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles - ICE2019&2021 (Capri); 8th & 9th IFAC international symposium on advances in automotive control, AAC16&19 (Kolmarden&Orleans); REM2018, conference on Renewable Energy Integration with Mini/Microgrid (Rhodes, Greece). ITC/IPC member of: “ICAE 2018&2019, International Conference on Applied Energy (Hong Kong&Vasteras)”; “CUE 2018, Low carbon cities and urban energy systems (Shanghai, Cina)”; “ICREGA’16, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy-Generation and Applications (Belfort, France)”; “ECOSM’15 IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling (Columbus, OH-USA)”; IFAC World Congress (since 2014); “2013 European Control Conference (ECC13, Zurich, Switzerland)”; “2013 IFAC Workshop on Advances in Control and Automation Theory for Transportation Applications (Istanbul, Turkey)”. He was national committee member for the international conference "1st IFAC symposium on Advances in Automotive Control", held in Salerno on April 19-23 2004, and also worked in the organizing committee of the national congress "62° Congresso nazionale dell'Associazione Termotecnica Italiana (ATI)", held in Salerno on September 11-14 2007.


He gave invited talks on his main research activities at: the School of Electrical engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University (Xi’an, China, October 24th 2019); the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) (Wuhan, China, October 17th 2019); the Clean Energy Automotive Engineering Center of Tongji University (Shanghai, China, September 24th and 28th 2015); the FEMTO-ST/FCLAB research center (Belfort, France, February the 12th 2015); the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry - Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China, July 4th 2012); the Center for Automotive Research CAR-OSU (April 21st 2008), and the Ecomondo-Key-Energy event (Rimini, Italy, November 10th 2007).


  • UNISA coordinator of the international framework agreement with the Ontario Tech University (Oshawa, Canada).
  • UNISA coordinator of the international framework agreement with the Clean Energy Automotive Engineering Center of Tongji University (Shanghai, China).
  • UNISA contact professor of the Erasmus traineeship agreement with the FEMTO-ST research center (University of Bourgogne-Franche Comté, Belfort, France).
  • UNISA contact professor of the Erasmus study&traineeship agreements with: Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany); INSA Strasbourg (France); European Turbine Network (Bruxelles, Belgium).


  • In 2019, he was awarded the “Applied Energy 2018 Outstanding ICAE paper” for the paper “Advancements on scaling-up simulation of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells impedance through Buckingham Pi theorem, Applied Energy, volume 249 (Vasteras, Sweden, August 14th 2019).
  • He was awarded (for more years in a row) the “Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing” for the ISI journals: Applied Energy, Journal of Power Sources, Energy, Renewable Energy and International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
  • Best Paper Award from the Powertrain division at the AVEC '04 Symposium on Advance Vehicle Control Technologies, held at the HAN - University, Arnhem, The Netherlands, August 23-27 2004.
  • In 2010, he was awarded the "Energy and Mobility Prize" by the technical committee of the conference "H2Roma 2010" (Rome, November 9th).
  • First place winner of "Innovative automotive engineering theses 2002 awards", May, 10th, 2002, Automobile Club Salerno (Italy).
  • Was awarded the special mention in the Eugenio ideas competition, organized by the Campania region, in the area "Accessibility and Alternative Mobility", Naples, December 15th
  • Received the special mention for the environmental impact of the Hysolarkit ( project at the 6th Best Practices Prize, organized by Confindustria Salerno (Salerno, June 29th, 2012).
  • The Hysolarkit project was selected as one of the first 10 best spin-off proposals (out of 65 proposed in the entire southern Italy region) within the national competition "Il Talento delle Idee (The Talent of Ideas)", jointly organized by UniCredit and the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria (Napoli, June 1st 2012).
  • His article "A Multilevel Approach to the Energy Management of an Automotive Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell System" was listed 2nd among the January 2010 "TOP 10 Most Downloaded" of Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology.
  • His article "Modeling and Analysis of Transient Behavior of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles" was listed 3rd among the October 2007 "TOP 10 Most Downloaded" of Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology.
  • His article "Control Oriented Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Auxiliary Power Unit for Transportation Applications" was listed 4th among the February 2011 "TOP 10 Most Downloaded" of Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology.
  • His article "Analysis of a rule-based control strategy for on-board energy management of series hybrid vehicles" was included in the OCT-DEC 2011 "TOP 25 Hottest Articles" list of the Journal "Control Engineering Practice".
  • His article "Analysis of a rule-based control strategy for on-board energy management of series hybrid vehicles" was included in the JAN-MAR 2012 "TOP 25 Hottest Articles" list of the Journal "Control Engineering Practice".
  • His article “A Procedure to Enhance Identification of Recurrent Neural Networks for Simulating Air-Fuel Ratio Dynamics in SI Engines” was included in the JAN-MAR 2006 “TOP 25 Hottest Articles” list of the Journal “Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence”.
  • His article “A Review on solid oxide fuel cell models” was included in the APR-JUN 2011 “TOP 25 Hottest Articles” list of Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

Marco Citation overview is available on Scopus or Google scholar.