
Pierpaolo CARLONE Curriculum

prof. Pierpaolo Carlone graduated with honor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Salerno and qualified as Engineer in 2003. He received hid PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2007. In 2006 he conducted his research activities at the Center for Automotive Research of the Ohio State University (USA).

He is Professor in Manufacturing Technologies and Systems (09/B1) since 2020 at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Salerno (formerly Associate and Assistant Professor in the same Dept). He is member and delegate to mobility of the Didactic Council in Mechanical and Management Engineering as well as member of the Doctoral Council in Industrial Engineering.

He is lecturer for several subjects in the area of Manufacturing Technologies and Systems and supervisor of numerous thesis work. He is lecturer for courses and seminars for prestigious foreign Universities and Research Centers and invited speaker in international conferences.

prof. Carlone is a member of: AITeM, ESAFORM (Board of Director member since 2014), ASM-International (Trustee since 2022). He is member of the Research Advisory Committee of the Marathwada Institute of Technology (India), since 2016 and Collaborative Member of the Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation of the University of Aveiro, since 2018.

He is member of the Editorial Boards of the following journals: Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, International Journal of Material Forming, Metals, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials and referee for several highly recognized scientific journals.

He is PI in research projects based on public as well as private funding and author/co-author of more than 130 indexed scientific works (including journal papers, conference proceedings, book and book chapters) focused on composites manufacturing, solid state welding and heat treatments.