Marco SORRENTINO | Research Awards
Marco SORRENTINO Research Awards
Most visited (Top 25 Hottest Articles) article
Most visited (Top 25 Hottest Articles) article Most visited (Top 25 Hottest Articles) article "Strategic design and operational management optimization of a multi stage physical distribution system" Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Manzini, R.; Bindi, F. | |
Elsevier - Paesi Bassi | |
2011 | |
Nel periodo ottobre-dicembre 2011 l’articolo “Analysis of a rule-based control strategy for on-board energy management of series hybrid vehicles” è stato incluso nella lista “TOP 25 Hottest Articles”della rivista Control Engineering Practice. |
TOP 25 hottest articles, journal of hydrogen energy
TOP 25 hottest articles, journal of hydrogen energy TOP 25 hottest articles, Journal of Hydrogen Energy | |
Elsevier - Italia | |
2011 | |
Nel periodo aprile-giugno 2011 l’articolo “A Review on solid oxide fuel cell models” è stato incluso nella lista “TOP 25 Hottest Articles” della rivista International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. |
TOP 10 Most donwloaded articles, ASME
TOP 10 Most donwloaded articles, ASME TOP 10 Most donwloaded articles, ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology | |
ASME - Italia | |
2011 | |
Nel febbraio 2011 l’articolo “Control Oriented Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Auxiliary Power Unit for Transportation Applications” si è classificato quarto nella lista dei “TOP 10 Most Downloaded” della rivista Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology. |
Fonte dati IRIS-RM